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This text dump is based on a file from the 1984 IBM-PC port, with minor adjustments for the original Apple II version.


Our story is of a time long ago, and a place far away. A tale of kings and knights and sorcerors and dragons, a tale that is never repeated no matter how often it is told. A tale that you, my friend, shall determine how is to unfold. Your story begins in the kingdom of Balema. King Galt has granted an audience to a young noblewoman from a southwestern province. The king is seated upon the throne, his favorite mistress by his side. Gorn, the king's champion, lounges arrogantly by the king's other side. Being a mere advisor (and a new one at that) you take your place among the other court nobles and listen with interest to the discussion in progress.

(King) Rise Lady Diana, you can speak much better without the palace floor marring your knees. You were saying?
(Diana) Please forgive my people m'lord for 'tis not their fault they cannot pay their taxes this season! Our lands lay in ruin, our harvests burned, our villages ravaged!
(King) And just what is the cause of all this calamity?
(Diana) A dragon m'lord! A demon- spawned nightmare from the depths of hell! Please m'lord, my people can hardly feed themselves! I offer myself in exchange for mercy upon them.
(King) Begone with you Lady Diana, back to your people. I need you not. And tell your people that Gorn, the king's champion, will soon be on his way to rid my kingdom of this hell-bred thorn!
(After saying this, King Galt turns and hands Gorn a bag of gold.)
(King) Take this gold and outfit yourself for the Quest. And take yon new advisor. Heed his word closely, he comes with the highest recommendation. Now be off!

Gorn, glaring in your direction, says: "And your first suggestion, most revered advisor?"

(Other) (Gorn) I'm not sure I understand you.

Castle provisioner[edit]

Gorn turns quickly and leaves through the heavy oak door in the north wall. Hurrying behind him, you get your first close-up view of the king's champion: He's huge! (best stay on his good side). After a quick circuit through the maze-like castle halls, you finally reach the provisioner's. There is a list fastened to the counter top.

(Provisioner) Hail Gorn. What can I do for ye today?

Central Balema[edit]

A large, time worn castle, surrounded by a stagnant, stench-ridden moat, stands just to the south. The road continues north to the horizon.

The road continues endlessly (or so it seems) to the north. Far to the south the hazy outline of castle spires rises above the landscape.

Gorn halts before an intersection with roads leading north, south, east and west.

The deeply rutted road curves from the north to the west. A ridge of icy blue mountains rises skyward far to the northeast.

A very faint, but continuous, rumble can be heard to the northeast. To the east are cold, rugged mountains.

The road splits to the north, south, and west. A few sparse trees can be seen to the west. The rutted dirt road stretches on through wide grass plains.

Pausing briefly, Gorn eyes the long expanse of the road to the east and the west.

Gorn stops at a 3-way intersection.

The road stretches to the north and south. A few sparse trees are visible to the west.

You find yourselves before a 3-way intersection with north, east and west branches. There are some small hills to the east.

Balema Bayou[edit]

The east-west road doesn't look well travelled, something to the west is reflecting sunlight (a body of water perhaps).

Your progress halts at the shore of a sparkling blue lake. An old, weather beaten sign is lying by the water's edge.

Read sign! Some of the letters are worn off, but you can still barely make out "CA_T_ON AL_I__TO_S!"

Go west! A few hundred feet from the shore the water is still only up to Gorn's waist and your chest. Gorn cocks his head to one side as telltale splashes from up and down the shoreline can be vaguely heard. Moving ahead more cautiously, Gorn suddenly stiffens and then is jerked quickly underwater. Half- heartedly expecting Gorn to resurface, you see the water part as an alligator many times your length comes up instead...!
(Balema Sports News)... It's a sad day for sports lovers in Balema today. The remains found in the alligator ridden Balema Bayou have been identified as the great Gorn, and a companion. Gorn was the undefeated jousting champion of the kingdom, and holder of a world record in swashbuckling. Little is known of the companion, who seems to have been a new royal advisor on his first (and last) Quest. Gorn will be sorely missed by the sports world.

Hermit's cave[edit]

The road winds through gently rolling hills.

Read sign! Gorn turns and says, "What's the matter, art thou blind?"

The road narrows to a path until it ends abruptly at the mouth of a cave.

A small old man stops you at the cave entrance. "That's far enough. What business have ye 'ere?"

Ask! Advice is worth what you pay for it.

Pay gold! Treasure abounds on the southern islands.

Pay 1 (or more) gold! Beware neighboring kingdoms.

Pay 4 (or more) gold! Stick to the roads.

