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Mad City Stage 5

Aside from the change in scenery and music, Stage 5 is really just a continuation of Stage 4. The same basic principals apply, as well as the same basic differences between the versions of the game. That being said, there are a few things that set this stage apart from the previous. In Mad City, you'll notice that your car tires are a little more slippery on the asphalt than on the dirt. Take this into consideration when you turn or swerve to avoid an oncoming vehicle. Instead of planes, you are attacked by helicopters. These helicopters do not travel in a straight line, but rather veer back and forth before bombing you. It is much easier to hit the helicopters if you wait for them to come closer, and hit them as your dynamite travels up, than to try and hit them off in the distance. As in the previous stage, the vehicle you are chasing may also appear, only it will be a much darker color. It behaves the same way, slowing down and then speeding back up before crossing over to the other lane and repeating the behavior until you shoot it enough to chase it back off into the distance.

The Adventures of Bayou Billy Stage 5

The American version of the game, naturally, makes this stage considerably more difficult. For starters, the road is much more narrow in this version than in the Japanese version, so you have less room to maneuver without having to worry about the poles on the side. To make matters worse, the turns are tremendously sharper than on the previous stage, which will force you to slow down much more frequently. The only real good news is that there are no boulders to worry about. However, that will be little consolation. The degree to which you must slow down in order to take turns makes you far more likely to lose a considerable amount of time trying to reach your destination. As a result, you are much more at risk for running out of time before you make it to the end of the stage. If this happens, you simply lose a life and continue where you left off with a full clock (assuming you still have lives remaining.) Do your best to maximize your speed through the sharp turns in an effort to beat the clock before you reach the city.