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Click here for more information about Ramón's other fighting game appearances.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Arm Whip (close) or +
Flying Mare (close) or +
Command Moves
Sankaku-Tobi (against wall)
Drop Kick +
Head Butt +
├►Hoist 1 +
└►Hoist 2 +
Special Moves
Tiger Neck Chancery ☆ (close) +
Rolling Sobat ☆ +
└►Flying Body Attack +
 ├►Hoist 1 +
 └►Hoist 2 +
Somersault ☆ +
Special Moves
Tiger Load ☆ +
├►Feint Dash
├►Feint Jump
├►Cross Chop
└►Force of Will +
 ├►Hoist 1 +
 └►Hoist 2 +
Bird of Paradise +
├►Hoist 1 +
└►Hoist 2 +
Feint Step + (hold)
Super Moves
Tiger Spin ★ (close) +
El • Diablo • Amarillo •
Ramón • Volando ★
Climax Super
Hyper Sonic • Ramón +