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The sixth stage returns you to familiar brawler gameplay of the first and third stages of the game. Only this time, you're out of the Bayou and on to Bourbon Street in New Orleans. This means you won't have to deal with any wildlife such as crocodiles and hawks, but the men you take on here will be much tougher. As usual, the American version extends this level with more fights than the Japanese version, but it omits the gun that can be obtained later in the stage. If by some miracle you managed to survive the two driving stages without dying, Billy will still be in possession of the bullet-proof vest he picked up in Stage 3.

The Adventures of Bayou Billy[edit | edit source]

  1. You'll start out facing off against two men, one in a red shirt, and one in a orange shirt. Aside from the color of their shirts, there's no difference between them. They both walk around with their hands in their pockets, for the purpose of concealing a switchblade which they like to utilize in combat. You will not be able to knock it out of their hands and use it against them. These fighters are not particular brave, and they usually won't approach you unless your back is turned to them. If you're facing them, you will have to initiate the attack.
  2. Your next challenger will be a lone switchblade fighter in a blue shirt. Once again, shirt color aside, he is just like the previous two men you fought. Rush up to him and jump kick him until he is knocked out.
  3. The next fight will be a repeat of the first encounter; Billy must face off with two switchblade men, one wearing red, and the other wearing orange. Because of their hesitance to approach, you won't be able to rely on standing against one edge of the screen and waiting for them to attack you.
  4. A new fighter will appear, a man carrying a ball and chain. He looks much tougher than he really is. The ball and chain can do a lot of damage to Billy, but its weakness is that it can't hurt you when you're standing up close to the wielder. Walk right up to his face and start jump kicking until he goes down. You shouldn't sustain more than one hit or so.
  5. Next, you'll face a combination of a ball and chain guy along with a switchblade man in an orange shirt. Take out the ball and chain guy first, as he is more likely to hurt you when you try to attack the other fighter, and the other fighter will keep his distance from you until you are ready to deal with him.
  6. Now you will have to fight against two ball and chain guys at once. The good news is that one of them (the one which appears from the left) is carrying meat. If you have more than one bar in your health meter, put off collecting this until the end. Otherwise, grab it before you come too close to dying.
  7. Another ball and chain guy will appear, along with a switchblade man in a blue shirt. Once again, focus on the ball and chain guy first. If the blue shirt comes close, watch out for his switchblade attack. Move out of the way before he strikes, and then resume your attack.
  8. A new enemy will appear. They will start out by appearing on the rooftops and jumping down to the street. These enemies are fond of using whips. Fortunately, you can knock these whips from their hands and use it against them. Do so as quickly as possible, as the enemies have a tendency to chase after them after they lose them. The whip is the best weapon in the game in terms of reach (not counting the handgun) and allows you to attack your enemies from a considerably safe distance.
  9. Your next fight will be against a lone switchblade fighter in an orange shirt who also brought a throwing knife with him. As tempting as it may be to pick up the knife, do not do if you wish to hang on to the whip. Picking up the knife will replace the whip, which is a much more useful weapon in this game.
  10. You will be up against three switchblade men, each wearing a shirt of a different color. Two will appear from the right, while the third appears from the left. Try to get all three men to one side of you so that you don't have to worry about fighting in two different directions.
  11. Another whip-bearing enemy will jump down from the rooftop and attack you. Keep the whip out of his hands and press your attack so that he can't recover it.
  12. After you clear this one enemy, three more of the same type will appear and attack you. Two will come down from the roof possessing whips, while the third will be holding a wooden beam. Place yourself in one of the corners of the screen and keep them all to one side of you. Let them approach you and take them out one at a time until they are all cleared out.
  13. As you pass the entrance to the Moon Konami club, two switchblade fighters, one with a red shirt and one with an orange shirt, will appear from the right. Stand your ground and attack them with the whip. They should be unable to get close enough to you to attack.
  14. A final new enemy will appear, and this one is particularly tough. This fighter will come equipped with a wooden beam. He has a lot of health, and is not particular scared of Billy. He will approach Billy even as he's being attacked. If he manages to get close enough to Billy, he will even pick him up and throw him. In order to battle against this tough opponent without taking too much damage, you should stand in one place, let him come to you, and attack him. As soon as you finish your attack, immediately move up or down. Let him follow, and attack him as soon as he lines up with you, and then move vertically in the opposite direction. Repeat this until he is defeated. Also note that if you defeat this fighter before you reach the point where the scrolling stops, another one will appear. So if you want to minimize the amount of fighting you must do, walk all the way to the right before you defeat this enemy.
  15. A single switchblade fighter in an orange shirt will appear. Take him out in order to move on.
  16. After the simple one-man battle, you must face off against three switchblade fighters, each wearing a different colored shirt. The red shirt who appears on the left is holding meat, which you are very likely to be in dire need of at this point. Carefully attack him in order to knock it out of his hands, and then collect it to restore Billy's health. This is your last meat before the end of the stage. Then bash the three men until they are defeated.
  17. Next up is another one of those particularly tough fighters. Like the last one, he is carrying a wooden beam with him. Unlike the last one, he is also wearing a bullet proof vest. Be sure to knock the vest off of him and collect it as quickly as possible, or it will take considerably longer to defeat him.
  18. After taking out one tough fighter, you must now face off against two of them together. One is carrying a wooden beam, while the other is holding a throwing knife. Fortunately, neither of them are wearing a bullet-proof vest, but you should be, so they will have a harder time damaging you with their attacks. Try to take them on one at a time, but attack constantly if they give you no choice and gang up on you.
  19. Just one final fight stands between you and the end of the stage, and it's with another difficult fighter wearing a bullet-proof vest. This one is also carrying a whip. Do your best to knock both the weapon and the vest from the enemy as quickly as possible, and collect them so he no longer has the advantage. Then knock him out and make your way to the right to exit the stage.

