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Stage 3 is a small reprisal of the first stage. So small, in fact, that in the original Japanese version, there was only one pair of fighters that you had to defeat before you could challenge the boss. In the American version, they extended this stage quite a bit, but it's still considerably shorter than the first stage.

The Adventures of Bayou Billy[edit | edit source]

  1. When you start this stage, you are greeted by a red fighter who is carrying throwing knives, and a boulder thrower with a wooden beam. Knock the beam out of the boulder thrower's hands and use it to attack the enemies.
  2. After advancing toward some water, you will be attacked by two crocodiles. Both of these crocs have meat on them. Just as you did on the first stage, stand a safe distance from the edge of the water, and let the crocs launch themselves at you, unable to hit you. Bat them with the beam, and you will be able to defeat them without taking any damage. If a croc gets stuck and is unable to strike you, jump in the water to lure it in the opposite direction, and then come back out of the water. After clearing the crocs and collecting the meat, cross the water and hop back on dry land. A hawk or two will attack you from the right.
  3. Two boulder throwers will appear. The first will be bare handed and looking to pick up the boulder on the ground. The second one will have a wooden beam. If you don't already have one, be sure to collect the beam and use it against these two.
  4. Next up is one blue fighter and one red fighter. The red fighter will be in possession of some meat. Stand on one side of the screen, and take them down one at a time (preferably with the beam, but with jump kicks if necessary.) Collect the meat before you continue on. This is your last chance to refuel your life before you face the boss.
  5. You must face a challenge from a trio of red fighters. They are all carrying a weapon. Two have knives while the third has a wooden beam. Focus on getting the wooden beam away from the fighters. Then back yourself up against one side of the screen or the other, preferably in a corner, and let the enemies come to you while you take them out as quickly as you can. The more health you lose here, the harder it will be to defeat the boss without losing a life.
  6. You'll have to get past one more red fighter before you reach the boss. It is important that you do your best to avoid taking damage from this enemy so that you go into the fight against the boss with the most possible health.

Mad City[edit | edit source]

  1. As stated above, there is but one section of fighting in the Japanese version of the game before you reach the boss. It will be against two red fighters, and both of these fighters will have knives. It's not a bad idea to collect a knife from the enemies before you advance. There's no possibility of obtaining a wooden beam in this version, so the knife is the only weapon you can bring with you to the fight.

Boss[edit | edit source]

The boss of this stage is a rather humongous and powerful brawler. He has a lot going for him besides his size. His reach is incredible, making it easy for him to attack you from afar. Getting close and personal is no bother for him either, as he will pick you up and toss you around if he successfully grabs you. He comes to battle wearing a bullet-proof vest, so your first priority should be to get it off of him as quickly as possible, and put it on yourself. It will improve your defense and give you a better chance at surviving the fight. And until you knock the vest off of him, don't bother attacking him with a weapon like a beam or a knife, as it will have no effect and cost you the weapon. If he knocks the vest off of you, pick it back up as quickly as possible.

Standing around and waiting for him to come within striking distance isn't a very wise strategy, as he is likely to strike you before you can strike him. Instead, you should consider moving up and down, stopping to attack only when you briefly line up, before continuing to move up and down in an effort to evade his attack. Try to find a rhythm of strikes that can hit him frequently enough to keep him frozen in place. Once he gets too close, move vertically and line back up to attack him again, or he will grab and throw you. If you do happen to die in this fight, you will continue just before the fight with a full health meter, so you should have a better chance at winning than if you had fought your way through the entire stage.

Once you defeat him, continue on to the right, where you will see a car driving off with someone inside, presumably Annabelle, screaming for help.