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Throughout the land of Hyrule, there are 24 Golden Bugs scattered around, that you can pick up by simply pressing A button.

If you give a Golden Bug to Agitha (in "Agitha's Castle" in Hyrule Castle Town), she will upgrade your wallet to a "Big Wallet" and she will also give you 50 rupees. From then on, she will give you 50 rupees every time you give her a Golden Bug, and if you make a pair of two like bugs, she will give you 100 rupees. When you have given her all the insects that can be found in the game, she will give you a "Giant Wallet", which holds 1,000 rupees. When you catch a bug, you can keep on catching it again and again, but you will only get a heart for the first one. When you have given a bug to Agitha, it will still be shown on your collection screen, and there will be a little butterfly symbol next to it. If you select a bug on the screen, it will give you a little bit of information about it. You can also visit Agitha's Castle whenever you want and use your lantern to draw bugs closer, if you like.

Tactics[edit | edit source]

A Golden Ant (male) sitting on a tree in Kakariko Graveyard.

If you're having trouble catching a Golden Bug, you may want to try the following tactics:

  1. Use your Gale Boomerang or Clawshot to pull the insect to you. If it flies away quickly, you may have to repeat this tactic.
  2. Stand still and use your Lantern to draw the bug closer, then when it is right near you, press A button to grab it.
  3. Sit and wait. If you're having serious trouble catching an insect, just stand by it and don't move. Wait for it to come to you.
  4. If you're having trouble seeing an insect, wait for night to fall. The Golden Bugs tend to blend in with the light of the day, making it somewhat difficult to spot them.

Acquisition chart[edit | edit source]

Bug Name Sex Location Acquired
Ant Kakariko Village On the floor in an empty western house (next to Barnes Bombs).
Ant Kakariko Graveyard Check by the northwest tree.
Beetle Hyrule Field - Faron Province Go west and you should see a high, inaccessible ledge. The bug will be on the side of one of the trees there.
Beetle Hyrule Field - Faron Province Go southeast of the bridge crossing the water, and on the side of a tree you will find this bug.
Butterfly Hyrule Field - Lanayru Province Clawshot up to the ledge directly east of Castle Town, and you should see this insect flying around.
Butterfly Hyrule Field - Lanayru Province Check by the pink flowers southeast of the east gate to Castle Town.
Dayfly Gerudo Desert In the southeast area of the desert, a bit to the west of the Cave of Ordeals, there is a little stone area with a statue and a few pillars with a chest atop of one of them. Go north from there and search in the small trenches; you should see this insect on the wall.
Dayfly Gerudo Desert This one was particularly hard to find, as it isn't near any landmarks. Go directly west from the Cave of Ordeals until you see it. It's roughly in the center of the south part of the desert.
Dragonfly Upper Zora's River This bug is fairly easy to find; it is hovering just outside the boat rental place. It can be quite tricky to catch it, though.
Dragonfly Zora's Domain Go west at the bottom of the waterfall and go up the hill until you find this bug hovering around some boxes.
Grasshopper Hyrule Field - Eldin Province In the field north of Kakariko Village, this bug is bouncing around in the northeast section.
Grasshopper Hyrule Field - Eldin Province In the field north of Kakariko Village, look in the south-central area. It shouldn't be too hard to find, but keep looking around on the ground. It is also quite fast, so it can escape easily.
Ladybug Hyrule Field - Lanayru Province South of Castle Town, go east of the small pool and the insect is resting on one of the three lone trees. Get ready to chase it, as it may try to fly away.
Ladybug Hyrule Field - Lanayru Province South of Castle Town, there is a large tower with crows flying above it to the west. The insect is resting on the wall; try not to scare it or it will fly away and will become harder to catch.
Mantis Hyrule Field - Lanayru Province Head south from the bridge above Lake Hylia and check the southern wall near an overhang to see this insect sitting on the wall.
Mantis Hyrule Field - Lanayru Province Search by the pillars at the north end of the bridge above Lake Hylia. Keep looking if you don't see it at first; it flies in and out of the pillars.
Phasmid Hyrule Field - Eldin Province Go north of the bridge of Eldin and Clawshot up to the ledge on the left, keep walking left a bit and you should see this insect on the wall.
Phasmid Hyrule Field - Eldin Province Go to the south end of Eldin bridge and look at the pillar at the side. You should see the insect on the side of it.
Pill bug Hyrule Field - Eldin Province On the Kakariko side of the wooden bridge over Kakariko Gorge, follow the fence to the east until you reach a spot with three trees and a lot of flowers. The bug will be located there.
Pill bug Hyrule Field - Eldin Province Leave Kakariko Village from the south. Follow the path until you cross the wooden bridge over Kakariko Gorge. Just after crossing, stop and look to the west. The bug will be close to where the fence and the wall of the cliff meet.
Snail Temple of Time Enter the temple and go down the steps, turn left and look next to the steps to see this bug.
Snail Sacred Grove After entering this area, push the block out of the way and jump down into the cave below. You should see this bug stuck to a large wall.
Stag Beetle Hyrule Field - Lanayru Province Go to the river flowing down from Zora's Domain and follow the path to the west leading up to some mountains. Keep walking east until you see this insect on a rocky wall.
Stag Beetle Hyrule Field - Lanayru Province From the field north of Castle Town, head east from the river that flows down from Zora's Domain. You should find a lone tree to the east with this insect near it.