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Click here for more information about Joe's other fighting game appearances.

Joe Higashi (ジョー・ヒガシ) is a champion of Muay Thai and a good friend to Andy Bogard. Although Joe's place of origin is Japan, he spent the majority of his time in Thailand, where he trained Muay Thai. It was through his victories that Joe got the nickname "Hurricane Upper" Joe Higashi.

Story (in the KOF Orochi Saga)[edit | edit source]

Joe is a mainstay to Terry Bogard's Fatal Fury team throughout a lot of the King of Fighters tournaments. During the KoF '94 tournament, Andy Bogard chose to include Joe as a team member instead of Mai Shiranui, making her feel left out.

While Joe never played much of a major role since the defeat of Geese Howard in the Fatal Fury series, Joe has proven to be a loyal sidekick to the Bogards, teaming with them in every KOF. He has since become the practical joker amongst the brothers Bogard and their other friends and allies.

Joe eventually becomes stronger than his former training partner and best friend Andy Bogard.

Teams[edit | edit source]

Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters '94[edit | edit source]

Leg Throw (close) or +
Hiza Jigoku (close) or +
Command Moves
Slide Kick +
Special Moves
Bakuretsu Ken
└►Bakuretsu Finish (Far)
Hurricane Upper +
Tiger Kick +
Slash Kick +
Desperation Moves
Screw Upper +

The King of Fighters '95[edit | edit source]

Leg Throw (close) or +
Hiza Jigoku (close) or +
Command Moves
Slide Kick +
Special Moves
Bakuretsu Ken
└►Bakuretsu Finish +
Hurricane Upper +
Tiger Kick +
Slash Kick +
Ougon no Kakato +
Desperation Moves
Screw Upper ++

The King of Fighters '96[edit | edit source]

Hiza Jigoku (close) or +
Leg Throw (close) or +
Special Moves
Bakuretsu Ken
└►Bakuretsu Finisher Elbow +
└►Bakuretsu Finisher Kick +
Hurricane Upper +
Tiger Kick +
Slash Kick +
Ougon no Kakato +
Desperation Moves
Screw Upper +

The King of Fighters '97[edit | edit source]

Hiza Jigoku (close) or +
Leg Throw (close) or +
Command List
Slide Kick +
Low Kick +
Special Moves
Bakuretsu Ken
└►Finisher Elbow +
└►Finisher Kick +
Hurricane Upper +
Tiger Kick +
Slash Kick +
Ougon no Kakato +
Desperation Moves
Screw Upper +
Bakuretsu Hurricane

The King of Fighters '98[edit | edit source]

Joe Higashi[edit | edit source]

Hiza Jigoku (close) or +
Leg Throw (close) or +
Command Moves
Sliding +
Low Kick +
Special Moves
Bakuretsu Ken
├►Finisher Elbow +
└►Finisher Kick +
Hurricane Upper +
Tiger Kick +
Slash Kick +
Ougon no Kakato +
Desperation Moves
Screw Upper +
Bakuretsu Hurricane

'94 Joe Higashi[edit | edit source]

Hiza Jigoku (close) or +
Leg Throw (close) or +
Special Moves
Slide Kick +
Low Kick +
Special Moves
Bakuretsu Ken
└►Bakuretsu Finish +
Hurricane Upper +
Tiger Kick +
Slash Kick +
Desperation Moves
Screw Upper +

The King of Fighters '94 Re-Bout[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Baku Retsu Ken
Hurricane Upper +
Slash Kick +
Tiger Kick +
Desperation Move
Screw Upper
+ +

The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match[edit | edit source]

Joe Higashi[edit | edit source]

Hiza Jigoku (close) or +
Leg Throw (close) or +
Command Moves
Sliding +
Low Kick +
Special Moves
Bakuretsu Ken
├►Finisher Elbow +
└►Finisher Kick +
Hurricane Upper +
Tiger Kick +
Slash Kick +
Ougon no Kakato +
Desperation Moves
Screw Upper +
Bakuretsu Hurricane

'94 Joe Higashi[edit | edit source]

Hiza Jigoku (close) or +
Leg Throw (close) or +
Special Moves
Slide Kick +
Low Kick +
Special Moves
Bakuretsu Ken
└►Bakuretsu Finish +
Hurricane Upper +
Tiger Kick +
Slash Kick +
Desperation Moves
Screw Upper +
Thunder Fire +

Nettou The King of Fighters '95[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Bakuretsu Ken
└►Bakuretsu Finish +
Hurricane Upper +
Tiger Kick +
Slash Kick +
Ougon no Kakato +
Desperation Move
Screw Upper +