Pay 7 (or more) gold! Dragons can be caught if one approaches close enough to put salt on their tails.

Pay 51 (or more) gold! A gleam appears in the old hermit's eye as he shakily places the gold on a table. Facing you again he says: "In return I shall give you the speech of dragons". The next few days are spent in intense effort as the old hermit pounds the difficult language into you. In the meantime Gorn spends his waking time impatiently pacing the cave interior. Finally, the hermit is content that he has repaid your generosity and pronounces you fluent in dragonese.


Gorn points to the deep impressions left in the ground by his boots. Water is slowly seeping up into them.

You are at the edge of a swamp. The walking has become extremely difficult as your feet sink in the mire with every step. There appears to be a human skeleton hanging on a large tree trunk to the south.

Gorn scowls at the grinning skeleton, then points warily at a large jeweled ring on its bony finger.

Foul smelling gases swirl upwards from the swamp. A large snake lies coiled around a tree overhead.

Fight snake! (Gorn) First we kill the dragon, then I'll take you snake hunting.


The long dusty road runs east and west. The vague outline of trees to the west indicates the beginning of a forest.

The road is swallowed by a dense forest to the west.

The thick treetops form a canopy that keeps most of the sunlight from reaching the road.

The road through the forest branches to the south, east and west. The forest ends just a short distance to the west.

The road runs north and south through the trees.

The road curves from the north to the west. The forest grows right up to the edge of the road.

A slow wind moans softly through the tree tops. The forest doesn't seem quite so dense to the north.

Very little sunlight manages to filter down. The dense forest seems to stretch endlessly in all directions.

The trees don't seem quite as dense to the north and the west.

The forest to the east is too dense for passage. There must be some sort of clearing to the south for the trees are less dense.

Forest pit[edit]

You are now deep within the forest. Before you is a pit, definitely man-made, and obviously very old. A large vine grows downward into the pit.

(First time down) Halfway down, the vine snaps and you plummet to the bottom!

(Command?) The pit is deep and dark. Something at the bottom is glinting from the occasional sunlight.

The bottom of the pit is filled with treasure. Gold in heaps, jeweled swords, flasks of exotic musk and brass clad chests!

Gorn suddenly snaps erect. From the holes along the base of the walls slither forth hordes of great hooded cobras, bearing down fast upon you. (Gorn) You better make up your mind fast, we don't have much time!

Fight cobras! Gorn slashes madly at the cobras, killing them by the dozens, but there are just too many. Within seconds they are coiled about your legs and waist, striking repeatedly. Your last conscious sight is the writhing, slithering heap that used to be Gorn, the King's Champion...

(Command?) (Gorn) I have wealth enough. It would only slow us down.

Open chest! There is an old rug in the chest.

Read rug! The label on the rug reads: "Abdul's new and used rugs (another fly-by-night company)".

Lisa's house[edit]

Before you is a well kept frame house.

Muffled sounds are barely discernible from within, yet the dark windows reveal nothing.

Knock door! The door swings inward silently. A beautiful red-headed woman appears at the threshold wrapped in a long heavy cloak. Strange and enticing odors waft from the open doorway.

  • (Normal) After staring briefly at both yours and Gorn's hands she whirls abruptly around, her long hair swirling about her shoulders, retreats through the doorway and slams the door shut.
  • (If you have ring) After staring briefly at Gorn's hands, she welcomes him into her home. She frowns as you follow Gorn through the doorway (almost as if she only wants to see Gorn, not you). Silent as a cat, the woman moves to the other side of the room. Slowly she turns to face you and Gorn.
    (Gorn) Who are you, woman?
    (Woman) Some call me Lisa. That is what you may call me. (Lisa) I could be very useful to you at times and would be willing to accompany you, but... it will cost you.
    Without even a warning, Gorn turns and grasps you by the shoulders, lifting you clean off the floor, sets you firmly down outside, and closes the door in your face... And so you wait. What seems like ages later (although it couldn't have been more than half an hour) Gorn swings open the door. Jerking his thumb towards the inside Gorn says: "She's coming with us. I had to give her the ring we found, though". Looking a little guilty, Gorn continues "What could I do? She wouldn't accompany us without it!" In less time than it takes to spell platitudinarianism, you Gorn, and your new companion, the beautiful Lisa, are outside of Lisa's house and ready to go.

Ancient ruins[edit]

Due west are some crumbled ruins surrounded by dense vegetation. The remnants suggest a once great civilization.

Piles of crumpled stone lay heaped about the floor. Sunlight trickles in from numerous holes in the roof. Gorn nervously eyes the impenetrable shadows around the ruin walls.

