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This stage returns to brawler format, but it's considerably shorter than the other brawlers (unless you count Stage 3 of Mad City.) It takes place on the front lawn of Gordon's mansion. You'll have to make it through three distinct fights to challenge Gordon himself. Surprisingly, the make up of this stage is identical across both versions of the game. The difficulty, however, is still much higher for the American version.

  1. You must first face off against three of the enemies that introduced the whip in Stage 6. However, this time they're packing much more dangerous weapons, in the form of handguns. You'll want to stay out of their line of fire by moving to a different vertical height from them until you knock the guns out of their hands. Even when you do so, they immediately turn around to collect it back, so you'll have to be a bit faster than them to take it away from them. Once you collect one gun, you can use it to shoot all of the fighters, you don't need to wait for them to be disarmed. Don't waste bullets, you'll need them for the next fights.
  2. Next up are three tough fighters. All three arrive wearing bullet-proof vest. Two have whips, while the third has a throwing knife. Obviously your gun is useless as long as they have the vests on, so you'll need to knock the vests off of them if you intend to shoot them with the gun. However, if you manage to grab a whip from one of them, you'll have a safe alternative to fighting close up. Use the whip to attack them from a safe distance, and back off when they get too close. If you have the chance to shoot them and remove them from the fight sooner, do it. You don't get to bring the gun with you to the next stage, although any extra bullets you have at the end serve as bonus points.
  3. Finally, you'll face a brand new type of enemy. The Gordon's dog-trainer may appear by himself, but he is accompanied by an endless supply of vicious attack dogs. Up to two dogs will run across the screen and attack you while the trainer is alive and able to summon them. Your goal should be to knock the trainer out as quickly as possible. The trainer is no dummy, he will move to get away from you when you get too close to him. You'll have to be persistent and press your attack while he's on the move. Don't try to shoot him until you knock the bullet-proof vest off of him. Once you do this, you actually have a chance to shoot him if you do it from far enough away. However, even after he dies, the fight is not over. Any dogs that were alive when he died will continue to attack until you defeat them.

Knock out the remaining dogs, and head to the right to approach the front door of Gordon's mansion, and the final stage.