Small appliances are placed on counters. They each have their own interactions and satisfy different needs.
Extra Pep Coffeemaker[edit | edit source]
Extra Pep Coffeemaker | |
Price | §85 |
Need Effects | Hunger 1, Bladder -1, Energy 3 |
Need Maximum | Fun 70 |
Room(s) | Kitchen |
Other info |
The Make Coffee interaction produces 8 servings. The Drink Coffee interaction satisfies Energy and Hunger, but depletes Bladder. Sims who drink too much coffee visibly shake. The Juggle Mugs interaction is also available, providing a little Fun.
The coffee maker is useful to have for visitors, as visiting Sims are unable to fulfil their Energy need, except from drinking coffee or expresso. However, visitors cannot make their own coffee or expresso, so it's up to your Sims to do this for them. Once your Sim has made some coffee/expresso, visiting Sims can take a cup and drink it.
TechTonic Touch Toaster Oven[edit | edit source]
TechTonic Touch Toaster Oven | |
Price | §100 |
Need Effects | Hunger 1 |
Room(s) | Kitchen |
Community Sort | Shopping, Food |
Other info |
One serving of a meal can be made with this appliance. The ability to make several servings of the same meal is unavailable.
XLR8R2 Food Processor[edit | edit source]
XLR8R2 Food Processor | |
Price | §220 |
Need Effects | Hunger 2 |
Room(s) | Kitchen |
Other info |
Speeds up meal preparation time.
Brand Name Zip Zap Microwave[edit | edit source]
Brand Name Zip Zap Microwave | |
Price | §250 |
Need Effects | Hunger 2 |
Room(s) | Kitchen |
Other info |
Works the same as the toaster oven, but only TV dinners can be made, which is only available at dinner time.
Ciao Time Espresso Machine[edit | edit source]
Ciao Time Espresso Machine | |
Price | §450 |
Need Effects | Bladder -1, Energy 4, Fun 1 |
Need Maximum | Fun 50 |
Room(s) | Kitchen |
Other info |
Works similar to the coffeemaker, but it takes longer to make expresso than coffee. Also, when serving expresso, only two servings are made.