Normal interactions are interactions that don't have the restrictions of family or romance. Generally, anyone can perform these interactions.
Appreciate Interactions[edit | edit source]
Admire[edit | edit source]
- Daily and lifetime above 0
Outgoing sims might do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are
- Mood above 10 if daily is above 5 or
- Positive lifetime if daily is under 5
- Accepted
- Sim As daily rises by 5
- Sim As lifetime rises by 1
- Sim Bs daily rises by 4
- Sim Bs lifetime rises by 2
- Rejected
- Sim As daily falls by 10
- Sim As lifetime falls by 1
- Sim Bs daily falls by 7
- Sim Bs lifetime falls by 2
Apologize[edit | edit source]
- Daily under 20
This interaction can not be rejected and gives 10 daily points to the sim that does it. Nice sims might do this autonomously. In Nightlife, there is another interaction with the same name. They should not be confused with each other. The Nightlife interaction can only be unlocked with the furious state. For more information see New Relationship Types.
Cheer Up[edit | edit source]
- Daily and lifetime above 20 and Sim B in negative mood.
Nice sims might do this autonomously. Acceptance is based on these rules.
Daily | Lifetime | Nice |
>25 | >25 | N/A |
<25 | >25 | >2 |
<25 | >35 | >4 |
- Accepted
- Sim As daily rises by 6
- Sim As lifetime rises by 1
- Sim Bs daily rises by 8
- Sim Bs lifetime rises by 2
- Rejected
- Sim As daily falls by 10
- Sim Bs daily falls by 5
- Both sims lifetime falls by 1
Groom[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 50 and lifetime above 25, and Sim Bs hygiene at the bottom
This interaction is always accepted. Neat sims might do this autonomously.
- Satisfies hygiene for Sim B
- Both sims daily rise by 3
Entertain Interactions[edit | edit source]
Dirty Joke[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 55 and lifetime above 35
Playful sims might do this autonomously. Acceptance rules follow a unique method. In normal interactions, various criteria must be met for the interaction to be accepted. In this interaction, not all of the criteria must be met. It is flexible in this way. Think of it as a point system in which 4 points are needed for the interaction to be accepted. The following table shows what factors contribute to this interaction. Unless stated, the values are for Sim B
Daily | Sim As Charisma | Mood | Playful | Points added |
65 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 3 |
N/A | >4 | >-30 | N/A | 2 |
N/A | <4 | >20 | N/A | 2 |
N/A | N/A | >-20 | >4 | 2 |
N/A | N/A | >30 | <4 | 2 |
There is also a random additon of -1-2 points added. This is why this interaction can be accepted, even though not all of the criteria are met.
- Accepted
- Both sims daily rise by 6
- Both sims lifetime rise by 1
- Rejected
- Sim As daily falls by 8
- Sim As lifetime falls by 2
- Sim Bs daily falls by 12
- Sim Bs lifetime falls by 1
Joke[edit | edit source]
- Daily above -10 or lifetime above -5
This interaction goes by the same mechanics as dirty jokes. The only difference is that daily needs to above 15 instead of 65 to get the 3 points. Playful sims might autonomously perform this interaction.
- Accepted
- Both sims daily rise by 4
- Rejected
- Both sims daily fall by 4
Fight Interactions[edit | edit source]
In these interactions, with one exception, acceptance means that Sim B will run away and cry. Rejection means that they will retaliate instead and perfrom the interaction back at Sim A.
Attack[edit | edit source]
- Daily or lifetime below 65
Active sims might perform this interaction. This interaction can not be accepted or rejected. In this interaction, a fight begins with Sim B with a clear winner and loser. The winner is determined by body skill. The sim with the higher body skill has a greater chance of winning. During the fight, other sims crowd around the combatents and boo or cheer depending on relationships. Shy sims might run away during a fight. Both sims will get a memory of the fight. Unlike other memory causing interactions, these interactions will stack.
