Whiskerton is the default neighborhood in The Sims 2: Pets (console) when creating one, but any name can be chosen. Only one family makes an appearance from the PC version.
Sims[edit | edit source]
The following table introduces you to each Sim and provides info about their pets, skills and personality.
Note: Every pre-made Sim in the game appears to have the Family aspiration, despite most of them having wants that correspond to different aspirations; this may be an error made in development. The table will show the aspirations they were supposed to have according to their wants, but remember they will all say Family in-game.
Family Ties[edit | edit source]
Newbie Family: Funds - §3,562
Bob, Betty and their dog Buddy Newbie live in the schoolhouse at Cozy Acres. They are a tutorial family that the player can get started with. Betty launched her international career in helpology after publishing the popular self-help book, "Unleash the Gender Neutral Metaphor Within", but she recently moved to town to help people on a smaller scale. She certainly doesn't miss the hustle bustle of the big city. Rather she finds the pace of this town perfect for her brand of instructional tutelage. Buddy loves answering questions with helpful tips, but he also has a few questions of his own. These questions include, but are not limited to, the following: "Do you have a treat?" and "Is that a treat?" and "Are you going to eat that treat? No? Can I have that treat?"
Hardiman Family: Funds - §4,498
Kate met Dan at the annual Soggy Bottoms Water Sitting Festival and she immediately fell in love with his adroit water sitting. After getting married, Dan purchased a humble home near the Paw Valley Waterfall at Serenity Falls as soon as he had the money. Their dog Buster does everything he can that involves filth and dirt.
Oakely Family: Funds - §4,315
Buck, who is known to be quite the slob, lives in a small wooden cabin in Redwood Glen with his three dogs; Lucky, Hamhock, and Rufus Oakely. Lucky Oakely had cast as a young puppy to star in a film. He accidentally wandered from the set between takes and found himself lost in the forest until Buck Oakely found him. While Buck and Rufus had bonded over their stench, Hamhock had previously saved Buck's life during a freak winter storm. Forever grateful, Buck has taken care of him ever since.
Townsend Family: Funds - §8,986
Leaving the city was tough for Townsend. He had never experienced the quiet sublimity of a starry sky. He therefore never missed it when he installed his industrial grade security system, complete with 120 decibel cow bell. After receiving numerous complaints, the town council immediately legislated the Townsend Act, which made it a crime for Townsend to be a jerk. He removed the system. For Linda, breeding dogs in the city was challenging at the best. When she and her husband had the opportunity to move into their dream home on Paw Valley Road and expand the dog breeding business, they jumped at the chance. Linda raises the dogs using only the purest, organic wheat husk, attracting health conscious customers from around the state. Their dog Fauntleroy will tell you that being a pure bred dog has its advantages, he almost feels sorry for the lesser breeds. Meanwhile, Henrietta is a stinky, stinky dog and loves her garbage.
Simpson Family: Funds - §1,111
Dottie has loved kitties all her life, but her family only raised Llamas, so she was thwarted until lucky lottery numbers gave her the means to buy her own kitty farm. Now on her own, Dottie sleeps on sun warmed patios, eats kibble and rolls around in catnip with her cats; Bella, Oscar, Smokey, Daisy and Shnookems. Bella likes to groom herself. A lot. The other cats think she has fur "issues" but Bella knows that in order to have glossy fur, steps must be taken. No matter how many naps Oscar's had, he always finds room for more. This cat prefers sleep above all else and if you try to pick him up, chances are you will get a happily comatose ball of fur. After eating a large and colorful butterfly, it is widely believed that Smokey now thinks he is a butterfly. Or, he thinks that he is a pig who thinks he is a butterfly. At any rate, he is confused. Imprisoned for years in a house full of toddling ragamuffins, Daisy finally escaped and found her way to Dottie Simpson's farm. Traumatized by her upbringing, this cute kitty is still a little skittish, but awfully sweet. Shnookems lives for the Catnip. He often dreams about running and rolling in fields and acres and planets of catnip with a big grin on his face.
May Household: Funds - §2,328
Mira was born and raised in town and now owns the family home at Firefly Lake where she grew up. The country living suits her cat Falafel May. One of Mira's tenants, Marsha Worthington likes to pretend she doesn't live in a rural community by subscribing to magazines like Snobberie and Couture Quarterly. Another tenant, Varian Parker's failed venture into online foil cap supplies has lead her in a state of transition. With her entrepreneurial spirit still intact, her current inspiration comes from watching the interplay between master and pet. With a little support and hard work, her Pet Meals on a Stick idea is guaranteed to prosper. Varian's dog, Presto the wonder hound; the agility that such a name implies has been lost on this pup ever since his first jelly doughnut. Recently he learned he only needed to push the neighbor's garbage can over in order to increase his treat intake ten fold. Woof he said. Meanwhile, Penelope grew up thinking she was the family pet. Her parents often found her drinking out of the dog bowl and modeling cartoon characters out of clay found in the cat box because her older brother encouraged her.
Lots[edit | edit source]
The following are list of lots in Whiskerton.
Residential Lots[edit | edit source]
The following is a list of empty lots in Whiskerton. Inhabited lots are not included in this list.
- Rock Ridge - §8,500
- Redwood Glen - §8,500
- Lemming Point - §14,000
- Fishbone Island - §14,000
Community Lots[edit | edit source]
There's only one community lot in Whiskerton.
Name | Type | Shopping | Activities |
The Town Square | Park | Food, Pet Food & Treats, Pet Clothing & Accessories, Pet Toys, Pet Furniture, Pets, Pet Training, Grooming | Chess, Tree Climbing |