The Sims 2 has several social interactions that can be classified as romantic. For clarity, a romantic interaction is an interaction that.
- Can create love or a crush.
- Can't be performed between family members.
- Can only performed between certain age groups. Teens can only do it with other teens and adults and elders can only perfrom them between themselves.
The following is a catalogue of all romantic interactions in The Sims 2. Sim A is the initiator and Sim B is the reciprient.
Appreciate Interactions[edit | edit source]
Backrub[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 40 and lifetime above 15
To be accepted mood must be above 0 and one of these conditions must be met. Playful sims may do this autonomously.
- Either daily >45 or
- Lifetime >25
- Accepted.
- Sim As daily rises by 4
- Sim As liftime rises by 2
- Sim Bs daily rises by 6
- Sim Bs lifetime rises by 3
- Rejected
- Sim As daily decreases by 7
- Sim As lifetime decreases by 2
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 10
- Sim Bs lifetime decreases by 3
Flirt Interactions[edit | edit source]
Caress[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 65 and lifetime above 40.
Playful sims can do this autonomously. Acceptance is based on these rules. The values in the table are for Sim B.
Mood | Daily | Lifetime | Playful | Nice | Outgoing |
>0 | >70 | >55 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
>20 | >70 | <55 | >7 | N/A | N/A |
>20 | >70 | <55 | <7 | >7 | N/A |
>20 | <70 | >35 | N/A | N/A | >7 |
- Accepted
- Creates love and/or crush.
- Sim As daily rises by 10
- Sim As lifetime rises by 2
- Sim Bs daily rises by 11
- Sim Bs lifetime rises by 2
- Rejected
- Both sims daily decrease by 10
- Sim As lifetime decreases by 3
- Sim Bs lifetime decreases by 2
Charm[edit | edit source]
- Daily between 15 and 70
- Lifetime between 5 and 70
Can be done by nice sims autonomously. Acceptance rules are as follows.
Mood | Daily | Lifetime | Nice | Outgoing |
>-20 | >10 | >10 | >6 | N/A |
>-20 | >20 | >10 | <6 | N/A |
>-20 | >20 | <10 | N/A | >6 |
>-20 | >30 | <10 | N/A | <6 |
Outcomes are
- Accepted:
- Sets love and/or crush
- Sim As daily rises by 4
- Sim Bs daily rises by 5
- Both sims lifetime rise by 1
- Rejected
- Sim As daily decreases by 4
- Sim As lifetime decreases by 1
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 6
- Sim Bs lifetime doesn't change
Goose[edit | edit source]
- Crush, daily above 75 and lifetime above 55
Can be done by playful sims autonomously. Acceptance is based on these rules.
Mood | Daily | Lifetime | Outgoing |
>0 | >80 | >65 | N/A |
>0 | >90 | <65 | N/A |
>0 | 81-90 | <65 | >6 |
>20 | 81-90 | <65 | <6 |
>0 | 76-80 | N/A | >8 |
Outcomes are.
- Accepted.
- Love set
- Sim As daily rises by 11
- Sim Bs daily rises by 10
- Both sims lifetime rise by 1
- Rejected
- Sim As daily decreases by 9
- Sim As lifetime decreases by 2
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 11
- Sim Bs lifetime decreases by 3
Hit On[edit | edit source]
- Daily between 45 and 80 and lifetime between 25 and 80
Mean sims may do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Daily | Lifetime | Outgoing |
>-10 | >65 | N/A | N/A |
>-10 | 56-65 | >30 | N/A |
>0 | 56-65 | <30 | >5 |
>20 | 56-65 | <30 | <5 |
>20 | <55 | N/A | >6 |
- Accepted
- Sets love and/or crush relationship
- Sim As daily rises by 8
- Sim Bs daily rises by 9
- Both sims lifetime rise by 1
- Rejected
- Sim As daily decreases by 8
- Sim As lifetime decreases by 9
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 10
- Sim Bs lifetime decreases by 2
Hold Hands[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 55 and lifetime above 30
Nice sims may do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Daily | Lifetime | Nice |
>-40 | >65 | >35 | N/A |
>10 | >65 | <35 | >5 |
>-40 | <65 | >50 | N/A |
- Accepted
- Creates love and/or crush
- Sim As daily rises by 9
- Sim Bs daily rises by 10
- Both sims lifetime rise by 1
- Rejected
- Sim As daily decreases by 9
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 8
- Both sims lifetime decreases by 2
Serenade[edit | edit source]
