Robert Garcia (ロバート・ガルシア) is the first foreign practitioner of Kyokuganryu Karate and the best friend of Ryo Sakazaki. He is the son of a wealthy italian businessman.
In the 1994 King of Fighters tournament, Takuma Sakazaki, his son Ryo Sakazaki, and Robert Garcia participated as the Kyokugenryu Karate team. Against Ryo's wishes (Ryo fearing that she would poorly represent the Kyokugenryu school) but with Robert's support, Yuri Sakazaki entered the tournament with King and Mai Shiranui as her partners.
After KOF '95, Takuma informed his disciples that he felt too old to fight in the next KOF tournament. To Ryo's opposition and Robert's favor, Takuma granted his slot on the team to Yuri. Ever since, Robert has represented Kyokugenryu Karate at KOF as best as he could, and has looked forward to fighting alongside Yuri every year. However, much to his chagrin, Robert has never had one moment alone with his crush thanks to Ryo's overbearing surveillance. Despite being the only foreigner on the team, he can well represent Kyokugenryu Karate.