- Winner
- Receives Won Fight memory
- Daily falls by 7
- Lifetime falls by 10
- Loser
- Receives Lost Fight memory
- Daily falls by 11
- Lifetime falls by 10
Poke[edit | edit source]
- Daliy under -15 or lifetime under -20
Grouchy sims might do this autonomously. Sim B will either cry or poke back when this interaction is performed. Sim B will cry if this criteria is met.
Mood | Lifetime | Nice |
>0 | >15 | >2 |
<0 | >15 | >5 |
>0 | <15 | >4 |
<0 | <15 | >7 |
- Sim B pokes back
- Both sims daily fall by 8
- Both sims lifetime fall by 2
- Sim B cries
- Sim As daily falls by 8
- Sim Bs daily falls by 7
- Both sims lifetime fall by 2
Shove[edit | edit source]
- Daily under 25 or lifetime under 30
Outgoing sims might do this autonomously. Sim B will either cry or shove back. Sim B will cry under these criteria.
Mood | Lifetime | Nice |
>0 | >20 | >2 |
<0 | >20 | >5 |
>0 | <20 | >5 |
<0 | <20 | >9 |
- Sim B shoves back
- Sim Bs daily falls by 9
- Sim Bs lifetime falls by 3
- Sim B cries
- Sim As daily falls by 7
- Sim As lifetime falls by 1
- Sim Bs daily falls by 8
- Sim Bs lifetime falls by 3
Slap[edit | edit source]
- Daily or lifetime under 40
Serious sims might do this autonomoulsy. This interaction will also be performed when a lover or partner is caught cheating. Sim B will either cry or slap back. Sim B cries under these conditions.
Mood | Lifetime | Nice |
>0 | >25 | >2 |
<0 | >25 | >6 |
>0 | <25 | >5 |
<0 | <25 | >9 |
- Sim B slaps back
- Sim Bs daily falls by 10
- Sim Bs lifetime falls by 5
- Sim B cries
- Sim As daily falls by 5
- Sim Bs daily falls by 7
- Both sims lifetime fall by 3
Hug Interactions[edit | edit source]
Friendly Hug[edit | edit source]
- Daily or lifetime above 10
Serious sims might perform this interaction autonomously. Acceptance rules are.
Mood | Relationship | Lifetime |
>-15 | Crush | N/A |
>-35 | Love | N/A |
>0 | N/A | >15 |
>90 | N/A | <15 |
- Accepted
- Sim As daily rises by 5
- Sim Bs daily rises by 6
- Both sims lifetime rise by 1
- Rejected
- Both sims daily fall by 5
- Both sims lifetime fall by 1
Irritate Interactions[edit | edit source]
Irritate interactions do not raise relationships and most of them only have one outcome
Annoy[edit | edit source]
- Daily between -1 and -45 or lifetime between -30 and -1
This interaction has only one outcome and can be done by grouchy sims autonomously.
- Sim As daily falls by 4
- Sim Bs daily falls by 10
- Both sims lifetime fall by 1
Argue[edit | edit source]
- Always available
In this interaction Sim A picks an interest and talks about it depending on his level. Sim B then responds depending on his own level in that interest, the higher the difference is, the more likely the arguement will continue. If there is a low level of interest, the arguement will stop.
- Arguement continues
- Sim As daily falls by 7
- Sim Bs daily falls by 9
- Both sims lifetime fall by 2
- Arguement stops
- Sim As daily falls by 4
- Sim Bs daily falls by 10
- Both sims lifetime fall by 1
Gross Out[edit | edit source]
- Daily or lifetime below -5
Sloppy sims might perform this interaction autonomously. Unlike other Irritate socials, this interaction can raise daily relationship. It will do so under these conditions.
Lifetime | Playful | Neat |
>10 | >7 | <5 |
>10 | <7 | <3 |
<10 | >5 | <3 |
<10 | <5 | <1 |
- Accepted
- Both sims daily rise by 6
- Rejected
- Both sims daily fall by 5
Insult[edit | edit source]
- Daily between -60 and -5 and lifetime between -45 and -5
Mean sims might perfrom this interaction autonmously. Sim A can either cry or stand up to the insulter. Sim B will cry under these conditions.
