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Canvas the Castle[edit | edit source]

This quest is received from the Countess at Castle Chorrol. When you talk to her she will mention that she is conducting an investigation into a stolen painting of the late Count. She will ask you to help her and give a list of people to talk to. These people are Bitneld the Curse Bringer, Chanel, Orok-gro-Ghoth, Laythe Wavrick and Orgnolf Hairy Legs. They can all be found in and around Chorrol, most are within the castle. Then you need to find three bits of evidence to determine the culprit. The first is a suspicious painting down the hidden trapdoor of the west tower. Second is a collection of painting supplies in Chanels quarters. Finally there are some paint footprints on the rug in the dining room. From here there are three ways to finish the quest:

  1. Accuse Chanel and report her to the Countess. You will receive some gold (depending on your level) and eight gemstones as a reward.
  2. Accuse Orgnolf and report him to the Countess. You will receive a small portion of gold as a reward.
  3. Accuse Chanel but lie to the Countess. Chanel will give you a small sum of gold and a painting you can use to decorate your house.

Buying a House in Chorrol[edit | edit source]

The house for sale in Chorrol is known as the Arborwatch and is available for 20,000 septims. You can buy the house from the Countess at the castle, you may need to raise her disposition before she will sell it to you. Upgrades for each room in the house are available from Seed-Neus in Northen Goods and Trade. The quest is completed once all the upgrades are brought.

The Killing Field[edit | edit source]

Speak to Valus Odill in the Grey Mare and agree to help defend his farm. Meet with his two sons outside Weynon Priory and they will take you to Odill farm. Once you reach there you will be attacked by a total of ten goblins that come over three waves. After winning the battle return to Valus and speak to him to gain your reward. If both sons survived you will get a magic sword named Chillrend. If only one survives you will get a bit of gold. If both die you will receive nothing.

Legacy Lost[edit | edit source]

This quest is only received after completing Separated at Birth. Speaking to Guilbert Jemane will begin the quest. He will ask you to reclaim the Jemane family home, Weatherleah. They only have a rough idea where it is, but talking to Sabine Laul will mark it on the map. Upon arriving, there are three ogres that have to be killed. Then return to Chorrol and escort the Jemane brothers to their old home. You are rewarded with an amount of gold.

== Separated at Birth Talking to Reynald Jamane grants this quest as well as rumors. The rumors will tell you that they have seen Reynald Jemane in Cheydinal acting strangely. He will deny the rumors, but give you 50 gold and ask you to travel to Cheydinal. Asking the locals there leads to a resident known as Guilbert Jemane. He reveals his family history and runs back to Chorrol to meet his long lost brother. The quest is completed after revisiting them in Chorrol and gives you access to Legacy Lost.

A Shadow over Hackdirt[edit | edit source]

To begin this quest you must speak to Dar-ma the Argonian. She is around town somewhere, usually by Northern Goods and Trade. A few days later 'missing daughter' pops up as a conversation topic. This leads to an Argonian named Seed-neeus, the shop keeper in Northern Goods and Trade. She reveals that Dar-ma was making a delivery to Hackdirt, a town south of Chorrol and hasn't returned. In Hackdirt the locals deny all knowledge of her, but you can find her diary, horse and the goods she was delivering. A local resident Jiv Hiriel is the only one who will help and invites you to their house after dark. They say that Dar-ma is hidden under Hackdirt and will be sacrificed and give you the Hackdirt key. This opens all of the trapdoors, found in most houses and the inn. The door in the inn is the easiest as it leads right to the cell. The key is on the stool outside. After rescuing Dar-ma she needs to be escorted back to Chorrol, if she dies now the quest is failed. Returning the Seed-Neeus and picking 'missing daughter' option will grant the reward of a five point mercentile bonus.

There are alternative methods of completing the quest. Travelling to Hackdirt and staying the night in the inn bypasses all of the rumor chasing in Chorrol. The trapdoors can all be lockpicked instead of opened by the key. It is also possible to rescue Dar-ma when all the residents are asleep, avoiding any combat risk.

Sins of the Father[edit | edit source]