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Latest comment: 23 September 2014 by E-123Wario54 in topic LIES
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I believe this info is a copy and paste job.
The text says:
To determine whether or not your item is a special Redd item, please consult the Master Item List. Redd will also sell you items that appear very commonly in Tom Nook's store.

This walkkthrough does not contain a Master Item List, however the walkthrough at does. The text is very similar to the text found in this section.--Minx 12:03, 24 January 2007 (CST)

LIES[edit source]

I sold the painting to Tom Nook immediately after buying it from Crazy Redd. He told me that it was forged and offered me 10 measly bells. Both Blathers and Tom Nook will tell you if it is a fake. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) .

"Some of the paintings are not real, Blathers will tell you if they're fake. In order to avoid fakes, sell your painting to Tom Nook immediately after buying it, then order it from your catalogue." Does that help at all? If you think something is missing, feel free to fill it in. --WarioTalk 00:57, 23 September 2014 (UTC)Reply[reply]