Mood | Lifetime | Nice |
>0 | >30 | >3 |
<0 | >30 | >5 |
>0 | <30 | >4 |
<0 | <30 | >6 |
- Sim B cries
- Sim As daily falls by 8
- Sim As lifetime falls by 1
- Sim Bs daily falls by 14
- Sim Bs lifetime falls by 2
- Sim B stands up
- Sim As daily falls by 10
- Sim As lifetime falls by 1
- Sim Bs daily falls by 14
- Sim Bs lifetime falls by 2
Nag[edit | edit source]
- Lifetime under 25
Outgoing sims might do this autonomously. This interaction has only one outcome.
- Sim As daily falls by 4
- Sim Bs daily falls by 8
- Sim Bs lifetime falls by 1
Noogie[edit | edit source]
- Daily between 50 and -25 and lifetime between -10 and 50
Playful sims might do this autonomously. This interaction is confined to teens doing it to children and other teens. It only has one outcome.
- Sim As daily rises by 6
- Sim As lifetime rises by 1
- Sim Bs daily falls by 5
Nyah-Nyah[edit | edit source]
This interaction is merely the child version of Annoy. For its rules, see above.
Play Interactions[edit | edit source]
Play interactions also increase fun as well as social.
Cops and Robbers[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 0 or lifetime above 10
Playful sims might perform this child-only interaction autonomously. This one-on-one interaction will continue unless sims are knocked out by other needs or until fun reaches the top. Acceptance rules are
Daily | Lifetime | Playful | Active |
>15 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
<15 | >10 | N/A | N/A |
<15 | <10 | >9 | N/A |
<15 | <10 | <9 | >9 |
- Accepted
- Both sims daily rise by 6
- Rejected
- Both sims daily fall by 5
Mary Mack[edit | edit source]
- Daily or lifetime above 15
Lazy sims might perform this interaction autonomously. Like Cops and Robbers it is child only and it is also one-on-one. It also has to be repeated for fun to reach the top. Acceptance rules are
Daily | Playful | Lifetime |
>20 | N/A | N/A |
<20 | >9 | N/A |
<20 | <9 | >20 |
- Accepted
- Both sims daily rise by 8
- Rejected
- Sim As daily falls by 6
- Sim Bs daily falls by 7
Punch U Punch Me[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 45 or lifetime above 35
This interaction is not confined to children. In this interaction, two sims attempt to punch each other. Body skill influences how good they are at the punches. In some cases, the punch is too strong, and both sims lose daily. Grouchy sims might perform this interaction autonomously. Acceptance rules are.
Daily | Lifetime | Active | Playful |
>50 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
<50 | >40 | N/A | N/A |
<50 | <40 | >9 | N/A |
<50 | <40 | <9 | >9 |
- Accepted
- Both sims daily rise by 8
- Rejected
- Both sims daily fall by 5
Red Hands[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 35 or lifetime above 25
This interaction continues for a fixed amount of time. Part of this game depends on each competing sims body skill. This game must be repeated, to full fun completely. Active sims might perform this interaction autonomously. Acceptance rules are.
Daily | Playful | Lifetime |
>40 | N/A | N/A |
<40 | >8 | N/A |
<40 | <8 | >30 |
- Accepted
- Both sims daily rise by 6
- Rejected
- Sim As daily falls by 7
- Sim Bs daily falls by 5
Tag[edit | edit source]
- Daily above -25 or lifetime above 5
This child-only interaction, unlike other interactions, can be joined by other sims. This game continues until fun is completely full or until only one player is in the game. Sims playing tag lose energy faster. Active sims might perform this interaction autonomously. Acceptance rules are.
