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This investigation section is quite short. After Strogenov blocks you from going into Pavlova's room, there's little choice but to move to Kazuma's Cabin.

Kazuma's Cabin[edit | edit source]

Talk to Inspector Hosonaga to fill him in on recent events and to gain some new insight into the case. The only difference is that he looks like he got beaten up by a Russian Sailor, explaining the bruises and broken glasses, which is hard to ignore.

  • The cabin next door: Hosonaga recognizes the name Nikolina Pavlova and seems to admire her greatly, so much so that he is ready to rule out her potential involvement in the case completely. He then shares that he has some new information.
  • New information: The ship's medical officer has at last examined the body, and Hosonoga shares his findings. "Damage to the cervical vertebrae" has been ruled as the cause of death, which would explain why there were no visible wounds. But what could Kazuma have been hit with to break his neck in such a way? Post-Mortem Report has been entered into the Court Record.
  • The great detective: Hosonaga reveals that Sholmes was investigating the room earlier, and seemed to come to a revelation regarding the mark on the floor by the piece of broken glass. Though Sholmes' methods are unknown, he identified the cause of the mark as shoe polish, and Susato notes that Kazuma was wearing shoes of a similar color. Mark on Floor has been entered into the Court Record.

When you finish talking to him, move back to the First-Class Passageway.

First-Class Passageway[edit | edit source]

The Russian sailor should be gone now and singing can be heard. Before you enter Pavlova's room, pan right and examine Sholmes. He'll reveal to you that the sailor's schedule is questionable; he usually takes the time to write "nothing to report" every half-hour if nothing of interest occurs. However, after 2 a.m. this morning, the log is blank, indicating that there may have been something to report after all. The Ship's Log has been entered into the Court Record.

After Sholmes leaves, move to Miss Pavlova's Cabin.

Miss Pavlova's Cabin[edit | edit source]

You have a brief chance to investigate Pavlova's room. Examine the wardrobe, call bell, and ventilator. These are identical to Kazuma's room. Examine the plaque and shelf on the back wall. The items on the shelf are knocked over in an oddly similar fashion to the way that they were found in Kazuma's room. Examine the open suitcase. What kind of pet could Pavlova have been hiding in the previously-locked suitcase, and where is it now? After the investigation, an alarm suddenly rings out and Susato hangs on to Ryunosuke until the commotion is all over. When the inspector bangs on the door, you and Susato realize that the door has been locked shut. You and Susato quickly clean up Pavlova's room before letting everyone in, leading into the next part of the investigation.