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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 logo
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 logo

Alex[edit | edit source]

The moveset is the same of Roger Jr.

Alisa Bosconovitch[edit | edit source]

Angel[edit | edit source]

Anna Williams[edit | edit source]

Armor King[edit | edit source]

Asuka Kazama[edit | edit source]

Baek Doo San[edit | edit source]

Double Jab
One Two Combo
One Two Flamingo Step or
One Two Butterfly Kicks
One Two Butterfly Needle
One Two Black Widow
One Two Maelstrom
One Two Butterfly Blade (Can TAG)
Right Punch Back Fist
Jab To Flamingo
Butterfly Kicks
Butterfly Kicks To Low Kick
Black Widow
Launching Rocket (Can TAG)
Falling Axe
Spinning Axe Kick
Lightning Halberd
Crushing Flail
Crushing Low Kick
Trident Rush
Feint Trident Rush
Heel Drop to Middle Kick
Heel Drop to Low Kick
Spinning Hook Kick
Left Uppercut & High Kick to Flamingo
Double Claymore
Heel Hunter
Race Hammer
└►Hammer Chase
Siege Mortar
Snake Rocket (Can TAG)
Snake Kick
Baek's Rush
Baek's Rush Low
Axe Kick Combo
Pike Uppercut
└►Sand Storm
Dark Halberd
Dynamite Heel (to cancel)
Stealth Needle
Bolt Cut
├►Wave Kick
├►High Low Kick
├►Flamingo Rocket
├►Crimson Lance
├►Head Crusher
├►Parry (Time with enemy low attack)
├►Jaw Breaker (Can TAG)
Heel Lancer
Family Jewels
Cyclone Launcher
Bone Stinger
Hunting Hawk
Leaping Snap Kick
Trick Butterfly Kicks
Trick Butterfly Needle
Trick Black Widow
Trick Maelstrom
Hopping Double Kick
Rocket Lifter (Can TAG)
Left Heel Drop
Stork Spin
Spinning Backfist
Last Resort
Rocket Launcher (Can TAG)
Killing Blade
Chosan (While rising)
Wave Kick (While rising)
Double High to Low Kick (While rising)
Eliminator (While rising)
Knee Javelin (While rising)
Albatross (While rising)
Javelin (While rising)
Chipping Sweep (Sidestep)
Airborne Trident (Sidestep)(Can TAG)
Reverse Middle Kick (Back to foe)
Hammerhead Throw or
Blue Shark Claw or(Can TAG)
Snake Revenge (From Left) or
Hunting Serpent (From Right) or
Compound Fracture (From Behind) or
Roll and Choke
Human Cannonball
Swordfish Throw
Heel Hunter (Approach Mid-air enemy)
Parry (Time with enemy attack)
10 Hit Combo
10 Hit Combo I
10 Hit Combo II

Bruce Irvin[edit | edit source]

Bryan Fury[edit | edit source]

Christie Monteiro[edit | edit source]

The moveset is the same of Eddy

Combot[edit | edit source]

Craig Marduk[edit | edit source]

Devil Jin[edit | edit source]

Dr. Bosconovitch[edit | edit source]

Eddy Gordo[edit | edit source]

Émilie "Lili" de Rochefort[edit | edit source]

Feng Wei[edit | edit source]

Forest Law[edit | edit source]

Ganryu[edit | edit source]

Heihachi Mishima[edit | edit source]

