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  • Name: Clive Rosfield
  • Place of Origin: Grand Duchy of Rosaria
  • Height: 183 cm (6'0")
  • Weight: 83.5 kg (184 lbs)
  • Age: 33
  • Gender: Male
  • Fighting Style: Dominant
  • First Appearance: Final Fantasy XVI (origin series), Tekken 8

Moves[edit | edit source]

Tekken 8[edit | edit source]

File:Portrait Tekken8 Clive.png
Heat Engager
Heat Burst (Heat Activation) or R1 button
Flame Bash
Burning Chain
Slash Burst (sidestep)
Scarlet Cyclone (Phoenix Shift)
Heat Smash
Infernal Flames
of Rebirth
(Heat) or R1 button
Rage Art
Hellfire (Rage) or R2 button
Power Crush