Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy[edit | edit source]
After being questioned by the police, Ryunosuke returns home in order to fill Iris in on everything that has happened. Since she's alone, she comes to you for answers. Talk to Iris:
- Events at Windibank's: Ryunosuke recounts the events of the previous night, including the death of Windibank and the arrest of Gina. Iris immediately denies Gina's involvement.
- Sholmes's situation: Sholmes is currently at St Synner's hospital, and isn't allowed any visitors. Iris isn't very happy about this.
- Injured Sholmes: Ryunosuke laments the fact that he couldn't successfully pursue the men who injured Sholmes, but Iris notes that the men were armed, so they could have shot Ryunosuke as well if he had caught up to them.
- Susato's situation: Susato is still being questioned at the police station due to the fact that she remained at the crime scene while Ryunosuke pursued the gunmen.
- Gina's arrest: Ryunosuke explains why Gina was arrested. Her case isn't looking good...
Ryunosuke agrees to allow Iris to accompany him on his investigation, so you'll have a new assistant for now. After all, Iris is ten years old and she needs to be looked after. Move to St Synner's Hospital.
St Synner's Hospital[edit | edit source]
This will be a rather brief visit. You want to drop by to check on Sholmes, but he's been in the operating room for a while. Apparently he had too much coffee last night and the anaesthesia doesn't seem to be working... Move to the Prison.
Prison[edit | edit source]
Talk to Gina. She doesn't seem very cooperative though...
- Legal representation: Gina admits to having turned away the public defender assigned to her, claiming that she doesn't trust him. Unfortunately, that also goes for Ryunosuke.
- What happened: Gina claims that she broke into Windibank's to steal valuables, but it's clear she's just putting up a front. Gina also admits to having told "unforgivable lies" in the past.

- Unforgivable lies: Gina doesn't elaborate on her lies, but she does provide Ryunosuke with a clue that she found in the pocket of her overcoat. The White Cat Photograph will be added to the Court Record. Examine the back of it, and it will turn into the Pawnbroker's Ticket (Box).
So at this point, she's not in the mood to be defended in court at this point. Move to Windibank's Pawnbrokery.
Windibank's Pawnbrokery[edit | edit source]
It looks like the police are currently hard at work investigating the scene. Talk to Inspector Gregson:
- The investigation: Gregson shares that not only is Gina being held at the prison, but the police have found the two men caught running from the scene.
- Mr Sholmes: Gregson reveals that Sholmes was hemorrhaging badly, and so was rushed into emergency surgery, but he'll let Iris know when the operation is concluded.
- Her Ladyship: Apparently, Gregson is so kind to Iris because her writing boosted his popularity to the point that he received a promotion. He fears that she also has the power to ruin his reputation.
- Important message: Gregson shares that Susato is currently at Stronghart's office.
It's time to reunite with Susato. Move to the Lord Chief Justice's Office to do so.
Lord Chief Justice's Office[edit | edit source]
Upon Ryunosuke and Iris' arrival, they'll notice Susato conversing with Stronghart. Talk to Susato:
- Returning to our homeland: Since Susato's father has fallen ill, she has no choice but to return to Japan as quickly as possible.
- Gina's trial: It looks like Susato won't be able to attend Gina's trial, but she decides to help Ryunosuke investigate while she has the time to do so.
Move to the Prison to meet with Gina again.
Prison (2)[edit | edit source]
This time, Gina will tell you the truth. She will finally admit that she committed perjury during the McGilded trial. Susato has very good persuasion skills after telling her about her father's illness. Talk to Gina.
- The trial two months ago (after talking about the rest of topics, this one will change into McGilded's conditions): Gina admits that her unforgivable lies were in fact what got McGilded acquitted in his trial.
- What you saw: Gina says that she not only saw the victim on the floor of the omnibus as she testified, but also saw a shiny disk near his body. McGilded quickly snatched it up. It seems that was what he wanted from the victim.
- What you heard: Gina reveals that McGilded wasn't sleeping as she claimed in the trial; he was speaking to the victim, and as the conversation took a heated turn, she heard a thud that caused her to reveal her hiding place.
- After the event: Gina witnessed McGilded send the coach off with his coat to a pawnbroker for safekeeping. That pawnbroker was, of course, Windibank's.

After talking to her, Gina will finally agree to sign the papers allowing Ryunosuke to represent her, for the sake of the investigation. Gina's Representation Papers will be added to the Court Record. You now have access to the crime scene!