File:Portrait TTT2 Heihachi.png
Flash Punch Combo
Left Right Combo
Demon Slayer
Demon Executioner [ ]
└►Fake Executioner or
Demon Kicker
Demon Massacre
Demon Lair
Demon Backhand Spin
Quick Executioner [ ]
└►Quick Executioner Feint or
Demon Scissors [ ]
Demon Breath
Ki Charge
Demon Shout [ ]
└►Demon Shout Feint or
Lightning Crush
Right Splits Kick
Chrome Dome
Raijin Stance
 └►Raijin's Wrath
└►Lightning Bolt
Double Palm Strike
Muso Tettsui
Demon's Wings
Hammer Punch
Oni Juji
Lightning Hammer
Funkei Uraken
Funkei Goshoha [ ]
Hooking Crescent Kick
Twin Hammers
└►Twin Hammer Volley
Hell Axle
Wind Slicer
Demon Uppercut
Left Splits Kick
Tenma Destroyer
Deity Slayer
Shadow Step
Dragon Uppercut
Wind God Fist
Electric Wind God Fist +
Jumping Mid Kick
Jumping Low Kick
Spinning Demon
Tsunami Kick
Spinning Demon
Iron Hand
Leaping Side Kick
Quick Iron Fist (while rising)
Dark Thrust (while rising)
Tsunami Kick (while rising)
Crouching Dragon Kick (while crouching)
Kidney Smasher (sidestep)
└►Kidney Crush Combo
Geta Stomp (downed foe)
10 Hit Combo
10 Hit Combo 1
10 Hit Combo 2
10 Hit Combo 3
10 Hit Combo 4
Neck Breaker (or )
Jumping Powerbomb (or )
Guillotine Chop (from left) (or )
Freefall (from right) (or )
Atomic Drop (behind foe) (or )
Fire Starter
Headbutt Carnival
Broken Toy
Heaven's Wrath (time with enemy attack)
(or )

Hwoarang[edit | edit source]

Left Stance Attacks
Home Surgery
One Two Punch
Left Right to Left Flamingo
Left Right to Right Flamingo
Right Jab to Left Flamingo
Right Jab to Right Flamingo
Right Jab Side Kick
Right Jab to Spinning Back Kick
Left Kicks to Left Flamingo
Left Kicks
Left Kicks to Right Hook Kick
Left Kicks to Backslash
Left Kick Combo Low
Left Kick to Right Hook Kick
Flying Eagle [ ]
Right Left Kick Combo
Right Kicks
Right Kicks to Right Stance
Right Kick Combo to Chainsaw Heel
Right Kick Combo to Right Flamingo
Right Kick Combo to Right Stance
Right Kick Combo to Left Stance
Right Kick Combo Low
Right Kick Combo
Motion Switch
Rusty Knife to Right Stance
Left Flamingo Feint
Cheap Shot Snap Kick [ ]
Right Flamingo Feint
Right Hook Kick to Right Flamingo
Right Mid Kick Combo
Push Hands
Side Kick Middle Kick
Side Kick to Right Hook Kick
Side Kick to Backslash
Hook Kick & Front Kick
Body Blow
Overhead Kick
Smash Low & Quick Left Kick Combo
Smash Low Right
Firecracker (Can TAG)
Double Thrust
Triple Thrust
Triple Spin Kick
Sweep Kick
Ankle Biter
├►To Right Flamingo
├►To Crescent Kick
Dynamite Heel ( to cancel)
Bolt Cut
Left Plasma Kick (Can TAG)
Middle Claymore
Jump Kick to Left Flamingo
Scorpion Side Kick to Right Flamingo
Bloody Gullotine
Flashy Trident
Bone Stinger
Hunting Hawk
Air Raid
Spinning Axe Kick to Right Stance
Torpedo Kick
Sky Rocket (Can TAG)
Spinning Scythe to Axe Kick
Flying Nerichagi
Iron Heel (While rising)
Tsunami Kick (While rising)
Eruption to Left Flamingo (Sidestep)
Spinning Trip Kick (Sidestep)
Plasma Blade (Left Stance,back to foe)(Can TAG)
Right Stance Attacks
Motion Switch
Big Fists
Right PK Combo
Chainsaw Kick Combo
Right Reverse Kick Combo
Right Jab Spin Kick
├►To Right Flamingo
├►To Right Stance
Backslash [ ]
└►To Right Flamingo or
Chainsaw Kick
Right Reverse Kick
Right Flamingo Feint
Grand Theft [ ](Can TAG)
Cheap Shot to Left Flamingo
Cheap Shot to Disrespect
Cheap Shot Low Spin
Screw Kick
Right Sidekick
Heel Screw
Blast Fist
Nose Bleeder
Spin Kick
Hunting Heel
Screw Kick
Plasma Blade (Right Stance,back to foe)(Can TAG)
Spinning Scythe to Axe Kick (Right Stance, back to foe)
Spinning Low Kick (Right Stance, back to foe)
Left Flamingo Attacks
Flamingo Switch
Trick Jab
Right Backhand
Flamingo Side Lick to Left Flamingo
Flamingo Kick Combo Middle
Flamingo Side Kick to Right Hook Kick
Flamingo Side Kick to Backslash
Step Kick
Power Blast ( to cancel)
Left Viper Combo
└►To Left Sword (Can TAG)
Fire Storm Left
Snap Kick
Flamingo Low to Right Hook Kick
Cutter Right
Left Flamingo Slicer
Combat Low
Left Thunderbolt
Combat Middle
Flamingo Hunting Hawk
Switch Plasma Blade
Flamingo Flashing Trident
Right Flamingo Attacks
Left Punch
Right Punch
Big Fists
Right PK Combo
Chainsaw Kick Combo
Right Reverse Kick Combo
Right Jab Spin Kick
Step Kick
Right Kick
Fire Storm Right
Right Viper Combo
└►To Right Sword (Can TAG)
Snap Kick
Cutter Left
Cactus Shot
Cactus Cracker
Right Flamingo Slicer
Left Heel Lancer (Can TAG)
Right Thunderbolt
Pickpocket or(Can TAG)
Falcon Dice Kick or
Bring it On (From Left)or
Dead End (From Right)or
Slaughterhouse (From Behind)or
Roll and Choke
Human Cannonball
Door Mat
Jackknife (Right Stance)or
Overhead Kick (Approach Mid-air enemy)
10 Hit Combo
10 Hit Combo I (Left Flamingo)
10 Hit Combo II (Left Flamingo)
10 Hit Combo III (Right Flamingo)
10 Hit Combo IV (Right Flamingo)

