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Click here for more information about Vanessa's other fighting game appearances.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Barrett Puncher (close) or +
Clinch Puncher (close) or +
Command Moves
One-Two Puncher +
Sliding Puncher +
Special Moves
Machine Gun Puncher ☆ +
Dash Puncher ☆ +
Parrying Puncher ☆ +
Puncher Vision ☆ or +
├►Puncher Upper +
├►Puncher Straight +
└►Puncher Weaving +
Special Moves
Puncher Weaving ☆ + (hold)
├►Dash Puncher +
├►Parrying Puncher +
├►Puncher Vision (Forward) +
└►Puncher Vision (Backward) +
Super Moves
Crazy Puncher ★ +
Champion Puncher ★ (close) +
Climax Super
Infinity Puncher +