The first stage is a brawling stage. You will have to cross a wide section of bayou and fight a large number of enemies before you can progress to the second stage. Keep an eye out of any items that your enemies drop, especially meat. The two versions of the game differ quite a bit in the presentation of enemies, so the walkthroughs are detailed separately.
You start off fighting one lone blue fighter. To get an idea of the relative strength of your attacks, it takes 11 punches, or 9 kicks, or 6 jump kicks to defeat this enemy.
Next you'll face another blue fighter, but this time he's accompanied by a much faster red fighter. Back yourself into a corner in order to avoid getting attacked from two different directions.
A red fighter will be joined by two blue fighters. At this point, your health may start to get low. One of the blue fighters is in possession of life-restoring meat. Knock it out of his hands, and attempt to wait until all the enemies are defeated before collecting it. However, if you are reduced to one box in your life meter, pick it up immediately.
As you approach the water, two hawks will fly out to attack you from either side. You can attempt to punch them both out of the air, or simply move vertically out of their way. When you start wading through the water, three crocodiles will start swimming around you. You are not required to fight these crocodiles. They launch out of the water to bite when they are in striking distance. Note that you can punch and jump kick in the water, but you cannot kick. One of the crocodiles is holding meat, but it's not worth the trouble to try an obtain it if you managed to collect the meat after defeating the fighters in the previous section. Once you are back on dry land, one or two more hawks may appear to attack you, depending on how many crocs are still visible on the screen.
Three boulder throwers will appear around you. The first two will carry boulders on to the screen, but the third will already be holding a wooden beam. It's best to knock these weapons out of their hands as quickly as possible before they get a chance to use them against you. While you can pick up the wooden beam and use it as a weapon, you can't do anything with the fallen boulders. If any of the throwers wind up standing over one (and they don't already possess a weapon) they will pick it back up to throw at you.
A single red fighter will challenge you. He is holding a throwing knife. He will run towards you and try to perform a jump kick. Move out of his way as he attacks, and then counter-attack when he's back on the ground. Be careful not to pick up his knife if you would prefer to hang on to the wooden beam.
Note that the distance to the next body of water has been shortened in this version of the game compared to the Japanese version.
Next you will encounter two crocodiles in the water. The bad news is that you must fight and defeat them both in order to advance. The good news is that they both hold items. One has a wooden beam, while the other has meat. Note that even though you may knock the items off the crocs, they will pick them back up when they swim over them. The safest way to deal with them is to stay on dry land and attack the from a safe distance. If you stand below the tree to the left of the pond, you can safely strike the crocodiles as they leap out of the water to attack you without fear of actually getting hurt. If you do get hurt, you may be standing too close, so back up a little bit and try again. Collect the meat after both crocs are defeated (or if you are too close to dying.)
After you reach the land between the two ponds, three scuba men will rise out of the water to attack you. The one on the right will be white, meaning he is wearing a bullet-proof vest. Hit him first a couple of times to knock the vest off of him, and pick it up. Now you will be protected from the bullets fired by the two scuba-men on the left. When you attack the gun-toting scuba men, you will knock the guns out of their hands. When you pick the guns up, you will also acquire six bullets each. Press to toggle between using your gun and putting it away. The bullets indicator will flash when your gun is drawn.
Next up, a heavy man carrying a wooden beam will approach you, while two more scuba men will rise up out of the water. Unlike some of the other enemies, the wooden beam cannot be knocked out of the hand of this enemy, so don't try to collect it. Instead, hit him with jump-kicks, your own wooden beam, or shoot him twice with your gun. After you hit him once, he will move slightly out of the way in order to avoid a second consecutive shot, so make sure you line yourself back up with him before you shoot again. The same is true of the two scuba men.
Another heavy man with a wooden beam will approach, and a scuba diver with a bullet proof vest will rise from the water on the left. Take them out in whichever order you like, but remember to knock the vest off the scuba man before you try to shoot him.
Your final requirement through this stage is to wade through a lake full of crocodiles. You are not required to fight any, and the stage ends as soon as you reach the other side of the water, so don't put your success at risk. Move straight ahead, jump-kicking through the water to avoid getting slowed down, and using the docks as platforms to speed up your progress. Continue walking to the right when you get out to advance to the next stage.