Jack-6[edit | edit source]

Jin Kazama[edit | edit source]

Left Right Combo
Left Right Axe Kick
Left Right to Spinning Hook Kick
Kazama 5-Hit Combo
Ni Rengeki Sen
Feint Kick Combo [ ]
Left Jab to Double Low
Double Thrust Roundhouse
Double Thrust Low Trick Kick [ ]
Switch Blade
Kishin Rekko
Spinning Flare Kick [ ]
Median Line Destruction
Right Elbow
Left Roundhouse
Stinger [ ]
Heat Seaker [ ]
Front Thrust Kick
Double Chamber Punch
Mid Left Punch to High Roundhouse Kick
Mid Left Punch to Mid Sidekick [ ]
Left Sidekick to Stinger
Left Sidekick to Stinger Sen
Suigetsu Strike
Corpse Thrust
Knee Popper to Sidekick
Right Sweep
Double Lift Kick (Can TAG)
Savage Sword
Tensho Rafuku
Left Spinning Back Kick
Right Low Roundhouse
Mental Awareness (2)
├►Left Drill Punch
├►Spine Cracker
├►Swaying Willow
├►Leaping Side Kick
├►Right Sweep (2)
├►Joudan Tsukiage Niren (Can TAG)
Shun Mussatsu
Left Knee
Spinning Sidekick
Power Stance
Avenger (to cancel)
Evading Middle Strike
Left Spinning Jump Kick
Front Jump Kick
Demon's Paw
Left Axe Kick
Kazama 6-Hit Combo
Right Axe Kick
Evil Intent
Thrusting Uppercut (Can TAG)
Right Roundhouse Punch
Lunging Low Roundhouse Kick (L.L.R.K.)
└►Spinning Flare Kick
Twin Lancer (While rising)
Crouching Uppercut (While rising)(Can TAG)
Bamboo Splitter (While rising)
Black Out (While enemy is down)
Mental Awareness
Double Face Kick or(Can TAG)
Over The Shoulder Reverse or
Shoulder Flip (From Left)or
Over the Limit (From Right)or
Pivoting Hip Throw (From Behind)or
Shun Ren Dan
Tidal Wave
Complicated Wire
Parry or(Time with enemy attack)
10 Hit Combo
10 Hit Combo