This room seems to have been recently occupied. A flight of worn stairs that look centuries old lead down into utter darkness.

Suddenly, lizard men leap from the shadows, blocking the only other way out, and come charging towards you. In a blur of speed, Gorn unsheathes his sword and prepares to meet the challenge. (Gorn) What's it to be, chief, run or fight?

  • Fight! Gorn brandishes his sword in a mighty swoop that renders a lizard man completely harmless.
  • (Other) Before Gorn has a chance to right his sword the remaining lizard men rush him and bear him to the ground! It seems it is now Gorn's turn to be rendered helpless! After finishing Gorn off, the lizardmen, saliva drooling from their tooth filled jaws, begin moving towards you. Their hissing breath is loud in your ears! Raising their swords high over their heads they... start again or restore previous game?
  • (If Lisa is with you) The lizard men halt their forward rush as Lisa's ornate staff begins to glow brightly. The light thickens until it becomes a horrendous fireball that launches itself at the Lizard men, obliterating them completely.

West Balema[edit]

Balema Beach[edit]

The dirt road continues east/west through some remarkably green meadows.

A "T" in the well travelled road lies southward.

The dusty road stretches endlessly to the north and south.

Northward winds the road till it meets the horizon. Sunlight reflects brightly from the south. Ocean waves can be heard lapping against a shore. The fresh salt air is invigorating and does much to lift the spirits.

The ocean's crystal blue waters sparkle in the light. A small island stands just off the shore to the south. There appears to be some artifact erected on the island.

Go south! (Gorn) You go ahead. I hate salt water. It burns my eyes.
The water is excellent. Its absorbed warmth is spreading through your quest worn muscles, relaxing them even as you swim. It's still difficult to make out what the object is on the island, though. Dripping wet, yet extremely refreshed from the swim, you make your way to the top of the island. Why, it's just a sign with a key lying at its base... Oh, no!
(Gorn) HHHHEEEEEEYYYYYYY!! Gorn is shouting to you from the shore. Can't make out what he is saying, but when you turn and look back you see...
Sharks! There aren't too many of them yet. Might still be a chance.

This time you hardly notice the relaxing warmth of the ocean water. The sharks don't seem to have spotted you yet. But they're so close!

Suddenly, the water explodes directly in front of you as a great shark surfaces with excruciating force. His huge jaws, easily three feet across, are wide agape in anticipation of closing them on you. Thrashing the water wildly you still try to swim towards the shore. You can see Gorn standing waist deep in water, sword drawn, ready to help you as soon as you're within reach. If you can just make it a little further......
(Balema Times) The famous Gorn, champion of the King, was seriously wounded yesterday while attempting to rescue a yet to be identified companion from the shark-infested waters just off Balema Beach. The companion is rumored to have been King Galt's newest advisor, sent by the king to accompany Gorn on a quest. The remains, however, were too mutilated for positive identification. Services for the unknown advisor will be held Wednesday at the castle.

Vulture pond[edit]

The road branches again. Naught but more road to the north. There appears be a small pool of water to the south.

A small pool of water lies motionless, reflecting the sky above. The water doesn't seem stagnant, yet it is not discernible where it is fed from. A haggard looking vulture with a patient, yet expectant look in his eyes is perched atop a gnarled old tree. A rotten board lies at the base of the tree, directly beneath the vulture.

Read board! The board is so rotten it's difficult read, but it seems to say something about 'poisonous'.

North-west Balema[edit]

The dirt road continues on to the north and south through more of the beautifully green meadows.

The road branches to the north, south and west.

The dusty road runs east and west. The vague outline of hills are visible to the west.

The road is well worn here at this intersection. Must be a major crossroads.

A small village lies before you. Seems like a peaceful place to spend some time... Suddenly a terrifying shriek splits the air. All heads turn to the west as a large dragon comes flying towards the village. Amidst the chaotic turmoil of the horrified villagers, Gorn grasps you about the waist, lifting you off your feet, and madly dashes into the closest storm cellar. What feels like an eternity afterwards, Gorn boldly peers outside. Stating all is clear, you, and the few other villagers that managed to get in the cellar, emerge to find the village burned to the ground.

The charred remnants of a village lay about you.

A crystal clear pond sparkles with reflected light.

The dirt road is passing through some hilly terrain. A small mountain range can be seen to the southwest.

The road curves to the south and east. Several mountains can be seen to the south.

The dust road leads north and south. The mountains loom high to the south.

