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Present Iris's Postcard to Inspector Gregson. The card and the coin with it turn out to be a fee that Iris regulary pays Gregson with in exchange for his appearance in Sholmes' stories. He will direct you to Soseki Natsume's lodgings in return for the delivery from Iris. Move to Mr Natsume's Lodgings.

Mr Natsume's Lodgings[edit | edit source]

When given the chance, examine the man sitting in the chair to speak to him. He introduces himself as John Garrideb, and he agrees to answer some questions:

  • About Mr Natsume: According to Garrideb, Soseki moved in only a week ago. His maid thought he was "shady" ever since he first moved in.
  • The shady lodger: Garrideb's maid points out that she found Soseki shady due to his routine. Was there a reason she was paying so much attention to his routine in the first place?
  • The incident two days ago: Garrideb and maid claim not to have witnessed the incident through their window, as they were having dinner at the time.
  • Mr Natsume's room: Garrideb gives Ryunosuke and Susato permission to investigate Soseki's room, and informs them that Sholmes should also be there.

Though it seems as if Garrideb and his maid are hiding something, there's no point in investigating it now. Move to Mr Natsume's Room.

Mr Natsume's Room[edit | edit source]

Examine the desk. Hidden here is a receipt for the bookshop that Soseki frequents, and it just so happens to be from the day of the stabbing. The Secondhand Book Receipt is entered into the Court Record. Pan right and examine Herlock Sholmes to get his attention. Talk to Sholmes:

  • Mr Natsume's arrest: Sholmes reveals that he doesn't actually think that Soseki is the culprit; the police simply asked him to lead them to the man who fled from the crime scene.
  • Mr Garrideb, the landlord: Sholmes shares that having a single maid is actually the norm for middle class households in Britain, and they are seen as somewhat of a status symbol.
  • The dingy room: Sholmes explains why the room lacks a window and surmises that it was sold for a cheap price.

Sholmes concludes the talk by sharing that he also feels that Garrideb is hiding something. It's time to find out what that is. Move to The Garrideb's Room.

The Garrideb's Room[edit | edit source]

Garrideb dismisses Ryunosuke and Susato, but they aren't ready to conclude the investigation just yet. Pan right and examine Sholmes. It's time to find out what exactly occurred in this room at the time of the crime, and Sholmes will get the ball rolling with his deductions.

The Great Deduction: Nature of the Beast[edit | edit source]

Herlock Sholmes
Herlock Sholmes
Herlock Sholmes' Reasoning
- Topic 1: Nature of the Beast -
  1. It certainly shouldn't take a great detective to see...
  2. ...that a fearsome beast has been on the rampage of late within these four walls.
  3. Thus we are faced with the question: What form might this beast take?
  4. Ah, for a man with a military breeding, your eyes are uncommonly candid.
  5. Your furtive glance, Mr Garrideb, leads us directly to the answer.
  6. The true nature of the beast that has run rampant here is revealed by that lion statue!
  7. Yes, though an army man, you appear unimposing at best.
  8. A fact that has fuelled your admiration for the mighty lion, the king of beasts.
  9. In the end, your admiration became so great, in fact...
  10. ...that you had a living, breathing specimen shipped from India, which you tried to keep in this very house!
  11. Yet living with such a wild beast proved more difficult than you had imagined.
  12. The chilling traces of a wild rampage are still very much in evidence.
  13. Yet as we look around, the beast in question fails to present itself.
  14. Where could this angry creature have disappeared to...madam?
  15. I pray you do not consider me unchivalrous, but it is plain to me with one glance in your direction.
  16. Your dress pocket gives us a handsome clue as to the beast's current whereabouts!
  17. For protruding from it is a handbill advertising a circus show.
  18. Yes, you sought to dispose of this terrifying lion, Mr Garrideb.
  19. At 'Batty's Circus'...
  20. ...a travelling show currently sojourning in a nearby park. I have observed the tents.
  21. You sold the savage lion, sir, to the circus troupe!
  22. ...I believe I have made my point.
  23. The fearsome beast which ran amok in this room...was an Indian lion!
  24. And a simple visit to the circus now will reveal the lion prancing jubilantly through a ring of fire!

Conclusion: A rampaging Asiatic lion

Nature of the Beast: Course Correction[edit | edit source]

Since Sholmes' theory that a lion made its home with the Garridebs is so unlikely, you'll now have to make some major corrections. On statement 6, rotate the camera around the lion statue. Examine the photograph frame behind it. The photo shows Garrideb with what appears to be his wife, though her face has been obscured by a crack in the frame. Present the newlywed bride in the photo.

