Hidden Moves are special abilities that you can learn in the game. You cannot execute these abilities until you learn the moves. You learn the first skill, the Ending Blow, automatically on your way to the Forest Temple. The other moves must first be unlocked by howling at a howling stone, then finding the golden wolf and approaching it in human form. For the songs to activate the howling stones, see the wolf songs section.
Ending Blow[edit | edit source]

This attack finishes off grounded enemies. It is the only skill that you must learn, and it is used in the final boss battle. After your enemy is on the ground, target it by holding , then press
- Howling stone: There is no first howling stone. You learn the skill automatically on your way to Forest Temple.
- Golden wolf: The golden wolf is on an unavoidable path up to Forest Temple. You do not need to activate a howling stone to meet the wolf.
Shield Attack[edit | edit source]
The Shield Attack is useful for stunning enemies and knocking enemy projectiles back at their source. While -targeting an enemy, thrust
forward to thrust your shield forward.

- Howling stone: The howling stone is on the Death Mountain path. It is located in a rocky area that is filled with steam geysers.
- Golden wolf: The golden wolf is in the Ordon Spirit Spring.
Back Slice[edit | edit source]
The Back Slice allows you to circle around enemies and hit their backsides, catching them unawares and leaving them vulnerable to additional attacks. -target an enemy, then hold
and hit
once to sidestep, then quickly hit
again to roll, and swing
to attack.
- Howling stone: The howling stone is located in the Zora's River area of Lanayru Province, northeast of Iza's cabin.
- Golden wolf: The golden wolf is on a platform to the east of Castle Town.
Helm Splitter[edit | edit source]
The Helm Splitter is a follow-up from the Shield Attack. It allows you to slash at an enemy's head, then follow up with additional attacks. Perform a Shield Attack, then hit .
- Howling stone: The howling stone is located in Faron Woods, after the gap that leads to Sacred Grove.
- Golden wolf: The golden wolf is on south of Castle Town, east of the stairway.
Mortal Draw[edit | edit source]
This risky maneuver is easy to execute, but leaves you vulnerable. Successful completion results in an instant kill. Sheathe your sword and do not -target any enemies. As an enemy prepares to strike, press
(wait for the onscreen cue as Link grabs his sword) to attack it.
- Howling stone: The howling stone is near Lake Hylia basin on a cliff south of the warp point. You must climb a ladder to reach it.
- Golden wolf: The golden wolf is in the northeast section of Gerudo Desert, just before you enter the enemy encampment.
Jump Strike[edit | edit source]
This is an improved version of your jump attack that strikes all enemies within range of the strike. -target an enemy, then hold down the
button until a glimmer goes up your blade. Release
to perform the attack.
- Howling stone: The howling stone is located in the Snowpeak Area, south of the burrow spot leading to the underground cave.
- Golden wolf: The golden wolf is in the Kakariko Village graveyard.
Great Spin[edit | edit source]
This is the final skill you learn. It is an improved version of the spin attack that can only be executed at full health. While at full health, shake back and forth to perform the attack.
- Howling stone: The howling stone is on the east side of Hidden Village, by the Cucco leader. Don't activate the stone while defeating the enemies or playing the cat minigame, or you will have to start over when you return.
- Golden wolf: The golden wolf is on the path leading from Castle Town to Hyrule Castle.