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Windibank's Pawnbrokery[edit | edit source]

You will automatically appear at Windibank's, finally ready to check out the crime scene for yourself as Iris and Susato show Gina's representative papers to Inspector Gregson. Pan right and examine the stereoscope. Iris will inform you that this machine is actually a folding stereoscope, made for home use.

Examine the calendar. A bullet hole can be seen on the calendar, with the bullet still lodged in the wall. Blood surrounds the bullet hole. Where could it have come from? Iris is determined to find out using a new invention, which shoots a chemical that reacts with the blood to turn it green. Apparently, the chemical reacts differently with different types of blood, making this green color unique to the person that this blood came from. But how would you go about finding this person? Regardless, this could be an important clue, and so the Blood Samples Portfolio will be added to the Court Record.

Pan left again and examine the counter to find another photographic print of a cat with a ticket on the back, this time for McGilded's overcoat. However, Iris seems to have another realization. To find out what it is, talk to Iris:

  • Pair of photographs: Iris points out that the photograph given to Ryunosuke by Gina and the one found on the counter are actually a pair, meant for use with a stereoscope.
  • How stereoscopic prints work: Iris explains how two slightly different photos can create one three-dimensional image using an optical trick.
  • How to view stereoscopic prints: Iris walks Ryunosuke and Susato through viewing the pair of photos without the use of a stereoscope. Afterwards, White Cat Photograph #2 will be added to your Court Record. Examine the blood stain on the back of it and it will become the Pawnbroker's Ticket (Coat).

Present the recently acquired ticket to Iris. When asked, say I think I do! and choose 'Thrice-Fired' Mason. Both the Pawnbroker's Ticket (Coat) and the Blood Samples Portfolio will be updated.

Back to investigating the scene, examine the back door, leading to the storeroom. Ryunosuke recalls how he saw a deceased Windibank and an unconscious Gina through the peephole the previous night. Now you can enter the storeroom, so move to Windibank's Storeroom.

Windibank's Storeroom[edit | edit source]

Upon entering, talk to Inspector Gregson:

  • The scene of the crime: Gregson goes over how the scene of the crime was found by the police, including the discovery of the key to the storeroom in Gina's pocket.
  • Sholmes's operation: According to Gregson, the operation on Sholmes has been concluded, but he still hasn't woken up yet.

Present the Pawnbroker's Ticket (Box). Now you can talk about...

  • The second redemption ticket: Because the redemption date on the ticket has already passed, Gregson believes that the item may have been sold already.

Don't go back out into the shop. Instead, examine the shelves and the open chest. Inside the chest is an item that Iris recognizes, and Iris's Story Manuscript will be added to the Court Record. Examine the victim's traces to update the Blood Samples Portfolio, and lastly, examine the revolver on the floor. After everything has been investigated, the chime on the grandfather clock signifies that the prison is closing within hours, so move to the Prison.

Prison[edit | edit source]

The time for Gina to decide if she'll allow Ryunosuke to defend her is approaching, even though she still refuses to be represented by him. Talk to Gina once again:

  • What we've uncovered: Ryunosuke believes that he has a vital clue showing Gina's reason for going to Windibank's last night.
  • Representation in court: Gina remains stubborn in denying representation. Maybe presenting a certain something will change her mind...

Present Gina with Iris's Story Manuscript. Then talk about...

  • Iris's manuscript: Gina finally admits that she broke into Windibank's only to find out if the manuscript was actually being kept there.
  • Reason for breaking in: Gina claims that she didn't do it for Iris, but to find out the truth. Ryunosuke then notices some suspicious red stains on her coat...

Present the Blood Samples Portfolio. Then, talk to Susato:

  • The truth of the omnibus case: It's clear now that McGilded really was the perpetrator behind the murder of Mr Mason.
  • A lawyer's weapon: A lawyer's greatest weapon is their trust in the person that they're defending. Ryunosuke now has to decide if he has that weapon ready for this trial.

When prompted, choose option 1, I trust her. Gina will finally give in and allows you to be her defence lawyer. Before leaving, Susato thinks that there's an intruder listening in, but it turns out to be Inspector Gregson! He exits after talking to Iris and Susato leaves to finish the paperwork. You will then be transported automatically to your quarters with Iris being put to bed.

Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy[edit | edit source]

Talk to Susato:

  • Going back to Japan: Susato laments the fact that she has to return to Japan, but Ryunosuke provides some encouragement.
  • Tomorrow's departure: Susato must be ready to leave by 4 in the morning, meaning Ryunosuke can't see her off before the trial.
  • One final task: Susato provides Ryunosuke with one last favor before her departure, in the form of a compilation of notes that she feels may be relevant to this case. The McGilded Case Notes will be added to the Court Record. Ryunosuke is then about to say something but Susato knocks him down before he can, asking him not to say anything further. At the hospital, Susato says goodbye to Sholmes while leaving a parting gift before departing for the ship.