Jinpachi Mishima[edit | edit source]

Julia Chang[edit | edit source]

Jun Kazama[edit | edit source]

Kazuya Mishima[edit | edit source]

File:Portrait TTT2 Kazuya.png
Left Right Combo
One Two Combo
Demon Slayer
Twin Fang Stature Smash
Twin Fang Double Kick
Double Back Fist
Agony Spear
Demon Scissors [ ]
Acute Pain
Soul Thrust
Oni Front Kick
Right Splits Kick
Glorious Demon God Fist
Soul Annihilator
Entrails Smash
Slaughter Hook
Slaughter High Kick
Devastator ,
Abolishing Fist
Impaling Knee
Impaling Knee to Uppercut
Impaling Knee Twin Thrust
Tsunami Kick
Nejiri Uraken
Lion Slayer
Sliding Low Kick
Stature Smash
Heel Drop
Sokushitsu Goda
Rampaging Demon
Rising Sun
Lightning Uppercut
Lightning Screw Uppercut
Roundhouse to
Triple Spin Kick
Left Splits Kick
Mist Step
Rising Uppercut
Dragon Uppercut
Spinning Demon
Rising Uppercut
Dragon Uppercut
Dragon Uppercut
to Middle Kick

(or )
Dragon Uppercut to
Spinning Low Kick

(or )
Spinning Demon
Demon God Fist (while rising)
Twin Pistons (while rising)
Tsunami Kick (while rising)
Leaping Side Kick
10 Hit Combo
10 Hit Combo 1
10 Hit Combo 2
10 Hit Combo 3
Double Face Kick
Hip Throw
Steel Petal Drop (from left) or
Skull Smash (from right) or
Neck Throw
(behind foe) or
Reverse Throw (back to foe) or
Ultimate Tackle or
└►Ultimate Punch

King[edit | edit source]

Kuma[edit | edit source]

Kunimitsu[edit | edit source]

Lars Alexandersson[edit | edit source]

Lee Chaolan[edit | edit source]

Lei Wulong[edit | edit source]

Leo Kliesen[edit | edit source]

Ling Xiaoyu[edit | edit source]

Marshall Law[edit | edit source]

Michelle Chang[edit | edit source]

Miguel Caballero Rojo[edit | edit source]

Miharu Hirano[edit | edit source]

Mokujin[edit | edit source]

Nina Williams[edit | edit source]

Ogre[edit | edit source]

Panda[edit | edit source]

Paul Phoenix[edit | edit source]

