There are a few decorations in The Sims 2 that don't fall into any of the other categories. If no interactions are given for an object then its only interaction is View.
The aquarium allows sims to own and care for their very own fish. Interactions are:
Restock: Teen or older can add fish to the tank. Only available if fish are dead or tank is empty. Fish cost $35.
Watch: Sim watches fish and gains fun.
Feed Fish: Sim feeds fish continuing their life. Fish must be fed every 48 hours. If not fed, fish will die. Feeding fish dirties the tank.
Clean: Once the tank gets dirty, this interaction becomes available cleaning the tank. Sim gains cleaning skill and raises environment score. Not cleaning the tank can cause the fish to die and causes a drop in environment score.
The grandfather clock is a special object that doesn't passively depreciate. If the correct actions are taken, it can go up in value. It also tells the time and chimes every six hours. Do not put the grandfather clock in a sims bedroom because when it chimes, it wakes sims up. Interactions are:
Wind: Like the aquarium, the grandfather clock must be maintained to keep on going. This interaction ensures that for the next 72 hours, the grandfather clock will chime at regular six hour intervals. If the clock isn't wound, it will eventually stop chiming.
Maintain: Sim attempts to increase the clocks value. Can only be done once every ten days. Sim gains mechanical skill. Sims with low mechanical skill also risk breaking the clock. The lower the skill, the greater the chance.