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In order to complete this game, Billy must advance through all nine stages linearly. There are no warps or stage selects. Each stage is composed of one of three themes; brawling, shooting, or driving. The following chart details the themes for each of the nine stages.

Stage Theme Location
Stage 1 Brawling The bayou
Stage 2 Shooting The bayou
Stage 3 Brawling The bayou
Stage 4 Driving Back roads
Stage 5 Driving Highway
Stage 6 Brawling Bourbon Street
Stage 7 Shooting Bourbon Street
Stage 8 Brawling Gordon's Mansion
Stage 9 Brawling Gordon's Mansion

Practice Mode[edit | edit source]

At title screen, you may choose to play one of the practice games to get used to the game. If you have cleared a practice game, you will be awarded with a powerup which can be used in the main game.

Beware that, using any powerup will lock you from the true ending.