Left Right Combo
Reverse PDK Combo
Jab Roundhouse
Jab Sweep
Piston Fire
Quick PK Combo
Hammer of the Gods
Shoulder Tackle
Lion's Roar
Body Blow to Sway
Phoenix Wings
The Boot
Hammer Punch
├►To Power Punch
├►Hang Over
Bone Breaker
Demolition Man (during hit)(during hit)
Shoulder Smash
Sweep Kick
Double Strike
Wrecking Ball
Lights Out
Leg Sweep
Hassou Strike
Mortar Punch
Flash Elbow
Phoenix Bone Breaker (during hit)
Bulldozer (Can TAG)
Double Hop Kick High
Triple Kick Combo
Double Hop Kick Low
Neutron Bomb
Burning Spear
Burning Fist
Thruster (Can TAG)
Phoenix Smasher
Mountain Raze
├►God Hammer Punch
├►Rubber Band Attack
├►and Low Kick
Rapid Fire
├►To Phoenix Smasher
├►To Lightning Bolt
Higaku (Can TAG)
Thunder Palm (While rising)(Can TAG)
Shioh (While rising)
Jaw Breaker (Crouching)
├►Gut Buster
├►Stone Breaker (Can TAG)
Incomplete Somersault (1 sec.)
Turn Thruster (Sidestep)
Pump in Pedal (Sidestep)
Down Strike (While enemy is down)
Over the Shoulder or
Shoulder Pop or
Dragon Screw (From Left)or
Fall Away (From Right)or
Reverse Neck Throw (From Behind)or
Piggyback Throw (From Behind)or
Chest Crusher
Twist and Shout
Kongo Blast
Foot Launcher
Push Away (Can TAG)
Ultimate Tackle
├►Ultimate Punch to Arm Breaker
├►Ultimate Punch
├►Ultimate Punishment
├►Arm Breaker
Attack Reversal or(Time with enemy attack)
10 Hit Combo
10 Hit Combo I
10 Hit Combo II
10 Hit Combo III

Prototype Jack[edit | edit source]

Raven[edit | edit source]

Robert "Bob" Richards[edit | edit source]

Roger Jr.[edit | edit source]

Left Right Combo
One Two Body Blow
Left Right Arrow
Left Right Rocket Stance
Jab Uppercut
Spinning Tail Whip [ ] (Can TAG)
Double Spin
├►Castanet Kick
├►Animal Sweep
Castanet Kick
Outback Stomp
Ayer's Rock
Animal Gigaton Punch
Animal Drop Kick
Elbow Slap Combo
Bandicoot Bomb
Tail Flail
Double Tail Flail
Right Cross Kick
Animal Headbutt
Animal Rampage (Can TAG)
Jab Uppercut
Diving Low Punch
Animal Roundhouse
Tail Mopping
Tail Tripper
Animal Kick Rush
Kangaroo Attack
Generation Uppercut
Space Comet
Space Walk
Reverse Bicycle Kick
Spinning Swap Kick
Rocket Stance
├►Road Runner
├►Running Start
├►Wind-Up Hook (Can TAG)
├►Wind-Up Straight
├►Wind-Up Low Kick
├►Wind-Up Middle Kick
├►Rolling Headbutt
├►Wind-Up Hip Press
Bobbin Dance
├►Windmill Punch
├►Galaxy Uppercut
Wind Up Punch
Animal Yo-yo
Elbow Drop
Helicopter Kick
Rising Toe Kick
Capital Punishment
Kangaroo Stomp
Sliding Hook
Konvict Kick
Head First Lunge
Rolling Toe Drop
Animal Uppercut
Animal Smash
Baiame's Spear
Running Exploder
Spinning Uppercut Run more than 3 steps
Stagger Kicks Run more than 3 steps
Boomerang Punch (While rising)
Spring Stomp Kick (While rising)
Charge Stomp Kick (While rising)Hold
Toe Smash (While rising)
Crouching Uppercut (Crouching)
(Can TAG)
Animal Sweep (Sidestep)
Shrimp Kick (Back to foe)
Dingo Kick (Back to foe)
Head Stomp or
Tasmanian Doormat or
Animal Rolling Arm Lock (From Left)or
Animal Face Crusher (From Right) or
Reverse Neck Throw (From Behind)or
Tombstone Pile Driver
Pile Driver
Giant Swing
10 Hit Combo
10 Hit Combo I
10 Hit Combo II

Sebastian[edit | edit source]

Sergei Dragunov[edit | edit source]

Slim Bob[edit | edit source]

The moveset is the same of Bob, only fast and less damage.

