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Click here for more information about Najd's other fighting game appearances.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Piercing Malice (close) or +
Blinding Mercy (close) or +
Command Moves
Wings of Eternity +
Storm of Valor
Special Moves
Blade of Purity ①☆ +
└►Blade of Purity ② +
 └►Blade of Purity ③ +
of the Unknown
(Lv.1+) +
Blade of Purity +
of the Unknown
(Lv.1+) +
Special Moves
Unleashed Soul ☆ +
Alluring Rains ☆ (close) +
Anticipated Power ☆ +
Retribution of
the Unknown ☆
(Lv.0) +
Retribution of
the Unknown
(Lv.0-3) +
Super Moves
Virtue of Deceit ★ +
Circling Rotation ★ +
Climax Super
Roaring Justice +