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Click here for more information about Krauser's other fighting game appearances.

  • Name: Wolfgang Krauser von Stroheim
  • First appearance: Fatal Fury 2
  • Other appearances: Fatal Fury series, The King of Fighters '96
  • Birthplace: Germany
  • Height: 6'7
  • Weight: 320 lbs
  • Occupation: King Of Stroheim
  • Blood Type: A
  • Age: 42 years old
  • Likes: Chivalry, strong opponents, talking
  • Dislikes: Falsehood, weaklings

Wolfgang Krauser von Stroheim (ヴォルフガング・クラウザー・フォン・シュトロハイム) (more commonly known as Wolfgang Krauser or simply Krauser) is the German half-brother of Southtowns king of crime Geese Howard.

Story (in the KOF Orochi Saga)[edit | edit source]

After he was defeated by Terry Bogard in Fatal Fury 2, nothing was heard from Krauser until the The King of Fighters '96 tournament, when Krauser joined forces with Geese Howard and Mr.Big to create the Boss Team.

Although Geese used both him and Mr. Big as pawns in his attempt to nab an ancient power called Orochi, Krauser only cared about self-improvement as his aim was mainly to fight stronger opponents. After knowing his mistakes at the hands of Terry, Krauser vowed only to fight stronger opponents in order to restore the strength he once had prior to meeting up with Terry, and to eventually regain his title back from Terry one day, but for now, Krauser wants to improve himself first.

Teams[edit | edit source]

Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters '96[edit | edit source]

(close) or + or
Special Moves
High Blitz Ball +
Kaiser Suplex (close) +
Low Blitz Ball +
Leg Tomohawk +
Kaiser Kick +
Kaiser Double Sobat +
Desperation Moves
Kaiser Wave +

The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match[edit | edit source]

(close) or +
Kaiser Driver '91 (close) or +
Special Moves
High Blitz Ball +
Kaiser Suplex (close) +
Phoenix Throw (high counter) +
Low Blitz Ball +
Leg Tomohawk +
Kaiser Kick +
Kaiser Double Sobat +
Kaiser Double Sobat (close) +
Desperation Moves
Kaiser Wave +
Ultimate Desire +
(close) +

Nettou The King of Fighters '96[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
High Blitz Ball +
Lift Up Blow (close) +
Low Blitz Ball +
Leg Tomahawk +
Kaiser Kick +
Kaiser Double Sobat +
Desperation Moves
Kaiser Wave +