Steve Fox[edit | edit source]

Double Jab
Lightning Combo
Double Jab Body Blow
└►To Flicker Stance
Left Right
Jab Body Blow
└►To Flicker Stance
Left Right Left
├►To Peekaboo Stance
├►To Flicker Stance
British Edge I
British Edge II
Straight Body
├►To Peekaboo Stance
├► Flicker Stance
Vanguard Rush
Ducking Left
├►Double Stinger
├►Left Body to Flicker Stance
├►Centurion Rush
 └►To Flicker Stance
├►Right Shoulder Rush
  ├►To Peekaboo Stance
  ├►Billy Club
Ducking Right
├►Left Shoulder Rush
 ├►To Peekaboo Stance
 ├►To Uppercut
├►Gut Drill
├►To Peekaboo Stance
├►Cyclone Punch
├►Cyclone Knee Clip
├►Cyclone Left (Right) or
 ├►Double Cyclone Punch
 ├►Double Cyclone Knee Clip
 ├►To Peekaboo Stance
Ducking Body Blow
Ducking Body Blow To Left Hook
├►To Peekaboo Stance
├►To Flicker Stance
Ducking Psyche-Out Body [ ]
Ducking or
├►Fox Hunt
├►Skyscraper (Can TAG)
├►Gatling Gun
Ducking In or
├►Power Fox Hunt (Can TAG)
├►Power Skyscraper (Can TAG)
├►Power Punisher
Gyro Hook To Peekaboo Stance
Gyro Hook
Peekaboo Stance
├►Albion Combination
├►Spite Hook
├►Ten Count
├►Short-Range Uppercut
├►Argos Rush
├►Cross Cut
├►Cutting Elbow (Can TAG)
├►Cobra Weave
 └►Endless Roll ...or...
├►Patella Smash
├►Knuckle Plow
├►Lancaster Combination
 └►To Flicker Stance
├►Swaying Hook
├►Dreadnought Uppercut (Can TAG)
Left Uppercut
Uppercut Cross Combo
Uppercut Psyche-Out Hook [ ]
 └►To Flicker Stance
Uppercut Psyche-Out Body [ ]
Uppercut Psyche-Out Left Right Combo [ ]
Crescent Hook
Sonic Fang
Knee Blaster
Wildman Combo I
Wildman Combo II [ ]
Scorpion Claw [ ]
Knee Clipper
Foot Stomp
└►Right Hook
Quick Hook
├►To Flicker Stance
├►& Straight
 └►To Peekaboo Stance
Frigate Combo
Body Bomb
Swaying or
├►Billy Club
├►Snake Charmer
├►Position Change
Flicker Stance
├►Spitfire Combo
├►Tempest Combo
├►Power Hook Combo
├►Fly Swatter
├►Griffin Throw
├►British Lancer
Cougar Punch
Over The Top
Sky High
Jump-In Foot Stomp
└►Right Hook
Jumping Duck Kick
Beat Down
Rocket Launcher
└►To Flicker Stance
Sliding Low Punch Run more than 3 steps
Wildman (While rising)
Right Uppercut (While rising)
Finishing Blow (While rising)(Can TAG)
Foul Play (Sidestep)
Cheapshot (While enemy is down)
Gut Wrencher or
Brain Pulverizer or
Choker Slam (From Left)or
Throw Down (From Right)or
Schoolyard Bully (From Behind)or
Armlock Throw
Spinning Elbow Drop (Can TAG)
10 Hit Combo
10 Hit Combo I [ ]
10 Hit Combo II [ ]
10 Hit Combo III [ ]

Tiger Jackson[edit | edit source]

The moveset is the same of Eddy

True Ogre[edit | edit source]

Unknown[edit | edit source]

Violet[edit | edit source]

The moveset is the same of Lee Chaolan

Wang Jinrei[edit | edit source]

Yoshimitsu[edit | edit source]

Zafina[edit | edit source]