The episode begins as the last one did, in the Lord Chief Justice's office. Stronghart congratulates Ryunosuke for completing his challenge and in turn becoming a lawyer, but Ryunosuke is still unsure if Magnus McGilded really was not guilty as the verdict decided. Stronghart then surprises Ryunosuke and Susato with the news that McGilded has passed away. Talk to Stronghart:
- McGilded's death: Stronghart reveals that the omnibus was set on fire following the trial yesterday, and McGilded's corpse was found in the ashes.
- British court: Stronghart claims that yesterday's case was a good opportunity for Ryunosuke and Susato to learn about the British court system, as it was one that they couldn't lose. Ryunosuke and Susato attempt to argue that the case wasn't simple at all, but Stronghart oddly laughs them off.
- New case: The next assignment isn't a murder trial, and as it takes place the next day, Ryunosuke has some time to investigate.
Stronghart has summoned a police inspector to apprise Ryunosuke of the case's details. Examine the detective to speak with him:
- Inspector Gregson: As it turns out, the detective standing before Ryunosuke and Susato is well-known due to his involvement in Herlock Sholmes' stories, though he isn't very happy about it.
- The case: Gregson reveals that the trial is for the stabbing of a young woman as she was walking along Briar Road. The attack occurred from behind. He also shares that the prosecution in this trial will be none other than Barok van Zieks.
- Reaper of the Bailey: Gregson claims that the death of McGilded yesterday was the work of Barok van Zieks' black magic. Is there more to the "curse" than was initially let on?
Move to the Prison to meet with the defendant for the trial.
Prison[edit | edit source]
You hear a prisoner complaining in Japanese. The prisoner introduces himself as Soseki Natsume, a visiting student from Japan. Talk to Soseki:
- Soseki Natsume: Soseki says he was sent by the Japanese government to study the English language in Britain, but he's much more fond of literature.
- The accusation against you: Soseki says the victim was stabbed "before his eyes," but he didn't actually see the attacker.
- About the case: Soseki says the attack occurred as he was leaving the bookshop. No one was at the scene of the crime but the victim and himself, and he fled the scene in fear. Susato points out that this creates a conundrum.
- Conundrum: Susato wonders how Soseki was caught, and he reveals that it was Herlock Sholmes who led the police to him.
- Herr Lock Sholmes: Soseki says that after Sholmes' deductions led the police to him, he didn't handle the police's questioning very well, and ended up in prison.
After exhausting all conversation topics, move to Briar Road.
Briar Road[edit | edit source]
Upon arriving at the crime scene, you'll see a familiar face. Talk to Inspector Gregson:
- Scotland Yard: Gregson informs Ryunosuke and Susato of the difficulties faced by Scotland Yard officers; they not only investigate crimes, but also assist the townsfolk by performing mundane but arduous tasks such as lighting the streets.

- About the case: Gregson points out the location of the crime to Ryunosuke and Susato, and provides them with a map of the area. The Local Map is entered into the Court Record. He also claims that there were witnesses to the crime.
- Witnesses: Gregson mentions that one of the witnesses is a police officer, and it appears he has no intention of letting Ryunosuke question him before the trial.
- Mr Sholmes: Gregson denies that Sholmes was any help in the case, as all he does is make the police appear incompetent in his stories.
- Tomorrow's trial: Gregson wonders why Barok van Zieks would choose such a case to prosecute, as he usually targets violent criminals. Surely a stabbing that didn't even result in murder wouldn't satisfy his criteria.
There is nothing else to examine here, as approaching the crime scene will only cause Ryunosuke and Susato to be shooed away by the officers. Move to Sholmes's Suite.
Sholmes's Suite[edit | edit source]
Here, Ryunosuke and Susato are reunited with the small girl who they met following the previous trial. She introduces herself as Iris Wilson, an acquaintance of Herlock Sholmes. If you play the game in Chronicles version, Pan left and examine the violin for an achievement/trophy, then pan right and examine the blackboard. You can then talk to Iris:
- Iris: Iris explains how she thwarted Gina's theft of her invention and the manner of her relationship with Sholmes.
- 'Wilson': Iris reveals that it is her who writes Sholmes' stories, under the disguise of a pen name. She also admits that she tends to embellish his stories, much to Susato's shock.
Examine the blackboard for some new insight into what Iris has written on it; this will be necessary for an achievement/trophy. Then, continue the conversation with her:
- Your deductions just now: Iris reveals how she came to her deductions about Ryunosuke and Susato. Sholmes was indeed involved in the arrest of the Japanese student, so he should be able to provide them with some information.
- The case of the Japanese man: Iris explains how Soseki was arrested. Unfortunately, things aren't looking good for him.

Before Ryunosuke and Susato leave, Iris tells them that they can probably find Sholmes at Soseki's lodgings. Because they don't know where that is, Iris also provides them with a postcard to give to Inspector Gregson, and informs them that he should answer whatever questions they have as long as they give that to him. Iris's Postcard has been entered into the Court Record. With nothing to lose, Ryunosuke and Susato head to Briar Road in the hopes of gaining new information.