Mad City appears to start things off a little more dramatically by presenting you with three green fighters. However, you can control the pace at which they appear on the screen by stopping every time one arrives, and letting them come to you. Additionally, your attacks go a lot farther in this version of the game: It takes 5 punches, or 3 kicks, or 2 jump-kicks to defeat these enemies.
Moving on, two more green fighters will appear. You should be able to remove them quickly with just two jump kicks. The second fighter, which appears from the left, will possess meat. Pick it up after all enemies are defeated. Note that a third fighter will appear if you defeat the first fighter before the second fighter appears.
As you approach the water, two hawks will fly out to attack you from the right. You can attempt to punch them both out of the air, or simply move vertically out of their way. When you start wading through the water, three crocodiles will start swimming around you. You are not required to fight these crocodiles. They launch out of the water to bite when they are in striking distance. Note that you can punch and jump kick in the water, but you cannot kick. Also note that, unlike in the American version, there are no docks to walk on, only bits of land in the middle of the swamp. This works to your advantage since the crocs have a very difficult time navigating in the bits of water that are present. Once you are back on dry land, one or two more hawks may appear to attack you, depending on how many crocs are still visible on the screen.
A green fighter will appear from the right, and a boulder thrower will appear from the left. He will be carrying a wooden beam, so he won't be able to, or bother to pick up the boulder on the ground until you knock the beam out of his hands. Be sure to pick up the beam once it's available.
You'll next be confronted with two more green fighters. Take them both out with two jump kicks, or two smacks from the wooden beam. Note that a third fighter will appear if you defeat the first fighter before the second fighter appears.
Just as you did two fights ago, you'll face another green fighter and a boulder thrower. This boulder thrower is carrying a wooden beam, and the green fighter is holding on to meat. Knock both items from their hands, and collect the meat before you advance.
Moving on, you'll face two green fighters accompanied by a red fighter. All of these fighters will be carrying throwing knives. The red fighter will be faster and have twice as much health as the green fighters. Be sure to collect the knives that get scattered on the ground and use them against the enemy. They appear to have an endless supply of knives, but will only drop one at a time.
Instead of the two crocs that you are forced to fight in the American version of the game, you will encounter two scuba men in the small pond. The scuba men are no more difficult to defeat than the green fighters. One of them will be holding meat. Be sure to fish it out of the water after both scuba men are defeated.
After you reach the land between the two ponds, three scuba men will rise out of the water to attack you. The one on the right will be white, meaning he is wearing a bullet-proof vest. Hit him first a couple of times to knock the vest off of him, and pick it up. Now you will be protected from the bullets fired by the two scuba-men on the left. When you attack the gun-toting scuba men, you will knock the guns out of their hands. When you pick the guns up, you will also acquire six bullets each. Press to toggle between using your gun and putting it away. Note that unlike the American version, there is no visual indication when your gun is drawn.
Next up, a heavy man carrying a wooden beam will approach you, while two more scuba men will rise up out of the water. Unlike some of the other enemies, the wooden beam cannot be knocked out of the hand of this enemy, so don't try to collect it. Instead, hit him with jump-kicks, your own wooden beam, or shoot him twice with your gun. After you hit him once, he will move slightly out of the way in order to avoid a second consecutive shot, so make sure you line yourself back up with him before you shoot again. The two scuba men can be defeated with only one bullet each.
Another heavy man with a wooden beam will approach, and a scuba diver with a bullet proof vest will rise from the water on the left. Take them out in whichever order you like, but remember to knock the vest off the scuba man before you try to shoot him.
Your final requirement through this stage is to wade through a lake full of crocodiles. Unlike the American version, crocodiles won't launch themselves out of the water until you are actually in the water. You are not required to fight any, and the stage ends as soon as you reach the other side of the water, so don't put your success at risk. Move straight ahead, jump-kicking through the water to avoid getting slowed down. The bits of land get smaller and less obtrusive for the crocodiles as you continue to the right, so be careful when you approach the other side.