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File:Tekken Steve Fox.png

Moves[edit | edit source]

Tekken 4[edit | edit source]

Tekken 5[edit | edit source]

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection[edit | edit source]

Tekken 6[edit | edit source]

Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion[edit | edit source]

Tekken Tag Tournament 2[edit | edit source]

Double Jab
Lightning Combo
Double Jab Body Blow
└►To Flicker Stance
Left Right
Jab Body Blow
└►To Flicker Stance
Left Right Left
├►To Peekaboo Stance
├►To Flicker Stance
British Edge I
British Edge II
Straight Body
├►To Peekaboo Stance
├► Flicker Stance
Vanguard Rush
Ducking Left
├►Double Stinger
├►Left Body to Flicker Stance
├►Centurion Rush
 └►To Flicker Stance
├►Right Shoulder Rush
  ├►To Peekaboo Stance
  ├►Billy Club
Ducking Right
├►Left Shoulder Rush
 ├►To Peekaboo Stance
 ├►To Uppercut
├►Gut Drill
├►To Peekaboo Stance
├►Cyclone Punch
├►Cyclone Knee Clip
├►Cyclone Left (Right) or
 ├►Double Cyclone Punch
 ├►Double Cyclone Knee Clip
 ├►To Peekaboo Stance
Ducking Body Blow
Ducking Body Blow To Left Hook
├►To Peekaboo Stance
├►To Flicker Stance
Ducking Psyche-Out Body [ ]
Ducking or
├►Fox Hunt
├►Skyscraper (Can TAG)
├►Gatling Gun
Ducking In or
├►Power Fox Hunt (Can TAG)
├►Power Skyscraper (Can TAG)
├►Power Punisher
Gyro Hook To Peekaboo Stance
Gyro Hook
Peekaboo Stance
├►Albion Combination
├►Spite Hook
├►Ten Count
├►Short-Range Uppercut
├►Argos Rush
├►Cross Cut
├►Cutting Elbow (Can TAG)
├►Cobra Weave
 └►Endless Roll ...or...
├►Patella Smash
├►Knuckle Plow
├►Lancaster Combination
 └►To Flicker Stance
├►Swaying Hook
├►Dreadnought Uppercut (Can TAG)
Left Uppercut
Uppercut Cross Combo
Uppercut Psyche-Out Hook [ ]
 └►To Flicker Stance
Uppercut Psyche-Out Body [ ]
Uppercut Psyche-Out Left Right Combo [ ]
Crescent Hook
Sonic Fang
Knee Blaster
Wildman Combo I
Wildman Combo II [ ]
Scorpion Claw [ ]
Knee Clipper
Foot Stomp
└►Right Hook
Quick Hook
├►To Flicker Stance
├►& Straight
 └►To Peekaboo Stance
Frigate Combo
Body Bomb
Swaying or
├►Billy Club
├►Snake Charmer
├►Position Change
Flicker Stance
├►Spitfire Combo
├►Tempest Combo
├►Power Hook Combo
├►Fly Swatter
├►Griffin Throw
├►British Lancer
Cougar Punch
Over The Top
Sky High
Jump-In Foot Stomp
└►Right Hook
Jumping Duck Kick
Beat Down
Rocket Launcher
└►To Flicker Stance
Sliding Low Punch Run more than 3 steps
Wildman (While rising)
Right Uppercut (While rising)
Finishing Blow (While rising)(Can TAG)
Foul Play (Sidestep)
Cheapshot (While enemy is down)
Gut Wrencher or
Brain Pulverizer or
Choker Slam (From Left)or
Throw Down (From Right)or
Schoolyard Bully (From Behind)or
Armlock Throw
Spinning Elbow Drop (Can TAG)
10 Hit Combo
10 Hit Combo I [ ]
10 Hit Combo II [ ]
10 Hit Combo III [ ]

Tekken 3D Prime Edition[edit | edit source]

Tekken 7[edit | edit source]

File:Portrait Tekken7 Steve.png


Tekken 8[edit | edit source]

Heat Engager
Heat Burst (Heat Activation) or R1 button
Sonic Fang
Rocket Launcher
Quick Spin
└►Cyclone Punch
Lion Heart
└►Vigilant Blow
Heat Smash
Bretwalda (Heat) or R1 button
Rage Art
Dear Land of Hope (Rage) or R2 button
Power Crush
Stun Gun