Mad City[edit | edit source]

  1. You'll start out facing off against two men, one in a red shirt, and one in a orange shirt. Aside from the color of their shirts, there's no difference between them. They both walk around with their hands in their pockets, for the purpose of concealing a switchblade which they like to utilize in combat. You will not be able to knock it out of their hands and use it against them. These fighters are not particular brave, and they usually won't approach you unless your back is turned to them. If you're facing them, you will have to initiate the attack.
  2. Next, you will have to face a trio of these switchblade fighters, each wearing a shirt of a different color. Two will appear from the right, while the third appears from the left. Try to get all three men to one side of you so that you don't have to worry about fighting in two different directions.
  3. A new fighter will appear, a man carrying a ball and chain. He looks much tougher than he really is. The ball and chain can do a lot of damage to Billy, but its weakness is that it can't hurt you when you're standing up close to the wielder. Walk right up to his face and start jump kicking until he goes down. You shouldn't sustain more than one hit or so. He is accompanied by two switchblade fighters, one in orange and one in red. Focus on the ball and chain fighter first before going after the other two.
  4. Now you will have to fight against two ball and chain guys at once. The good news is that one of them (the one which appears from the left) is carrying meat. If you have more than one bar in your health meter, put off collecting this until the end. Otherwise, grab it before you come too close to dying.
  5. A new enemy will appear. They will start out by appearing on the rooftops and jumping down to the street. These enemies are fond of using whips. Fortunately, you can knock these whips from their hands and use it against them. Do so as quickly as possible, as the enemies have a tendency to chase after them after they lose them. The whip is the best weapon in the game in terms of reach (not counting the handgun) and allows you to attack your enemies from a considerably safe distance.
  6. You will be up against three switchblade men, each wearing a shirt of a different color. Two will appear from the right, while the third appears from the left. Try to get all three men to one side of you so that you don't have to worry about fighting in two different directions.
  7. Three more of the whip-bearing enemies will jump down from the rooftop and attack you. Two will come down from the roof possessing whips, while the third will be holding a wooden beam. Place yourself in one of the corners of the screen and keep them all to one side of you. Let them approach you and take them out one at a time until they are all cleared out.
  8. As you pass the entrance to the Moon Konami club, two switchblade fighters, one with a red shirt and one with an orange shirt, will appear from the right. Stand your ground and attack them with the whip. They should be unable to get close enough to you to attack.
  9. A final new enemy will appear, and this one is particularly tough. This fighter will come equipped with a wooden beam. He has a lot of health, and is not particular scared of Billy. He will approach Billy even as he's being attacked. If he manages to get close enough to Billy, he will even pick him up and throw him. In order to battle against this tough opponent without taking too much damage, you should stand in one place, let him come to you, and attack him. As soon as you finish your attack, immediately move up or down. Let him follow, and attack him as soon as he lines up with you, and then move vertically in the opposite direction. Repeat this until he is defeated. Unlike the American version, this fighter is unlikely to appear until the scrolling stops, so you don't have to worry about potentially fighting a second fighter.
  10. Next, you must face off against three switchblade fighters, each wearing a different colored shirt. In another detail that was altered in the American version, the red shirt who appears on the left will be holding a gun. Grab it and hang on to it, as it will be useful for completing this stage, but keep your focus on the enemies so as not to put Billy's health at risk.
  11. You may have just collected a gun, but the tough fighter which appear is wearing a bullet proof vest. You'll have to knock it off of him first if you wish to switch to the gun and finish him off. Then again, by the time you start attacking him, you may be better off continuing to jump kick him until he is knocked out.
  12. The next enemy you encounter is a tough fighter holding a wooden beam. He is not defended by a vest, so you can knock him out be shooting him with two bullets.
  13. Following that fighter is another fighter, this one carrying a whip. Once again, you can remove him by shooting him with two bullets. Shortly after the screen stops scrolling, another tough fighter will appear from the left. He is also carrying a whip, but he is wearing a bullet-proof vest. Knock him out the traditional way, and then make your way to the right to exit the stage.