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Back at the courtroom[edit | edit source]

The recent Summation Examination brought some new facts to light, and the Skulkin brothers's last testimony has been proven false. The judge will request a new testimony from them. And as a comic reference, both brothers were sweating bullets since the stereoscope showed that they had somehow tampered with the crime scene.

Nash and Ringo's Testimony: Illegal Entry: The Whole Truth[edit | edit source]

Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin
Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin
Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin's Testimony
- Illegal Entry: The Whole Truth -
  1. Nash: Alright, we did knock few things over. But we weren't riflin' fer nuffin'!
  2. Ringo: It woz when we 'eard the gunshot, see. Made us both jump, an' all that stuff went flyin'.
  3. Nash: Lummy, it didn't 'alf gimme a fright! We woz thinkin' the shooter'd come out the door and get us next.
  4. Ringo: We stuck everyfin' back where we found it and scarpered...straight into 'im in the black.
  5. Nash: We couldn't 'ave shot the pawnbroker, see! We never even 'ad a chance, did we?

Illegal Entry: The Whole Truth: Cross Examination[edit | edit source]

The first thing to do is press statement 2. Pay attention and, when prompted, pursue Inspector Gregson. Apparently, these two "baddies" told a very different tale last night when questioned about the events, and that they heard the victim shout something before the gunshot. They will alter their testimony accordingly.

Then, present the Crime Scene Photograph at the new statement 3. We already know that it was Mr. Windibank's own revolver that was used to kill him, and Gina was found holding it. The brothers will dramatically reenact the crime, but their interpretation has a problem: if it was true, then Mr. Windibank would have been facing Gina and he would have been shot in the chest, which is not the case. Present the Autopsy Report or the Crime Scene Photograph when prompted in order to prove it. However, if the Skulkin brothers are convinced the victim was wielding a gun... then it must mean they actually saw the victim in person! But they don't want to talk about it, muttering about what he will do to them.

Luckily, prosecutor van Zieks is very convincing. The brothers will now testify again.

Nash and Ringo's Testimony: Encounter with the Victim[edit | edit source]

Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin
Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin
Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin's Testimony
- Encounter with the Victim -
  1. Ringo: Alright, so we'd just got inside the gaff and 'eaved a sigh o' relief when the geezer showed 'is mug!
  2. Nash: 'Gimme that gun!' 'e bellowed, and the 'e flew at us like 'e woz possessed! I thought we'd 'ad it!
  3. Ringo: For an old geezer, the bloke woz strong as an ox. 'E chucked me over the counter!
  4. Nash: I pulled me gun on 'im, an' then 'e legged it fru that door into the back room!
  5. Ringo: We never 'ad nuffin' to do wiv killin' 'im! That's all wot 'appened, I swear!

Encounter with the Victim: Cross Examination[edit | edit source]

By pressing the first four statements, which isn't mandatory, you will learn that Mr. Windibank came at the brothers from inside his storeroom, where we have been told Gina was too. However, Mr. Windibank was armed, and shouted at them to give him their gun, which they didn't. After hauling Ringo behind the counter, and making all of the items on it fall in the process, the victim rang a secret alarm underneath his counter to alert the police and went back inside the storeroom, locking himself in. This story has nothing to do with the version we had been told up until now, and has a series of inconsistencies.

Press statement 5. When asked whether there was anyone else apart from Gina who could have shot the victim, choose option 2, "There could have been!" This leaves us with the questions, from what location did the culprit shoot?, and where was the victim standing when that happened? You will be shown the crime scene diagram. When asked about the murderer's position, point right outside the storeroom door. Then, when asked about the victim's position, point inside the storeroom.

You theorize that the storeroom door was open at the time of the murder, but then, who could have locked it from the inside? When asked about who could have closed the door, present Gina Lestrade, who could have closed the door after the shooting to try and protect herself. Suddenly, the whole jury seems to be on your side and highly suspicious of the Skulkin brothers!

However... your theory seems to have some holes. Simply, there's only two bullets on record. If one is shot at Windibanks, and another was shot at the calendar, where's the bullet that had wounded Sholmes in the night in question? So at the moment, who has the third gun?

Van Zieks is not impressed. He has in his possession the music box disk Gina wanted the day before the murder, back at the pawnbroker's, and Inspector Gregson objects at the sight of it! Apparently, a meeting was held the day before the trial in which it was agreed to not use the disk as evidence because the government wants to keep it secret, and it seems Van Zieks is not in the loop. He claims he wasn't aware of any deal, and that he will decide how to present his case. The Music Box Disk will be added once more to the Court Record. Looks like this case is going to take some unexpected turns...

Before moving on to the next Summation Examination though, we have some new tools at our disposal that weren't there the last time we saw the disk. Examine the Music Box Disk and check the bloodstain to analyze it. The stain will turn bright green, a color you have seen before... The Blood Samples Portfolio will be updated.

