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TVs have several different channels. The base game for The Sims 2 includes four channels: SBN, SimStation Dance, KidzTube, and Yummy Channel. Each Sim reacts differently to each channel, depending on their age. Each channel is aimed at a different target age.

  • SBN: Adults
  • SimStation Dance: Teens
  • KidzTube: Toddlers and Children
  • Yummy Channel: Elders

The Yummy Channel increases a Sim's Cooking skill when they're watching it. Body can be gained from the Work Out interaction. They'll change into their Athletic clothes for this. TVs can break, requiring them to be fixed, increasing the Mechanical skill.

Computers are an expensive-yet-handy object to have. Sims can use them to find work, order groceries, socialize with other Sims, play games, and write novels to make some money. Computers have to be placed on a table or desk with a dining chair in front in order to be interactable.

Playing games works similar to the game simulator. More games can be purchased from the community-lot-exclusive game racks.

Writing novels builds the Creativity skill, and the quality of the novel depends on your Sim's Creativity skill. It takes several hours to write a novel. The time it takes to write a novel pays off, as even a low-level Creativity Sim can make a few thousand Simoleans from it.

Your Sim can interact with other Sims via the Chat With interaction or Send Email/Receive Email interactions. The difference is that sending and receiving emails not only satisfies Social, but also the Fun need.

The computer is a good place to Find a Job, as there are more jobs available to browse; 5 in compared to the 3 daily slots a newspaper offers.

Ordering groceries on the computer is the same as ordering them over the phone.

Sims can also Find Own Place (aka move out of the current lot) using the computer.

Computers can break down, requiring them to be repaired, which increases Mechanical skill.

Trottco 27” MultiVid iV Television[edit | edit source]

Trottco 27” MultiVid iV Television
Need EffectsFun 6
Skill(s)Body, Cooking
Room(s)Living Room, Bedroom
Community SortMiscellaneous
Other info
  • Initial Depreciation: $75
  • Daily Depreciation: $50
  • Depreciation Limit: $200

Moneywell Computer[edit | edit source]

Moneywell Computer
Need EffectsFun 7
Need MaximumFun 90
Community SortMiscellaneous
Other info
  • Initial Depreciation: $150
  • Daily Depreciation: $100
  • Depreciation Limit: $400

Little Sister, WD15[edit | edit source]

Little Sister, WD15
Need EffectsFun 7, Environment 3
Need MaximumFun 90
Community SortMiscellaneous
Other info
  • Initial Depreciation: $420
  • Daily Depreciation: $280
  • Depreciation Limit: $1,120

Soma 44” PancakeTek Television[edit | edit source]

Soma 44” PancakeTek Television
Need EffectsFun 8, Environment 3
Skill(s)Body, Cooking
Room(s)Living Room, Bedroom
Community SortMiscellaneous
Other info
  • Initial Depreciation: $525
  • Daily Depreciation: $350
  • Depreciation Limit: $1,400

Soma “Wall-Eye” Large Screen Flat-Panel Television[edit | edit source]

Soma “Wall-Eye” Large Screen Flat-Panel Television
Need EffectsFun 10, Environment 7
Skill(s)Body, Cooking
Room(s)Living Room, Bedroom
Community SortMiscellaneous
Other info
  • Initial Depreciation: $1,200
  • Daily Depreciation: $800
  • Depreciation Limit: $3,200