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Box artwork for The Sims: Unleashed.
Box artwork for The Sims: Unleashed.
The Sims: Unleashed
Publisher(s)Electronic Arts
Year released2002
System(s)Windows, macOS
Preceded byThe Sims: Vacation
Followed byThe Sims: Superstar
SeriesThe Sims
Designer(s)Will Wright
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ESRB TeenPEGI Ages 12+OFLC General 8+
Neoseeker Related Pages
LinksThe Sims: Unleashed ChannelSearch

The The Sims: Unleashed expansion pack to The Sims allows you to go into a new area of town: 'Old Town'. You can buy pets and pick a look for your cat or dog. Enjoy having a pet in your house in the Sims for once. Also this expansion pack adds gardening to allow your Sims to grow their own food to eat or sell.

Table of Contents
