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This template is used to display an infobox for objects in The Sims 2 and its expansion packs.

Parameters[edit source]

  • title: the name of the object.
  • image: An image of the object if available with extension. (minus image)
  • price: The price of the object.
  • needs: The object's need rating.
  • needmax: The maximum value for a need that an object. Do not use this parameter if an object can fill a need to the top of the bar.
  • skills: Any skills that the object can boost including hidden skills like pool or dancing.
  • talent: Talent badges that the object boosts.
  • hobby: Any hobby that the object can boost enthusiasm for.
  • type: Type of bed, i.e. single, double, etc.
  • room: Room catagorised by in the sort by room option.
  • collection: Any Maxis-made collections that the object appears in.
  • community: The category the object is found on in community lots.
  • other: any other information.