- Love and crush required, daily above 70 and lifetime above 60
Outgoing sims may do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Lifetime | Daily | Nice |
>0 | >75 | N/A | N/A |
>0 | <75 | >80 | N/A |
>0 | <75 | 71-80 | >6 |
<0 | >85 | N/A | N/A |
<0 | <85 | >95 | N/A |
- Accepted
- Sim As daily rises by 13
- Sim Bs daily rises by 15
- Both sims lifetime rise by 2
- Rejected
- Sim As daily decreases by 12
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 10
- Both sims lifetime decrease by 3
Suggestion[edit | edit source]
- Daily between 25 and 70 and lifetime between 15 and 70
Playful sims may do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Daily | Lifetime | Playful | Nice | Outgoing |
>-20 | >35 | >25 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
>0 | >35 | <25 | >6 | N/A | N/A |
>0 | >35 | <25 | <6 | >6 | N/A |
>20 | >35 | <25 | <6 | <6 | N/A |
>0 | 26-35 | N/A | N/A | N/A | >6 |
- Accepted
- Love and/or crush created
- Sim As daily rises by 5
- Sim Bs daily rises by 6
- Both sims lifetime rise by 1
- Rejected
- Sim As daily decreases by 5
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 7
- Both sims lifetime decrease by 1
Sweet Talk[edit | edit source]
- Daily between 35 and 80 and lifetime between 20 and 80
Outgoing sims may do this autonomously
Mood | Lifetime | Daily | Nice | Outgoing |
>-20 | >25 | >45 | N/A | N/A |
>-20 | >25 | 36-45 | >8 | N/A |
>-20 | >25 | 36-45 | <8 | >8 |
>-20 | <25 | >35 | >8 | N/A |
>-20 | <25 | >35 | <8 | >8 |
- Accepted
- Creates love and/or crush
- Sim As daily rises by 6
- Sim Bs daily rises by 8
- Both sims lifetime rises by 1
- Rejected
- Sim As daily decreases by 7
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 8
- Both sims lifetime decrease by 1
Hug Interactions[edit | edit source]
Leap into Arms[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 55 and Lifetime above 35 as well as a crush on Sim B.
Active sims may do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are.
Mood | Romantic Relationship | Lifetime |
>-35 | Crush | N/A |
>-15 | Love | N/A |
>10 | N/A | >45 |
100 | N/A | <45 |
- Accepted
- Love relationship set
- Sim As daily rises by 11
- Sim Bs daily rises by 13
- Both sims lifetime rise by 2
- Rejected
- Sim As daily decreases by 15
- Sim As lifetime decreases by 4
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 10
- Sim Bs lifetime decreases by 2
Romantic Hug[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 35 and lifetime above 25.
Outgoing sims might do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Romantic Relationship | Lifetime | Daily |
>-20 | Crush | N/A | N/A |
>-30 | Love | N/A | N/A |
>-10 | N/A | >35 | >30 |
>10 | N/A | <35 | >30 |
>10 | N/A | >50 | <30 |
- Accepted
- Sets love and/or crush relationship
- Sim As daily rises by 6
- Sim Bs daily rises by 10
- Both sims lifetime rise by 2
- Rejected
- Both sims daily decrease by 10
- Sim As lifetime decreases by 3
- Sim Bs lifetime decreases by 2
Squeeze[edit | edit source]
- Crush relationship, daily above 70 and lifetime above 55.
Playful sims might do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Romantic Relationship | Lifetime |
>-5 | Crush | N/A |
>-15 | Love | N/A |
>20 | N/A | >60 |
>90 | N/A | <60 |
- Accepted
- Love relationship set
- Sim As daily rises by 6
- Sim Bs daily rises by 10
- Both sims lifetime rise by 2
- Rejected
- Both sims daily decrease by 10
- Both sims lifetime decreases by 2
Kiss Interactions[edit | edit source]
Unlike the other romantic interactions, which are symbolised with a red heart, kiss interactions have their own icon. The icon for a kiss is recognisable enough. It's a pair of lips. Kisses also cause memories if it's the first time between those sims.
First Kiss[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 50 and lifetime above 25
The first kiss can only be performed once. It's that unique. It's special because it causes a memory when performed plus a special video of the two sims kissing. As this is so special it is not autonomous. If this interaction is rejected, then the sim gets a memory but is allowed to try again. Acceptance rules are.
