There are Townies that can be unlocked after earning enough aspiration points through completing wants in the town. Each family can contribute to these points. Once unlocked, they can appear at the Town Square or visit the player's home.
Townies[edit | edit source]
The following table introduces you to each Townie and provides info about their pets, skills and personality. They can be made playable if asked to move in with the player or get married.
Note: Every pre-made Townie in the game appears to have the Family aspiration, despite most of them having wants that correspond to different aspirations; this may be an error made in development. The table will show the aspirations they were supposed to have according to their wants, but remember they will all say Family in-game.
Family Bios[edit | edit source]
Boyle Family:
Cindy Lou is a secret agent working undercover to bring down a dangerous cartel of catnip dealers and squeaky toy thieves. Most people in Whiskerton know exactly who Cindy Lou is, but play along anyway, out of politeness.
Prescott Family:
Charlie has it all - comfortable house, devoted cat, and an overbearing wife that can't keep a secret. Could life get any better? Patty knows every secret in town. Of course, she saves the juiciest tidbits for her weekly column. People are still buzzing about her expose on high society dogs that secretly drink out of the toilet. Their cat Paisley's notorious shoe fetish gives new meaning to the name Puss in Boots. It also nearly killed him once, when his head got stuck in a rubber galosh for three days, Luckily, he managed to survive by sucking moisture through the laces.
Seville Family:
Claire works in the fast paced world of small business accounting, where she grapples with audit reports and pins budget loopholes to the mat. She is known and loved by local wrestling fans as The Velvet Cheek.
Duff Family:
Hilary Duff is an internationally celebrated multi-platinum chart-topping recording artist, concert performer, actress, designer, philanthropist and businesswoman. When she's not busy with her very full schedule, which includes acting, recording, worldwide concert touring and hands-on volunteer work, Hilary always makes sure to find quality time to spend with her dog. Lola knows that behind every great celebrity is a loving pet-ebrity. With a budding acting career and her own blog, Lola is living every puppy's dream.
Mellon Family:
Walter Mellon was born and raised in Whiskerton. In fact, he's never stepped foot outside of town, except for that time when he inexplicably woke up in Chattanooga, with a sheriff warning him never to return. After a ruptured pyloric value forced Wanda into early retirement from competitive eating, she founded the world's first training cafeteria. Now she coaches aspiring youngsters on how to feast their way to fame and glory.
Lambert Family:
Babette moved from the city after being mugged by an urban llama gone horribly wrong. For protection, she bought the scariest dog she could find, but it soon became clear that her fun friendly days were over. As soon as people saw her dog, the would-be friends always seemed to find an excuse to rush home. Her dog Deltoid grew up on the mean streets of town, behind the local bingo hall. The way Deltoid sees it, if life presents you with a lemon, you don't make it into lemonade. No, you tear the lemon apart with your huge fangs and then bury the remnants in a deep, deep hole.
Lester Family:
Ninety hour work weeks and a social life that involved eating microwave noodles with a house plant, Jim decided it was time to refocus his life. After reading an article in the popular magazine Man Stuff, Jim bought a small dog and moved to the country to pursue a life of rugged noodle eating. Abandoned at an early age, Yappy was rescued from the pound by Jim just in time to move from the smog air to the fresh air. Excited about his new prospects and always eager to please, this incredibly hyper dog has been rated as an official alternative energy source by the Happy Trees Environmental Commission.
Wong Family:
A professional corn popper by day, Huck's real dream to is to build the world's first trans-continental roller coaster. He has it all spec'd out and is currently looking for investors.
Pickens Family:
Tim made a fortune with his "Better Living through Condiments" series of TV specials. Then, one day, he lost is all... literally. He's looked everywhere, and even tried retracing his steps, but all that misplaced money is nowhere to be found. Like her husband Tim, Kiki Pickens went from rags to riches, and then back to rags again. But that's perfectly fine with Kiki. She always preferred rages anyway, mostly for their absorbing qualities and rugged versatility. Ever since the "incident" years ago, Honey Butter has been as gentle as a lamb. However, the Pickens remember that fateful day, and fear the sleeping Cerberus inside their sweet pooch may reawaken any moment. Back in the day, Whistle ruled the neighborhood with an iron paw. He enjoyed the spoils of tyranny for years, until his secret Bourgeois past was revealed and he lost all street cred. Now he's back, determined to show the world this kitty still has claws.
Howard Family:
Ever since the family gnome was stolen back in Eddie's childhood, he has been fascinated with solving crimes. He took up writing about his theories & stories becoming the best selling author of the "Detective Flamingo Ferdinand & a Big Mystery" series. Eddie & his family recently arrived from the big city so he can write his next novel. Joyce loved writing stories about trolls, butterflies, cat tea parties, bunnies & other random oddities. Because her writing was always labeled "whimsical", her publishing deals always came through the children's book department. Which was just fine with her, since Joyce had always secretly thought children were smarter than adults anyway. Morty once stopped a burglar by howling nonstop until his owners awoke in terror. He has considered himself Top Guard Cat ever since. He's on duty at all times, and he is ready to howl the minute the smallest mote of dust lands perilously close to anyone. He's that careful. Mobius loves snuggling and he loves treats. He doesn't mind the absent-minded head pat either, as long as he gets some love, every second of the day. In return, Mobius will do absolutely nothing. He's that kind. Boogie likes to sleep on the porch and feel the wind in his fur. His favorite dreams are about the Big Chew Toy in the Sky, where he sits on top of an enormous pile of toys and chews endlessly on a gigantic novelty bone. Paradise.