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SNES[edit | edit source]

Game Genie[edit | edit source]

Code Effect
AEEC-A586 Buy things for free. You can buy anything for free as long as you have the money. Also works with things like Kiki.
AE67-0D30 Infinite bombs.
AE6E-DF2A Partial invincibility. You will lose health only if you fall down into pits.
Infinite magic. Most items cost no magic; the exceptions are the Cane of Byrna and the Magic Cape. Also, magic-stealing enemies can still steal magic from you.
F028-043A Green Rupees worth 20 instead of 1.
7428-043A Green Rupees worth 50 instead of 1.
1028-043A Green Rupees worth 100 instead of 1.
EE28-043A Green Rupees worth 255 instead of 1.
7428-074A Blue Rupees worth 50 instead of 5.
1028-074A Blue Rupees worth 100 instead of 5.
EE28-074A Blue Rupees worth 255 instead of 5.
7428-071A Red Rupees worth 50 instead of 20.
1028-071A Red Rupees worth 100 instead of 20.
EE28-071A Red Rupees worth 255 instead of 20.

Pro Action Replay[edit | edit source]

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GBA[edit | edit source]

American[edit | edit source]

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European[edit | edit source]

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Japanese[edit | edit source]

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