The mountains are just to the south. The dirt road continues on to the north.

The road narrows into a path which enters a dark cave at the base of some mountains. A large sphinx keeps you from entering the cave. (Sphinx) First you must answer me this: Blue as the sky on a summer day, Fresh as a field of just cut hay, Deep as the pits beneath the fires of hell, Clear as a note from a pure silver bell, Still as a graveyard on a cold winter night, Ruthless as a hawk in its death-dealing flight, As peaceful as a river that flows gently by, The question to answer is "What am I?"

  • (Correct answer) Correct. You may pass.
  • (Wrong answer) Wrong. You may not enter.

The Red Dragoon knight[edit]

Border Station n.1 (Guard) A warning, pass not to the north for only trouble lies with the Red Dragoon.

Border Station n.2. (Guard) Gorn! Just the man we need! A large Red dragoon has been causing much havoc hereabouts, and we could sure use some help. The demon is just on to the west.

Border Station n.3. (Guard) Greetings Gorn! Keeping strange company these days, aren't you? Wouldn't bother going north if I were you. Some dragoon up there's been harassing people.

Border Station #4. (Guard) Continue this way at thine own risk, for to the north lies the red dragoon!

Shortly after crossing the border into the neighboring kingdom you are confronted by a huge red dragoon (and of course, a whole company of guards). (Dragoon) Well, well. What have we here? More fodder for our dungeon vermin! Take them, men!

North Balema[edit]

A few scattered trees are visible to the north.

The road passes through a small grove of trees.

The road winds its way north and south. There's a small patch of woods to the south.

Gorn stops before a 4-way intersection in the dirt road and looks expectantly in your direction.

You are on an east/west dirt road.

The road branches to the south, east and west.

There is a general provisioner's to the west.

There is assorted merchandise within the general provisioner's. A sign on the counter itemizes the prices.
(General Provisioner) Hail Champion! Of what use can I be to you?

The dusty road bends to the north and west.

Gorn stops at a 3-way intersection and waits for directions.

The dirt road extends to the north and south.

Green meadows stretch all around the north/south dirt road.

The east/west road extends on through lush green meadows.

Burned village[edit]

The road has traces of soot skittering across its surface. Smoke can be seen to the east.

The charred and smoking remnants of a once prosperous village lie scattered about you. Gorn slowly clenches his fists as he looks about at the needless destruction.

The road stretches north and south. Tendrils of smoke drift lazily upward on the northern horizon.

Forks in the road lead north, south and west. The horizon to the west is hazy with smoke.

The road seems well travelled here. There appear to be tendrils of smoke rising to the northwest.

The road bends to the north and west.

The road branches to the north, south and east.

Thieves forest[edit]

The dusty road curves to the north and west.

The dirt road extends east into a wooded area, through a meadow to the west.

As you enter a small clearing in the forest several men appear along the perimeter of the clearing, surrounding you completely.

  • (If you have items) The highwaymen overcome you, rob you of everything you are carrying and then allow you passage.
  • (If you own just a waterskin) Surprisingly, the highwaymen allow you to pass in peace.
  • (If Lisa is with you) As the men close in, Lisa's ornate staff begins to glow brightly. Suddenly, Gorn and Lisa begin to transform into mist. Feeling uneasy yourself, you look down only to find your own body melting away into vapor. Rising above the highwaymen's reach you and the two other misty objects are blown by the whims of the wind. In a short time your vapors begin to solidify and you settle back to the ground... elsewhere!
  • Fight! Gorn, being faithful (although somewhat hesitant) to the king's command to follow your directions, sweeps out his sword and nobly leaps forward to do battle with the many (and I do mean many) highwaymen (tallyho! and all that). Being extremely outnumbered, Gorn is slowly overcome (slowly because he's the king's champion, ya know). As soon as the ruffians finish off Gorn, they turn and start moving towards you. Now, I think it's pretty obvious what they have in mind, so do you want to stick around and wait or do you want to... start again or restore previous game?

The dirt road winds north and south through the trees.

North desert[edit]

The road abruptly ends at the edge of a vast desert.

An endless desert stretches around you. To the east, a vertical cliff rises skyward.

A towering cliff blocks passage to the east.

You are at the foot of an unclimbable cliff.

Gorn points at a cave about halfway up the sheer cliff face.

Water! A spring of life amidst this interminable hell!

The shimmering desert extends forever in all directions.

The blistering sun boils the sand beneath your feet.

The heat is almost unbearable with the sun beating down from above and the sand reflecting upwards.

The intense sunlight reflecting from the sand is nearly blinding.

