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Field[edit | edit source]

3DS Switch PS4 Windows Action
Neutral dpad / Neutral cpad Neutral Dpad / Neutral Lstick Neutral dpad / Neutral lstick Move, move cursor
A button A Button Cross button Inspect, talk, confirm
B button B Button Circle button Cancel, return
X button Ride the Ornithopter
Y button Y Button Square button X button Menu screen
B button + L button / B button + R button B Button + L Button Circle button + L1 button B button + LB button Quick save
L button R button ZL Button ZR Button L2 button R2 button Rotate camera
Start button Capture screenshot
L button + R button + Start button Software reset
L Button L1 button LB button Map
R Button R1 button RB button Party
Press Rstick R3 button R button Guidebook

Combat[edit | edit source]

3DS Switch PS4 Windows Action
Neutral dpad Select target
Up dpad Down dpad Move cursor
Left dpad Right dpad Change command
A button A Button Cross button A button Confirm
B button B Button Circle button B button Formation, return, cancel
X button X Button Triangle button Y button Enemy info, command info
Y button Y Button Square button Cross button Talent effects, damage effects
L button L Button L1 button LB button Enemy info
R button R Button R1 button RB button Ally info
L button R button ZL Button ZR Button L2 button R2 button LT button RT button Change battle speed
Start button Capture screenshot