On statement 16, rotate the camera until you can see the maid's fingers underneath the teapot that she's holding. Present the wedding ring. As it turns out, Garrideb's wife is nowhere to be seen because his maid is actually his wife. Sholmes deduces that Garrideb can't actually afford a maid of his own, as evidenced by the renting out of his property to strangers such as Soseki. To rectify this, he has his wife pose as his maid.

Conclusion: The raging wife of Mr Garrideb

The Great Deduction: Aftermath[edit | edit source]

Herlock Sholmes
Herlock Sholmes
Herlock Sholmes' Reasoning
- Topic 2: Aftermath -
  1. Now...Mr Garrideb...
  2. is plainly clear that you still have deep feelings for this formidable 'beast'.
  3. Indeed, in that blithe pose, the distress this loss has caused you is veritably tangible.
  4. Your head weighs heavy on your shoulders. The pain you feel being revealed by that supporting arm.
  5. Amid fits of tears, you let your beloved beast go.
  6. The strain of losing something so dear to you is clearly visible in your visage.
  7. But what, we must now ask ourselves, is the true cause of this pain?
  8. And we need only follow the direction of your gaze to find the answer.
  9. Yes, it is this pile of bills that has given rise to the pain you suffer.
  10. Every envelope contains another demand for payment.
  11. For cart-loads of meat, potatoes, wheat and tea.
  12. Indeed, feeding your beloved has had a devastating impact on the financial circumstances of your household.
  13. And so you had no choice but to let it go.
  14. a final fit of rage, the ferocious beast carried out one last, unimaginable attack...
  15. ...The aftermath of which can be clearly seen by observing the carpet over there!
  16. A very expensive woollen carpet, if I am not mistaken.
  17. What could have caused such a destructive outburst?
  18. ...This time, madam, I'm afraid it is you who has inadvertently revealed the truth to me.
  19. Your wandering eye has settled upon the answer very neatly indeed.
  20. Yes, to explain the dire state of the carpet, we need only look at the tower of cakes!
  21. There is no creature more dangerous on this earth than a beast with an unsatiated appetite.
  22. Was it or was it not once said by a certain noblewoman, 'If they have no bread, let them eat cake'?
  23. Food is at the heart of all tragedy, in fact.
  24. Having tired of the taste of cake, the beast began to stalk its next prey.
  25. I'm sure I need not spell out the nature of this final act of destruction carried out by the beast.
  26. There is only one logical conclusion:
  27. Worked into a frenzy by hunger, the lion attacked and ate the carpet!
  28. The teeth marks in the carpet...are a perfect match with those of a lion I once saw in India.

Conclusion: Carpet gnawed on by the starving lion

Aftermath: Course Correction[edit | edit source]

Seeing as the first Course Correction derailed Sholmes' deduction completely, it is now time to fill in the holes in the second. What exactly occurred during the rampage of Garrideb's wife? On statement 4, rotate the camera around to the other side of Garrideb's face. Present his slapped cheek.

It's clear now that Garrideb's wife hurt him, but what caused her to resort to such violent measures? On statement 9, turn your attention to the book near the bills. Examine the bookmark. Ryunosuke and Susato then discover that this isn't actually a bookmark, but something that surely could have caused Garrideb's wife to spiral into a fit of rage. Present the love note.

The only mystery that remains to be solved now is the cause of the mess on the other side of the room. On statement 20, turn your attention to the candles on the table. Examine the candlestick and Ryunosuke will note that not only does the candlestick look easy to topple over, but one of its candles is missing. Present the candlestick.

Conclusion: Carpet scorched by a small fire

The mystery behind what occurred at the Garrideb residence at the time of the stabbing is now solved, but it unfortunately doesn't appear to have anything to do with the case. Move to the Prison. Ryunosuke and Susato will stop at Briar Road on the way and see two men outside the Garridebs' lodge. One in a costume is arguing with the other in yellow, but because of the "?" on their names, you won't know who they are yet. Anyway, they'll leave after talking to Ryunosuke and Susato before moving automatically to the prison.

Prison[edit | edit source]

At Soseki's cell, Ryunosuke and Susato are joined by Sholmes. Talk to Soseki:

  • Cursed trial: Ryunosuke, Susato, and Sholmes discuss the involvement of Barok van Zieks in the trial, of which Soseki is unaware.
  • The Reaper: Sholmes shares that those indicted by Barok van Zieks tend to mysteriously disappear, even if they obtain a not guilty verdict. Could Soseki already be "cursed" by the Reaper?
  • Cursed lodgings: Soseki says that his room was able to be rented at such a cheap price because it's "cursed." He believes that this case is proof of the curse on him.
  • To believe: Ryunosuke must now decide whether or not to believe in Soseki and take on his case.

At last, Ryunosuke decides to defend Soseki in court. With the day now over, all that's left is to prepare for tomorrow's trial.