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Cooking[edit | edit source]

ShinyTyme Cooktop[edit | edit source]

ShinyTyme Cooktop
Need EffectsHunger 10
Community SortFood
Other info
  • Initial Depreciation: $135
  • Daily Depreciation: $90
  • Depreciation Limit: $360

With this particular stove, you can only cook stovetop food. Anything that needs cooking in the oven will be unavailable. Although this stove can be placed and used on any type of lot, where it's been placed will affect how it operates and what interactions are available. When placed on any college dorm or community lot, an NPC Cafeteria Worker will automatically show up every day and work on the stove between 6am and 11pm, serving group meals.

Refrigerators[edit | edit source]

MMM Mini Fridge[edit | edit source]

MMM Mini Fridge
Need EffectsHunger 10
Other info
  • Initial Depreciation: $52
  • Daily Depreciation: $35
  • Depreciation Limit: $140

The mini fridge is a little different to other refrigerators in The Sims 2. For a start, it has smaller food capacity, and it fits under countertops. Ideally, it should only be used for cold, toaster oven, and microwave food, and it can't be used to get baby bottles. Items can be placed on top of the mini fridge, including microwaves, and Sims can also prepare meals on top of it.

Wornable Fridge[edit | edit source]

Wornable Fridge
Need EffectsHunger 10
Other info
  • Initial Depreciation: $56
  • Daily Depreciation: $37
  • Depreciation Limit: $150