Judicial Findings: The Jurors' Contentions[edit | edit source]

Judicial Findings

- The Jurors' Contentions -

Juror No. 1: Once a rogue always a rogue, I Different breed to us law-abiding citizens!
Juror No. 2: As only two bullets were found at the scene, I would say the whole case is done and dusted.
Juror No. 3: You don't need a stereoscope to see the truth here. Every which way you look at it, it was that pickpocket!
Juror No. 4: Hm...I never imagined that simple operation would cause me such grief...
Juror No. 5: The accused attempted a theft on the previous day. ...I can see I'm in for a busy day ahead.
Juror No. 6: I am ballistics expert. I have seen many shootings. There is nothing I do not know about guns.

Jury Examination: The Defence's Rebuttal[edit | edit source]

Press Juror 4. The doctor seems to keep muttering about some surgery he performed that has nothing to do with the trial... or has it? He claims to have operated a man with a gunshot wound, but the bullet wasn't in his stomach. This is the surgeon that operated on Sholmes! Of course he didn't find a bullet, it was lodged in the calendar back at the pawnbroker's... or was it? It turns out that Sholmes presented an entry wound, but no exit wound. The plot thickens and juror 4 has amended his statement

Since the surgeon is looking for a ballistics expert, pit Juror 4 and Juror 6 against each other, but the answer is not what you're expecting. Juror 6 will tell a convoluted story about one time he thought he had been shot, but the bullet actually hit an ice wall, broke down a small chunk of ice from it and said piece of ice penetrated his body just like a bullet, and then melted away. The ice bullet theory sounds a bit farfetched in this situation though...

Iris will enter the conversation telling you that Sholmes always wears a pouch with three glass phials in the area of his stomach where he was shot. You might have noticed it by looking at his sprites during the game. However, the doctor testifies that Sholmes was not wearing a pouch when he arrived in the hospital. Instead, it was removed by the police at the scene of the crime before Sholmes was taken away, and Van Zieks has it now. You will be presented with the item and see that one of the phials is indeed broken, and the leather around it scorched. Sholmes's Pouch will be added to the Court Record.

Examine the pouch immediately. Check the bullet hole to open the pouch and find a bullet lodged inside. The Third Bullet will be added to the Court Record separately.

Now that you have new evidence, you will have to do a second round of the jury and press Juror 2. Choose option 2, "I can prove it!", since now we have more than two bullets in our hands. Immediately present The Third Bullet. Up until now, only two guns had been submitted as evidence, and each of them had only shot one bullet, yet there is a third one of unknown origin. The mystery must be solved before passing judgement. Therefore, this will force the Judge to suspend the summation examination and bring the witnesses back to the stand again, sweating some more bullets after this revelation.

The Third Bullet's Origin[edit | edit source]

When asked about it, the Skulkin brothers will assert that the third bullet wasn't fired by them. Van Zieks will then ask if they had an accomplice, which they will deny even though the evidence says otherwise. The Judge wants to know the defence's opinion.

When asked about it, you will be presented with three answers to give. Choose any of these options. The actual answer does not matter as you will come to the same conclusion regardless, albeit with different dialogue: that the Skulkin brothers were working with a third man at the scene of the crime. You might already see where this is going, if you take all we know into account. When prompted, choose option 1, you are "Ready to present answers". Let's unmask the third man!

Present the Blood Samples Portfolio, first of all, and when prompted by Van Zieks, choose Sample 1, the one that hit the calendar doesn't belong to Mr. Sholmes. This sample must belong to the mystery man we are looking for. Of course, when asked by the prosecutor, present Eggert Benedict. If you remember, after being unmasked on the day you met him, he tried to take the music box disk by force and even showed to be carrying a weapon. There's even a picture from the "Red-Handed Recorder" showing him too at 11am. In order to definitely prove it was him, you have two choices:

  • Present the Blood Samples Portfolio again and, this time, choose Sample 4, the one we recently took from the music box disk.
  • Present the Music Box Disk.

Either choice will yield the same outcome. Choice 1 simply has more dialogue. In any case, you saw the exact moment this bloodstain was produced and can corroborate that it was Mr. Benedict who got wounded.

Van Zieks isn't buying it though, and doesn't trust Sholmes's inventions, including the blood-testing substances. However, Iris says, since the Summation Examination is just "suspended" and not over, it's the jurors who must choose whether the trial goes on or not. All except Jurors 4 and 5 will call Not Guilty, and despite Van Zieks objecting to the findings, the Judge overrule Van Zieks judgement and allows the trial to continue on.

Unfortunately, it turns out that Eggert Benedict is not his real name, so it's impossible to bring him to court and make him testify. However, Juror 5 intervenes after looking at the 11am picture, delivered by Inspector Gregson, and who would've guessed it, she knows who this man is! The guy we are looking for happens to be her coworker at the communications office, and he should be exactly there doing his job at this hour. The Judge will order Van Zieks to make arrangements for him to be brought to court immediately and trial will be adjourned for one hour while you wait. You're halfway through the trial so you'll be near the end of the trial soon.