Daily | Lifetime | Active | Playful |
>10 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
<10 | >5 | N/A | N/A |
<10 | <5 | >8 | N/A |
<10 | <5 | <8 | >8 |
- Accepted
- Both sims daily rise by 6
- Rejected
- Both sims daily fall by 5
Tickle[edit | edit source]
- Daliy above 20 or lifetime above 15
Playful sims may perform this interaction autonomoulsy. Acceptance rules are.
Daily | Lifetime | Active | Playful |
>25 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
<25 | >20 | N/A | N/A |
<25 | <20 | >9 | N/A |
<25 | <20 | <9 | >9 |
- Accepted
- Both sims daily rie by 5
- Rejected
- Sim As daily falls by 5
- Sim As lifetime falls by 1
- Sim Bs daily falls by 8
- Sim Bs lifetime falls by 2
Propose Interactions[edit | edit source]
Break Up[edit | edit source]
- Daily and lifetime below 45 and sims married
This interaction is not listed under the propose category but it doesn't fall under any other category. This interaction can not be rejected. After performed, Sim B is forced of the lot and placed in the neighbourhood to be moved into a new house. It can also be used on engaged sims and sims going steady. In all cases the relationship is broken.
- Sim As daily and lifetime fall by 20
- Sim Bs daily falls by 50
- Sim Bs lifetime falls by 30
Move In[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 60, lifetime above 45, Sim B is non-household and less than 8 household sims.
If this interaction is accepted, then Sim B will become a household member. You then get the chance to bring in other member of the former household. If you bring them all in, you get all their money. If not, you get 10% of their money. Their household, however is unaffected in terms of money. For townies, their money is random. This interaction is not autonomous. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Daily | Lifetime | Nice |
>0 | >70 | >60 | N/A |
>10 | N/A | 51-60 | >9 |
>10 | <70 | >60 | >7 |
- Accepted
- Sim B becomes controllable household member
- Both sims daily rise by 6
- Both sims lifetime rise by 3
- Rejected
- Sim As daily falls by 10
- Sim As lifetime falls by 5
- Sim Bs daily and lifetime fall by 4
Stay the Night/Sleepover[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 55, lifetime above 40 and Sim B is non-household
This interaction is not autonomous. If accepted, then Sim B can use any of the beds on the lot. He or she will, however, leave if unable to satisfy their energy in some way. Acceptance rules are.
Mood | Daily | Lifetime | Outgoing |
>25 | >45 | >35 | N/A |
>-20 | >15 | 26-35 | >7 |
>-20 | 15-45 | >35 | >6 |
- Accepted
- Sim B can satisfy energy on the lot as visitor for duration of the night
- Sim As daily rises by 6
- Sim Bs daily rises by 13
- Rejected
- Both sims daily fall by 4
Talk Interactions[edit | edit source]
Brag[edit | edit source]
- Daily between 0 and 50 or lifetime between 10 and 50
In these interaction, Sim A chooses a positive memory to talk about. Sim B then learns about the memory and can choose to talk about it to a third sim. Outgoing sims may do this autonomously. This interaction is accepted under these interactions.
Mood | Daily | Lifetime | Nice |
N/A | >15 | >15 | >4 |
>0 | >15 | >15 | <4 |
N/A | <15 | >15 | >5 |
N/A | >30 | <15 | >5 |
>10 | >30 | <15 | <5 |
>90 | <30 | <15 | N/A |
- Accepted
- Sim As daily rises by 6
- Sim Bs daily rises by 4
- Rejected
- Both sims daily fall by 4
Chat[edit | edit source]
This interaction is always available. In this interaction, Sim A chooses an interest to talk about and the reaction is based on Sim Bs level of interest. If they love the chosen topic, they'll respond enthusiasticly and both will gain 5 daily. If they feel neutral, they'll hardly respond but both will gain 2 daily. If they hate the topic, the conversation will end and both lose 1 daily. If the conversation continues, Sim B may either talk about the topic or choose one of his own.
