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Bio Dome is the eighth location you will visit in Story Mode.

Sims[edit | edit source]

Name Playable Job Aspiration Skills Zodiac Sign Personality
Noel Howard Yes Politics, Level 8. Judge Wealth Cooking 3, Charisma 6, Logic 7, Creativity 6 Virgo Neat 10, Outgoing 5, Active 2, Playful 0, Nice 5
Jessica Jones Yes Unemployed Popularity Cooking 3 Sagittarius Neat 3, Outgoing 10, Active 10, Playful 10, Nice 3
Wooster Piggins Yes Unemployed Knowledge Cooking 3 Aries Neat 10, Outgoing 10, Active 5, Playful 0, Nice 5
Gilda Geld Yes Unemployed Romance Cooking 3 Taurus Neat 4, Outgoing 10, Active 0, Playful 10, Nice 2

Goals[edit | edit source]

There are Gold wants and a Platinum want that you must fulfill to unlock the final cut-scene. Completing both your wants and Noel Howard's wants will unlock it. There are also Gold wants that can be completed for Jessica Jones', but completing these wants won't unlock anything. Although, it will count towards your progress for 'Sims Helped' if you want to 100% complete the game. The first table below are your wants. The second table is Noel Howard's and the third table is Jessica Jones'.

Your Wants
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Use secret handshake on Noel Gold +50 It's the only way he'll let you stay in the house. Find Noel and 'Socialize' with him. Get at least 40 points to unlock the interaction 'Secret Handshake'. It is also available when best friends, which may increase the chances of it working successfully.
Make meal with Energy Boost effect Gold +500 A high achiever needs a high energy meal. 'Get ingredients' from the fridge. Try the combination halibut, lime, lemon and orange to make some delicious Barbeque, Carpaccio or a Shake for an Energy boost effect.
Master any career Gold +2000 The final frontier. The last promotion. The road to riches and glory. Open the menu and check under the Career tab to see what skill and friend requirements you need. Make sure you go to work in a good mood! Beware: There is a chance you will not promote despite having all the requirements.
Help Noel Gold +450 Helping Sims by switching to them and completing their gold wants can unlock secret locations. Your Sim is done for now. Switch to Noel and complete his wants.
Have at least §10,000 Gold +500 A solid bank account is the key to success. Keep going to work to earn more simoleons.

Platinum Want[edit | edit source]

The Platinum want here is determined by the player's aspiration. The following will describe each want.

Want Aspiration Aspiration Points Description Notes
Woohoo with 5 Sims Romance +1500 The fires of a Romance Aspiration an only be slated in the fires of passion! Go up to several Sims and 'Socialize' with them. Get at least 75 relationship points by flirting with each Sim and become lovers. Find one of the double beds and relax in it. Call over a lover and have them join, then select 'WooHoo'. Repeat with another 4 lovers.
Get family funds to §30,000 Wealth +2000 A Fortune Aspiration can only be satisfied one way. Simoleons! As many as you can carry! Keep going to work to earn more simoleons.
Master all skills Knowledge +1500 A Knowledge Aspiration Sim must learn all they can to be satisfied with life. Open the menu and check under the Skills tab to see what skills are left to do. Get 10 in all seven skills to complete the want.
Have 20 friends Popularity +2000 A Popularity Aspiration Sim needs as many friends as possible to be satisfied with life. Go up to several Sims and 'Socialize' with them. Get at least 40 relationship points with each Sim to become friends.
Make meal with a special effect Creativity +2000 A Creativity Aspiration Sim needs to experiment and create art to be satisfied with life. 'Get ingredients' from the fridge. Make any special effect meal, such as; Skill Boost, Aphrodesiac or the Energy Boost that was just made previously. For example, try the combination broccoli, apple and eggs to make some delicious Soup, Casserole or a Smoothie for a Skill boost effect.

Noel Howard's Wants
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Hire a maid Gold +150 Noel does not clean. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase a phone. Use it to call up Services and 'Hire a Maid'.
Play golf Gold +100 Every Sims should enjoy the finer things in life. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Miscellaneous tab and purchase the Driver Pro 2006: "Chip Shots." Walk up to it and select 'Hit Balls'. Make sure you have 2,500 Aspiration points to unlock it!
Buy a Painting worth over §1,000 Gold +150 A fine home needs fine art. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Decorative tab and purchase any painting worth at least §1,000.
Add a room Gold +750 You can never have too much space. Add a wing or several. Open the menu and go to the Build Catalog. Look under the Walls & Fences tab and purchase the "Wall". Build up something nice!
Master Charisma skill Gold +800 To be a success in business you need to know how to talk a good game. Head over to the Wall Mirror in the bedroom and select 'Practice Speaking' or 'Practice Kissing' Another way is to use the computer and choose 'Blog' to increase the Charisma skill until Noel reaches level 10.
Sell a great painting Gold +300 Noel is a multi-faceted individual. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Decorative tab and purchase the Independent Expressions, Inc. Easels. Creativity skill level 9 is required to produce a great painting, but Noel only has 6 points. Keep painting with the easel until Noel has obtained level 9. Alternatively, create a Skill boost meal by grabbing the ingredients; chicken, broccoli and apple to increase all skills by 3, then head over to the easel and quickly paint a picture and sell it.
Master Politics career Gold +2000 Gain the final promotion and then retire in style. Help Noel master his Politics career. Open the menu and check under the Career tab to see what skill and friend requirements he needs. Make sure he goes to work in a good mood! Beware: There is a chance he will not promote despite having all the requirements. Congratulations! You have completed all of Noel's goals. Now you can switch back to your Sim to continue.

Jessica Jones' Wants
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Buy a DJ Booth Gold +100 It's the perfect way to get a party started. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase the Turntablitz DJ Booth. Make sure you have 16,800 Aspiration points to unlock it!
Invite Sim Over Gold +120 Bring some new blood round to the mansion. Head over to the phone that was purchased previously. Use it to call up Don Lothario.
Party with an alien Gold +200 It doesn't matter what color you are, all Sims need to have fun. Wait for John Gray, Mary Gray, XY-XY Smith or XHT-F Smith to walk by and greet them or have your Sim attempt to call one of them on the phone to invite them over. Then, have Jessica go to the phone and select 'Throw Party'.
Get four Sims dancing Gold +300 Play the right music and all Sims will dance. Walk over to the stereo and turn it on. Then, select 'Dance'. You can wait for other Sims to join or switch control over them and have them dance until four Sims are simultaneously.
Use fireworks on DJ Booth Gold +100 Sims love a good light show. Go up to the DJ Booth that was purchased earlier and choose 'Fireworks'.
Use laser on DJ Booth Gold +100 This booth has some wicked effects. Go up to the DJ Booth that was purchased earlier and choose 'Laser'. Congratulations! You have completed all goals at Bio Dome. Now you can switch back to your Sim. Head out to the Call Box outside and travel to any location you haven't been to yet or revisit some friends.