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Beppo, Fairplay and Furst's Testimony: Various Misgivings[edit | edit source]

Beppo, Bruce Fairplay & Lay D. Furst
Beppo, Bruce Fairplay & Lay D. Furst
Beppo, Bruce Fairplay & Lay D. Furst's Testimony
- Various Misgivings -
  1. Beppo: I, I only c-carried four passengers that night! I swear it! ...B-B-But, um...
  2. Fairplay: Well, I for one was told I had to pay fivepence for the bus.
  3. Furst: He fiddled us on the fare, he did! And then I saw that blood-curdling sight as well... It's all too much!
  4. Fairplay: I tell you, I saw McGilded stabbing that man! Everything I said before stands!
  5. Beppo: Oh yes... Yes, he s-s-stabbed him. Yes he did. ...I, I think so, yes.

Various Misgivings: Cross Examination[edit | edit source]

Press on the fifth statement, then pursue Fairplay on the line:

  • Beppo: I, I suppose I d-didn't actually see the p-precise moment of the s-stabbing, did I?

Select No chance! when given the option.

Fairplay will add a new statement to the testimony:

  • Fairplay: D'you think I'd forget the sight of those blood-soaked hands after that butcher stabbed the man?!

Present the Defendant's Leather Gloves on the new sixth statement. Did Fairplay have a reason to fabricate his testimony? Select I have evidence, then examine the Debtors' Ledger. Opening the ledger reveals that Fairplay has an outstanding debt to Mr McGilded! When prompted, present the Debtors' Ledger. Things aren't looking good for Mr Fairplay here, but Mr Furst suddenly remembers also seeing the culprit's bloodstained hands. He offers further testimony.

Beppo, Fairplay and Furst's Testimony: What the Witnesses Really Saw[edit | edit source]

Beppo, Bruce Fairplay & Lay D. Furst
Beppo, Bruce Fairplay & Lay D. Furst
Beppo, Bruce Fairplay & Lay D. Furst's Testimony
- What the Witnesses Really Saw -
  1. Fairplay: There was blood on both hands of the assailant. I sincerely and distinctly remember that!
  2. Fairplay: However...I, I suppose you might say that I didn't see the exact moment the stabbing transpired...if that matters.
  3. Furst: I remember seeing the knife. And, and I remember seeing both of the attacker's hands with blood on them.
  4. Beppo: I, I d-didn't actually s-see anything myself. No. N-Not until I h-heard that scream.
  5. Fairplay: Anyway, the fact remains! There can't have been anyone else inside that carriage, or we all would have seen!

It appears as if none of them witnessed the crucial moment of the crime after all.

What the Witnesses Really Saw: Cross Examination[edit | edit source]

Press on the fifth statement. Could they have really seen everyone inside the coach looking through the skylight? Select They might not have been able to. Alternatively, you can directly present the Omnibus on this statement. A diagram will be presented. Indicate the lower right seating area. Since it is directly underneath where the witnesses were seated, they could have overlooked a passenger sitting there. But who could have been sitting in that blind spot? Select I have an inkling. When prompted, present Magnus McGilded's profile, the defendant himself!

Ryunosuke suggests that McGilded may not have been seated next to the victim at all, but directly across. The witnesses testified that they clearly remembered seeing blood on both his gloves, despite blood only being found on one. Therefore, those gloves must have belonged to someone else sitting next to the victim - the true culprit!

Mr McGilded had not mentioned a third party in the coach, so he's got some explaining to do. Demand his testimony when given the option.

McGilded explains himself[edit | edit source]

Your client is at the stand. Indeed, there was a third passenger inside the omnibus - one that he let escape from the crime scene! McGilded wanted to keep an innocent youth from suspicion. Perhaps she is watching over this trial...

Suddenly, a BANG goes off, and smoke fills the courtroom! The bailiffs secure the omnibus and the defendant, and you're unceremoniously forced outside...