Alternatively, sims may choose to talk about their memories. Interests in memories depend on Outgoing, mood and lifetime. When the memory gets talked about, Sim B learns about the memory and can choose to talk about it to a third sim. Although this interaction is autonomous, no personality is weighted towards this interaction.
Gossip[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 30 or lifetime above 35
Gossip requires that Sim A know about a negative memory concerning a third party sim that isn't involved in the conversation. Grouchy sims might do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are.
Daily | Nice | Lifetime | Mood |
>15 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
<15 | >7 | >10 | N/A |
<15 | >7 | <10 | >-10 |
- Accepted
- Both sims daily rise by 9
- Rejected
- Sim As daily falls by 7
- Sim Bs daily falls by 6
[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 35 or lifetime above 20
In this interaction, Sim A chooses a random interest and talks about it while Sim B listens. If Sim B accepts, his or her level in that interest is increased while a random interest level is decreased. This interaction is not autonomous. Acceptance rules are.
Lifetime | Daily | Nice |
>25 | >45 | N/A |
>25 | <45 | >3 |
<25 | >45 | >5 |
<25 | <45 | >9 |
- Accepted
- Sim Bs interest levels change
- No change in relationship
- Rejected
- Both sims daily fall by 3
Tell Secret[edit | edit source]
- Daily or lifetime above 60
This interaction is the child version of gossip. It's acceptance rules are the same as well as their outcomes. To see them, just look above.
Miscelllaneous Interactions[edit | edit source]
These interactions are not subinteractions of various main interactions. Most of them have no acceptance, availability and outcome rules either.
Ask to Leave[edit | edit source]
This intereaction can make just one sim or all visitors on the house leave. When your sims really know each other, this interaction is replaced by the Say Goodbye interaction. How they do it depends on the relationship between them. Sims with romantic relationships will kiss each other goodbye, very good friends will hug, acquatainces will shake hands while enemies can either nod or greet each other with a cold look.
Call Over[edit | edit source]
Call over makes the selected sim discontinue the activity they're doing and go straight to your sim. Note that if your sim moves after the interaction, Sim B will not go to the new location.
Greet[edit | edit source]
Can be done on all sims not greeted or just one sim. If your sims don't know each other, then the interaction will display the sims full name. If they do know each other, only the first name will be displayed. How they greet depends on relationship.
- Cold greeting. Negative relationship
- Nod. Weak negative relationship
- Handshake. Just met
- Wave. Acquatainces
- Hug. Friends
- Kiss. Romantic relationship.
Shoo from Room[edit | edit source]
This interaction makes the other sim leave the room. It doesn't have any effect on relationship.
Object-Based Interactions[edit | edit source]
These interactions either require the object exist on the lot or for the sims to be using it first.
Ask to Join/Watch[edit | edit source]
Ask to Join or watch can be used on several objects. The objects it can be used on are.
- Sofas and loveseats
- Beds
- Paintings
- Hot Tubs
- Remote Control Car
- Game Console
- TVs
- Piano (Watch)
- Dartboards
- Chess Tables
- Myshuno
- Toy Xylophone (Watch)
- Dollhouse
- Toybox
- Toasting set
- Swingsets
Dance Together[edit | edit source]
- Daily or lifetime above -10
Outgoing sims might do this autonomously. This interaction requires that music be playing in the room first. This can't come from a piano. This will always be accepted if daily is above 20.
- Accepted
- Sim As daily rises by 6
- Sim Bs daily rises by 8
- Rejected
- Sim As daily falls by 3
- Sim Bs daily falls by 2
Splash[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 20 or lifetime above 15
- Love Tub: Daily above -20 or lifetime above -25
Playful sims might do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are.
Daily | Lifetime | Playful | Mood |
>25 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
<25 | >20 | N/A | N/A |
<25 | <20 | >9 | N/A |
<25 | <20 | <9 | >70 |
- Accepted
- Sim As daily rises by 5
- Sim Bs daily rises by 8
- Rejected
- Sim As daily falls by 4
- Sim Bs daily falls by 8