Aragorn[edit | edit source]
Character in "The Path of the King" with Andúril as his melee weapon and a bow for ranged attacks. His best combos are one-button combos, making him an easy character to play. Wielding the sword Andúril, He has the most melee range of all characters.
Legolas[edit | edit source]
Character in "The Path of the King" with two knives as his melee weapons and his famous Galadhrim bow for his ranged attacks, he possesses the strongest ranged attacks, but the lowest life.
Gimli[edit | edit source]
Character in "The Path of the King" with his trusty two-headed axe as his melee weapon and throwing axes for his ranged attacks. Gimli has the most life of all characters and his fierce attack deals the most damage. Overall it is the hardest hitting melee character. However, all of his attacks are painfully slow and sometimes he cannot put up enough of a defense. His Orc Hewer combo can hit up to 7 times if the player aims slightly right by the end of the combo, 4 times the final fierce attack, killing trolls or commanders in one combo after their armor is off.
Gandalf the White[edit | edit source]
Only character in "The Path of the Wizard" for his melee weapon he uses both Glamdring and his staff and for ranged attacks he uses burning lights which is shot from his staff.
Sam[edit | edit source]
Feisty character in "The Path of the Hobbits" who uses his sword given to him by Aragorn and throwing daggers for his ranged attack. He has the fastest killing move of all characters.
Frodo[edit | edit source]
Unlockable bearer of the One Ring and uses Sting for his responsible melee weapon and (the same as Sam) throwing daggers for his ranged attack.
Merry[edit | edit source]
Unlockable character and has the same melee and ranged strategies as Sam and Frodo. His daggers are slightly stronger than other hobbits'. If playing the Path of the Hobbits in Co-op mode, Merry is the default second player.
Pippin[edit | edit source]
Unlockable character and also has the same melee and ranged strategies as Sam and Frodo. His light attack is by far the strongest of all of the characters. He can quickly defeat trolls and bosses, and eliminating standard orcs in a single hit.
Faramir[edit | edit source]
Unlockable character with similar melee and ranged strategies as Aragorn, but he has shorter melee range, is slightly faster but weaker in melee, and has stronger arrows.