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Click here for more information about Takuma's other fighting game appearances.

Takuma Sakazaki (タクマ・サカザキ) is the most established known Kyokugenryu Karate practitioner and the father of Ryo Sakazaki as well as Yuri Sakazaki. His distinguishing feature is an X-shaped scar on his right pectoral.

Story (in the KOF Orochi Saga)[edit | edit source]

Takuma led Ryo Sakazaski and Robert Garcia as a team in the new King of Fighters for two years, until he retired and brought in Yuri Sakazaki as a replacement.

He reappeared again at KOF 98 as part of the Oyaji Team (Father Team), but this appearance is not considered canonial.

Teams[edit | edit source]

Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters '94[edit | edit source]

Ippon Seoi (close) or + or
Special Moves
Ko'ou Ken +
Zanransetsu Ken +
Shouran Kyaku (close) +
Hien Shippuu Kyaku +
Haoh Shikou Ken +
Desperation Moves
Ryuuko Ranbu ++

The King of Fighters '95[edit | edit source]

Tomoe Nage (close) or + or
Special Moves
Ko'ou Ken +
Zanransetsu Ken +
Shourankyaku (close)+
or +
Hien Shippu Kyaku +
Haoh Shokou Ken +
Desperation Moves
Ryuuko Ranbu ++

The King of Fighters '98[edit | edit source]

Tomoe Nage (close) or + or
Command Moves
Oniguruma +
Kawara Wari +
Special Moves
Ko'ou Ken +
Mouko Buraigan +
Zanransetsu Ken +
Shouran Kyaku (close) +
or +
Hien Shippu Kyaku +
Haoh Shokou Ken +
Desperation Moves
Ryuuko Ranbu ++
Shin Kishin Geki +

The King of Fighters '94 Re-Bout[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Ko Ou Ken +
Zan Retsu Ken +
Hien Shippu Kyaku +
Sho Ran Kyaku (close)+
Haoh Shikoh Ken +
Desperation Move
Ryuko Ranbu

The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match[edit | edit source]

Oosotogeri (close) or +
Tomoe Nage (close) or + or
Command Moves
Oniguruma +
Kawara Wari +
Special Moves
Ko'ou Ken +
Mouko Buraigan +
Zanransetsu Ken +
Shouran Kyaku (close) +
or +
Hien Shippu Kyaku +
Haoh Shokou Ken +
Desperation Moves
Ryuuko Ranbu ++
Shin Kishin Geki +

Nettou The King of Fighters '96[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Ko Ou Ken +
Hien Shippu Kyaku +
Zanretsu Ken +
Shoran Kyaku +
Desperation Moves
Haoh Shikou Ken +
Ryuuko Ranbu +