Mood | Outgoing | Daily | Lifetime |
>20 | >5 | >45 | N/A |
>20 | >5 | <45 | >35 |
<20 | >5 | N/A | >45 |
>40 | <5 | >50 | N/A |
>40 | <5 | <50 | >40 |
<40 | <5 | N/A | >45 |
- Accepted
- Sets love and/or crush relationship
- Causes memory
- Special movie plays
- Sim As daily rises by 15
- Sim As lifetime rises by 3
- Sim Bs daily rises by 13
- Sim Bs lifetime rises by 2
- Rejected
- Causes memory
- Sim As daily decreases by 15
- Sim As lifetime decreases by 5
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 10
- Sim Bs lifetime decreases by 3
Make Out[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 80 and lifetime above 50 and love relationship is on
- Love Tub requirements: Daily above 40 and lifetime above 20
This interaction is the most effective form of kissing. It can be performed between two sims but can also be performed if the two sims are using a bed, hot tub or sofa. The love tub is special because it lowers the requirements for romantic socials within the tub. This interaction also causes a memory and, unlike other kiss interactions, symbolised by two pairs of lips. If this interaction is repeated, then the memory will not. Sims only get one memory of making out. Rejection also causes a memory.
Acceptance rules are either
- Sim B is in love and has a positive mood or
- Sim B has a crush and a fifth of the mood is full
- Accepted
- Sets love relationship
- Causes memory (Only once)
- Both sims daily rise by 19
- Both sims lifetime rise by 4
- Rejected
- Causes memory
- Both sims daily decrease by 15
- Both sims lifetime decrease by 4
Peck[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 40 and lifetime above 20
- Love Tub: Daily above 0 and lifetime above -15
Pecks can be performed between sims but can also be performed in the hot tub, love tub and on sofas. The love tub reduces the requirements for this social. Nice sims might do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Daily | Lifetime |
>0 | >50 | N/A |
>0 | <50 | >30 |
- Accepted
- Creates love and/or crush
- Both sims daily rise by 8
- Both sims lifetime rise by 1
- Rejected
- Both sims daily decrease by 6
- Both sims lifetime decrease by 1
Romantic[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 60 and lifetime above 35
A romantic kiss can also be performed on the sofa. Outgoing sims might do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are.
Mood | Daily | Lifetime |
>0 | >70 | N/A |
>0 | <70 | >50 |
- Accepted
- Sets love and/or crush
- Both sims daily rise by 16
- Both sims lifetime rise by 3
- Rejected
- Both sims daily decrease by 13
- Both sims lifetime decrease by 4
Smooch[edit | edit source]
- Crush, daily above 70 and lifetime above 40
Playful sims may do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Daily | Lifetime |
>0 | >80 | N/A |
>0 | <80 | >55 |
- Accepted
- Creates love
- Sim As daily rises by 13
- Sim Bs daily rises by 11
- Both sims lifetime rise by 2
- Rejected
- Sim As daily decreases by 11
- Sim As lifetime decreases by 2
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 12
- Sim Bs lifetime decreases by 3
Tender[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 50 and lifetime above 25
- Love Tub: Daily above 10 and lifetime above -10
This interaction can also be performed in hot tubs, love tubs and beds. Nice sims might do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Daily | Lifetime |
>0 | >60 | N/A |
>0 | <60 | >35 |
- Accepted
- Sets love and/or crush
- Both sims daily rise by 10
- Both sims lifetime rise by 2
- Rejected
- Both sims daily decrease by 8
- Both sims lifetime decrease by 2
Up Arm[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 55 and lifetime above 30
Playful sims might do this autonomously. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Daily | Lifetime |
>0 | >65 | N/A |
>0 | <65 | >45 |
- Accepted
- Sets love and/or crush
- Both sims daily decrease by 11
- Both sims lifetime decrease by 1
- Rejected
- Both sims daily decrease by 10
- Both sims lifetime decrease by 1
Propose Interactions[edit | edit source]
This interactions set relationship types.
