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Alien Crash Site is the seventh location you will visit in Story Mode.

Sims[edit | edit source]

Jonas is unplayable unless you 'Propose' to them and get married or become best friends with them and 'Ask to Move in' on another lot.

Name Playable Job Aspiration Skills Zodiac Sign Personality
XHT-F Smith Yes Unemployed Popularity Cooking 3 Libra Neat 0, Outgoing 10, Active 5, Playful 5, Nice 10
XY-XY Smith Yes Unemployed Knowledge Cooking 3 Cancer Neat 5, Outgoing 5, Active 5, Playful 5, Nice 5
Jonas W. Bragg No Unemployed Wealth Cooking 3 Aries Neat 10, Outgoing 7, Active 5, Playful 0, Nice 0

Goals[edit | edit source]

There are Gold wants and a Platinum want that you must fulfill to unlock the next location. Completing both your wants and XY-XY's wants will unlock Bio Dome. There is a bonus location that can be unlocked by completing XHT-F's wants. The first table below are your wants. The second table is XY-XY's and the third table is XHT-F's.

Your Wants
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Meet an alien Gold +140 Strangeville has always been a little out of the ordinary. Go up to either XY-XY Smith or XHT-F Smith and 'Socialize' with them.
Reach level 9 in any career Gold +800 Almost at the top and the big simoleons! Open the menu and check under the Career tab to see what skill and friend requirements you need. Make sure you go to work in a good mood! Beware: There is a chance you will not promote despite having all the requirements.
Buy a Computer Gold +100 Useful for all kinds of experiments. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase any computer.
Write a blog Gold +300 The outside world needs to know about life amongst the aliens. Go to the computer that was just purchased or either of the two already here in the Alien's living room. Select the computer and choose 'Blog'.
Build walls Gold +100 And not just walls, fences too. Let's start redecorating! Open the menu and go to the Build Catalog. Look under the Walls & Fences tab and build away!
Platinum +500 The war with paranoid neighbour needs to stop and maybe then XY-XY will divulge the location of the Biodome. Your Sim is done for now. Switch to XY-XY and complete his wants. Once this has been fulfilled Bio Dome will be unlocked.
Visit a different location Gold +100 A big Sim in a small pond needs to explore the world sometimes. Switch to XHT-F to complete her gold wants to unlock a bonus location. Otherwise, head out to the Call Box outside and travel to Bio Dome.

XY-XY Smith's Wants
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Make Friends with Jonas Gold +300 It's time to go over and make friends. Find Jonas and 'Socialize' with him. Get at least 40 points to become friends.
Change Clothes Gold +200 Maybe he'd like me more if I dressed a little more... human. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Miscellaneous tab and purchase either the DreaMaker "Fantasy" Dresser or The 'Tahdis' Wardrobe to change your clothes. Hint: You don't actually have to change anything if you don't want to, just select 'Change Clothes' then exit back out.
Buy Ingredient Source Gold +100 Buying Ingredient Source would allow XY-XY to make new types of meals. A 'Frood' Tree or a Garden Hutch would be great! Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Miscellaneous tab and purchase the "Frood" Tree or any ingredient source of your choice.
Give food to Jonas Gold +100 A good meal always cheers up an unfriendly neighbour. Go to the fridge and prepare some food. Find Jonas and give him the plate.
Throw a Party Gold +150 Relations seem to be getting back to normal. Throw a party to celebrate! Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase a phone. Go to the phone and select 'Throw party'. Make sure it's not the middle of the night. Congratulations! You have unlocked Bio Dome. Now switch back to your Sim. There is one want left to do here.

XHT-F Smith's Wants
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Get a job Gold +50 Even an alien needs a career. Get a job using the newspaper or a computer.
Earn §200 Gold +200 With some cash this crash site could be a home! Go to work to earn §200. If the paycheck of the job chosen does not give §200 then prepare for a promotion. Otherwise, don't worry about promoting.
Buy a Hot Tub Gold +100 A game could liven up this place. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Plumbing tab and purchase either Niagara Love Tub, 'Fitzroy Dreamers' Rock Pool, or Quattro-Grav Air Tub.
Play chess Gold +150 A good game of chess can improve the mind. Go to the Alien's living room and 'Play Chess' at their chess table.
Get a promotion Gold +150 Improving a Sim's skills and relationships will lubricate the wheels of progress. Open the menu and check under the Career tab to see what skill and friend requirements you need. Make sure you go to work in a good mood! Beware: There is a chance you will not promote despite having all the requirements.
Earn §400 Gold +200 More simoleons are always handy to send home to the mothership. Go to work to earn §400. If the paycheck of the job chosen does not give §400 then prepare for a promotion. Otherwise, don't worry about promoting.
Buy a Burglar Alarm Gold +100 An alien cannot live on bread alone. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase the SimSafety V Burglar Alarm.
Read a book Gold +130 Sim culture can be so strange.... Maybe a reading book would help. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Skills tab and purchase any bookcase. Go to the bookcase and 'Grab Book' then select 'Read Book'
Get a promotion Gold +150 Improving a Sim's skills and relationships will lubricate the wheels of progress. Open the menu and check under the Career tab to see what skill and friend requirements you need. Make sure you go to work in a good mood! Beware: There is a chance you will not promote despite having all the requirements.
Buy a Rug Gold +100 There's nothing less fashionable than bare floor. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Decorative tab and purchase any rug. Congratulations! You have unlocked the bonus location Andromeda Arms. Now switch back to your Sim. There is one want left to do here.