The desert sands stretch endlessly in all directions.

The endless desert continues forever.

The desert stretches all about you as far as you can see.

River and waterfall[edit]

An old, wheel-worn bridge stretches across a wide, rapidly flowing stream. The rumble heard earlier has become louder and is now almost due east. Lofty crags of a mountain range are clearly visible to the southeast. After careful inspection, Gorn declares the bridge fit to pass.

Pausing beside the clear, white-water stream, Gorn spots a waterfall to the east as the source of the loud roar. The waterfall and stream must be fed by the runoff from the mountain range that stretches to the south.

The mountain range to the east appears impassable. There is a distinct roaring sound to the north.

At the base of the waterfall the cascading water bursts into a fine spray that drenches everything nearby (including you). The deafening roar of the falling water has a strange hollow quality to it.

Look waterfall! (Gorn) There is a passage behind the falls.

You are in a dripping wet tunnel passage directly behind a thunderous waterfall. The tunnel curves to the left.

Halfway cave[edit]

You are at the top of a steep cliff overlooking an endless desert. A large tree grows just at the edge of the cliff.

You are standing on a ledge halfway up a cliff. There are strange claw marks on the ledge leading from a cave.

The claw marks extend further on into the cave. Some trinkets lie scattered about.

A dragon cub is asleep on the floor.

(Gorn) It is not within my nature to slay the helpless! Here, if you want it killed then you do it. At this point, Gorn hands you the young dragon. Then you, being the cruel orderer of helpless creatures' deaths that you are, kill the poor, innocent young dragon!

The salt sprinkles across the baby dragon's tail, causing it to spring into the air with an ear piercing shriek and hastily fly out of sight!

As soon as everyone gets on the carpet it begins to rise. Just as the carpet gets level with the mouth of the cave, Gorn shouts "Jump!" and you leap deftly to the ledge. As the carpet begins to move away, Gorn reaches out and grabs it.

When all are aboard, the carpet rises to the top of the cliff, unceremoniously dumps everybody off, and zooms out of sight to the southwest.

Underground caves[edit]

The road narrows into a path which enters a dark cave at the base of some mountains.

Light shines in from the tunnel entrance.

A flight of stairs lead upward.

A dark tunnel stretches to the west.

The tunnel continues on straight.

The dark tunnel runs straight ahead.

The damp tunnel bends to the right.

The tunnel curves right.

The tunnel makes a sharp turn to the right.

The dark tunnel bends sharply to the right.

The dark tunnel bends to the left.

The cold tunnel walls curve to the left.

The dark tunnel makes a sharp turn to the left.

The tunnel bends sharply to the left.

The dark tunnel branches to the right.

The tunnel forks to the right.

The damp tunnel forks to the left.

The tunnel branches to the left.

The tunnel ends abruptly. The wall is smooth, obviously fabricated.

A cave-in blocks the tunnel passage.

Dragon's lair[edit]

The dragon's lair! An enormous dragon is lying in the middle of a small cavern, amidst heaps of gold, jewels, and assorted other wealth. The dragon slowly turns its massive head until its green slitted eyes come to rest upon you.

(Dragon) Rawallmerfshnaughzrolwilf.

  • (Lisa) I know dragonese. I'll translate for you:
  • According to your recently acquired knowledge of dragonese, you translate thusly:
    • (Dragon) Do naught to deepen my sorrow, foolish mortals.

Ask sorrow! (Dragon) I bear thee of this kingdom no grudge. This land was my home long before the existence of Balema. My sorrow is for my cub that has been separated from me. Find my cub and I will leave this kingdom in peace once again.

(Come back without cub) (Dragon) Don't try my patience by disturbing me with empty hands!

(Bad ending) The dragon bellows deafeningly, rears up onto its haunches, spreads its great wings, and incinerates the entire party!
(Neighboring Kingdom Times) Bulletin: Yesterday will go down in history as the 'day of infamy'! The entire kingdom of Balema was totally destroyed by a dragon known to inhabit their southern provinces. The reason for the dragon's ravages is unknown at this time. It was reported that after devestating Balema, the dragon flew west, hopefully never to return this way again.

(Good ending) The baby dragon tears away from you and runs toward the big dragon.

(Good ending) Immediately upon entering the dragon's lair, the mother detects that you have her cub, alive and well. The cub struggles away from you and runs to its mother. For a few sentimental moments the mother and baby warmly bathe each other in short bursts of flame (a touching sight). The joyous mother dragon then scoops everyone up, places them firmly on her back, and flies east towards the castle.