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Click here for more information about Kensou's other fighting game appearances.

Sie Kensou (椎 拳崇) is one of the young psychic powers wielding disciples of Chin Gentsai who has an unrequited crush on his teammate Athena Asamiya.

Story (in the KOF Orochi Saga)[edit | edit source]

Sie Kansou is a Chinese schoolboy who can wield Psychic Powers. That's why he was chosen to be part of the Psycho Soldier Team. He and his teammate Athena Asamiya (who he has a crush on) are trained by their mentor Chin Gentsai to prepare for "the worst case scenario of oncoming evil".

Chin uses the KOF tournaments since the 1994 tournament as a method of training for such an event. By pitting his students against other fighters, he hopes to increase their skill and power better than any training could ever achieve.

The food that Kensou sometimes eats before or during matches is baozi.

Teams[edit | edit source]

Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters '94[edit | edit source]

Hakki (close) or +
Tomoe Nage (close) or +
Special Moves
Chou Kyuu Dan +
Ryuu Ren Ga +
Ryuu Gaku Sai +
Desperation Moves
Shinryuu Tenbu

The King of Fighters '95[edit | edit source]

Hakki (close) or +
Tomoe Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Kobokushu +
Kousentai +
Special Moves
Chou Kyuu Dan +
Ryuu Ren Ga +
Ryuu Sou Geki +
Ryuu Gaku Sai +
Desperation Moves
Shinryuu Tenbu

The King of Fighters '96[edit | edit source]

Hakki (close) or +
Tomoe Nage (close) or +
Special Moves
Chou Kyuu Dan +
Ryuu Ren Ga Chi +
Ryuu Ren Ga Ten +
Ryuu Sou Geki +
Ryuu Gaku Sai +
Desperation Moves
Shinryuu Seiou Kyaku +
Shinryuu Tenbu Kyaku +

The King of Fighters '97[edit | edit source]

Hakki (close) or +
Tomoe Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Ko Bokute +
Gosen Tai +
Special Moves
Chou Kyuu Dan +
Ryuu Ren Ga
or +
Ryuu Sou Geki +
Ryuu Gaku Sai +
Desperation Moves
Shinryuu Seiou/
Tenbu Kyaku
or +
Senki Hakkei (close) +
Nikuuman O Kuu +
(Super Desperation damages you)

The King of Fighters '98[edit | edit source]

Hakki (close) or +
Tomoe Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Ko Bokute +
Gosen Tai +
Special Moves
Chou Kyuu Dan +
Ryuu Ren Ga
or +
Ryuu Sou Geki +
Ryuu Gaku Sai +
Ryu Renda (close) +
Desperation Moves
Shinryuu Seiou/
Tenbu Kyaku
or +
Senki Hakkei (close) +
Nikuuman O Kuu +
(Super Desperation damages you)

The King of Fighters '94 Re-Bout[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Chou Kyuu Dan +
Ryuu Ren Ga +
Ryuu Gaku Sai +
Desperation Move
Shin Ryuu Tenbu Kyaku

The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match[edit | edit source]

Hakki (close) or +
Tomoe Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Ko Bokute +
Gosen Tai +
Special Moves
Chou Kyuu Dan +
Ryuu Ren Ga
or +
Ryuu Sou Geki +
Ryuu Gaku Sai +
Ryu Renda (close) +
Desperation Moves
Shinryuu Seiou/
Tenbu Kyaku
or +
Senki Hakkei (close) +
Nikuuman O Kuu +
(Super Desperation damages you)

Nettou The King of Fighters '95[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Chou Kyuu Dan +
Ryuu Ren Ga +
Ryuu Sou Geki +
Ryuu Gaku Sai +
Desperation Move
Shinryuu Tenbu Kyaku +