Engagement[edit | edit source]
- Love set, daily above 75 and lifetime above 70
This interaction is extra special because it can set the engaged relationship. This is why it is not autonomous. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Daily | Lifetime | Nice |
>5 | >80 | >80 | N/A |
>15 | N/A | 76-80 | >9 |
>15 | <80 | >80 | >7 |
- Accepted
- Engaged relationship set
- Sim As daily rises by 6
- Sim Bs daily rises by 9
- Both sims lifetime rise by 3
- Rejected
- Sim As daily decreases by 15
- Sim As lifetime decreases by 5
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 8
- Sim Bs lifetime decreases by 4
Go Steady[edit | edit source]
- Crush set, daily above 70 and lifetime above 25
This interaction is exclusive to teens and is not autonomous. It can set the Go Steady relationship. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Daily | Lifetime | Nice |
>40 | >30 | >40 | N/A |
>0 | N/A | 21-40 | >9 |
>0 | <30 | >40 | >7 |
0-40 | >30 | >40 | >6 |
- Accepted
- Sets Go Steady and love relationship
- Sim As daily rises by 6
- Sim Bs daily rises by 9
- Both sims lifetime rise by 3
- Rejected
- Sim As daily decreses by 10
- Sim As lifetime decreases by 5
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 4
- Sim Bs lifetime decreases by 4
Marriage[edit | edit source]
- Love, engaged, daily above 75 and lifetime above 70
This interaction is the most important in a family sims life. It is also not autonomous. If accepted than the married relationship is set. A special movie will play if initiated on the wedding arch. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Daily | Lifetime | Nice |
>5 | >80 | >80 | N/A |
>15 | N/A | 76-80 | >9 |
>15 | <80 | >80 | >7 |
- Accepted
- Special movie plays. (Wedding arch only)
- Marriage relationship set
- Both sims daily rise by 6
- Both sims lifetime rise by 3
- Rejected
- Special movie plays. (Wedding arch only)
- Sim As daily decreases by 100
- Sim As lifetime decreases by 85
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 50
- Sim Bs lifetime decreases by 20
Object-Based Interactions[edit | edit source]
The following interaction require that both sims are using the object to activate them. Some of them are the same as normal sim-to-sim interactions. They include
- Make Out: Performed in beds, hot tubs and sofas
- Peck: Performed on sofas and hot tubs
- Romantic Kiss: Performed on sofas
- Tender Kiss: Performed in hot tubs
Other interactions are exclusive to various objects. The list follows below.
Cuddle[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 35 and lifetime above 25
- Love Tub: Daily above -5 and lifetime above -15
Sims can cuddle each other in hot tubs, on sofas and on beds. Acceptance rules are.
- Either daily above 45 or
- Daily <45, Nice >7, Lifetime >35 and Mood >50
- Accepted
- Creates love and/or crush
- Sim As daily rises by 6
- Sim Bs daily rises by 10
- Both sims lifetime rise by 2
- Rejected
- Both sims daily decreases by 10
- Sim As lifetime decreases by 3
- Sim Bs lifetime decreases by 2
Massage[edit | edit source]
- Daily above 55 and lifetime above 30
- Love Tub: Daily above 15 and lifetime above 0
Sims can only massage each other in hot tubs. Though it may sound the same, it is not the same as the backrub interaction. Acceptance rules are
Mood | Lifetime | Outgoing | Playful | Daily |
>-10 | >50 | >5 | N/A | N/A |
>-10 | <50 | >5 | >8 | N/A |
>-10 | <50 | >5 | <8 | >60 |
>-10 | N/A | <5 | N/A | >70 |
- Accepted
- Creates love and/or crush
- Sim As daily rises by 14
- Sim As lifetime rises by 4
- Sim Bs daily rises by 6
- Sim Bs lifetime rises by 3
- Rejected
- Sim As daily decreases by 7
- Sim As lifetime decreases by 2
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 10
- Sim Bs lifetime decreases by 3
WooHoo/Try For Baby[edit | edit source]
- Love and crush set, daily above 85 and lifetime above 65
- Love Tub: Love and crush set, Daily above 45 and lifetime above 25
WooHoo is the most important interaction in a romance sims life. They enjoy doing it with as many sims as possible. WooHoo can be performed on these objects.
- Beds
- Hot Tubs
- Clothes booths
- Cars (Nightlife)
- Photo Booth (Nightlife)
- Elevators (Open for Business)
- Hammocks (Bon Voyage)
- Saunas (Bon Voyage)
- Tents (Bon Voyage)
The icon for WooHoo is a smiling purple heart. Like making out, WooHoo causes a memory but they will not stack if performed repeatedly. The icon for public WooHoo shows the normal icon on a display. Try for Baby is the same as WooHoo, only it carries a chance of impregnation. This interaction is not autonomous. The rules for accepting this interaction are.
Mood | Daily | Lifetime | Outgoing |
>15 | N/A | >65 | N/A |
>15 | >85 | <65 | N/A |
>15 | 51-85 | <65 | >8 |
<15 | N/A | >70 | N/A |
<15 | >90 | <70 | N/A |
- Accepted
- Special movie plays. (Bed and Hot Tub only)
- Chance of impregnation (Try for Baby)
- Memory caused
- Both sims daily rise by 13
- Both sims lifetime rise by 8
- Rejected
- Sim As daily decreases by 12
- Sim Bs daily decreases by 15
- Both sims lifetime decrease by 5