There are Gold wants and a Platinum want that you must fulfill to unlock the next location. Completing both your wants and Betty's wants will unlock HMS Amore. There is a bonus location that can be unlocked by completing Hector's wants. The first table below are your wants. The second table is Betty's and the third table is Hector's.
Your Wants
Want Type
Aspiration Points
Reach level 5 in any career
Higher promotions mean more simoleons and more simoleons means more chances to spend.
Open the menu and check under the Career tab to see what skill and friend requirements you need. Make sure you go to work in a good mood! Beware: There is a chance you will not promote despite having all the requirements.
Earn §250
Send your Sim to work or start looking for simoleons elsewhere.
Don't miss your carpool!
Change clothes
This outfit doesn't really work on a yacht.
Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Miscellaneous tab and purchase either the DreaMaker "Fantasy" Dresser or The 'Tahdis' Wardrobe to change your clothes. Hint: You don't actually have to change anything if you don't want to, just select 'Change Clothes' then exit back out.
Buy something worth more than §300
A generous gift might warm the hearts of the other residents of HMS Amore.
Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Purchase anything that is at least §300.
Buy a Blender
A blender can help Sims make more elaborate meals.
Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Appliances tab and purchase either the LiquiTonic Blender or the Multiquick Blender.
Reach level 6 in any career
Higher promotions mean more simoleons and more simoleons means more chances to spend.
Open the menu and check under the Career tab to see what skill and friend requirements you need. Make sure you go to work in a good mood! Beware: There is a chance you will not promote despite having all the requirements.
Help Betty marry Nelson Longfellow
She might be able to give directions to an old abandoned movie lot... just fulfill all her gold wants!
Your Sim is done for now. Switch to Betty and complete her wants. Once this has been fulfilled Sunset Canyon will be unlocked.
Visit a different location
A big Sim in a small pond needs to explore the world sometimes.
Switch to Hector to complete his gold wants to unlock a bonus location. Otherwise, head out to the Call Box outside and travel to Sunset Canyon.
Betty's Wants
Want Type
Aspiration Points
Gain a Charisma skill point
A Sim can never be too charming.
Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Skill tab and purchase the Wall Mirror. Choose either 'Practice Speaking' or 'Practice Kissing' until a point is learned.
Become Friends with Nelson
Every romance must start somewhere.
Find Nelson and 'Socialize' with him. Get at least 40 points to become friends.
Gain a skill point in Body
Certain objects will increase a Sim's skills. Don't get frustrated, learning takes time.
Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Skill tab and purchase the Exerto Self-Spot Exercise Machine. Go to the bench and select 'Light Weightlifting'.
Make meal with Aphrodesiac Effect
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Try carrot, lime, and passionfruit for ingredients!
If any "Frood" Trees were harvested in the last location there should be some passionfruits in the fridge. If this is not the case then open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Miscellaneous tab and purchase the "Frood" Tree. Harvest the tree then 'Get ingredients' from the fridge. Follow the recipe carrot, lime, and passionfruit to make some delcious Sweet Vegetable Soup!
Give food to Nelson
Sims will accept food based on their relationship and personal tastes.
Find Nelson and select 'Give food to..' and choose Nelson. Give him have a taste of that soup!
Gain Charisma point
Nothing like a little Charisma to improve the odds.
Find the Wall Mirror that was purchased earlier and gain a Charisma skill point.
Buy a Painting
Surely that would help set the mood.
Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Decorative tab and purchase any painting.
Use 'Make Out' social on Nelson
It's time to make a move!
Find Nelson and 'Socialize' with him. Get at least 75 points by doing romantic interactions to become lovers. The ability to make out should then be available.
Marry Nelson
To marry another Sim just propose to them!
Now it's time to pop the question while in the mood. Use the 'Propose' social on Nelson. Congratulations! You have unlocked Sunset Canyon. Oh, and congratulations to the new couple. Now switch to Hector and complete his wants to unlock a bonus location. Otherwise switch back to your Sim. There is one want left to do here.
Hector's Wants
Want Type
Aspiration Points
Use 'Make Out' social on a Sim
Hector is a volcanic eruption of love.
Find any nearby Sim and 'Socialize' with them. Get at least 75 points by doing romantic interactions to become lovers. The ability to make out should then be available.
Play spin the bottle
It may sound a little juvenile but so is Hector. He must play and he must play now!
Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Miscellaneous tab and purchase the Spin the Bottle. Make sure you have 9,200 Aspiration points to unlock it!
Woohoo with a Sim
All passions must reach a crescendo! Hector wants to head for the bedroom.
Find one of the lovely double beds and relax in it. Call over the Sims you just used 'Make Out' social with and have them join. Select 'WooHoo'.
Use 'Make Out' social on 3 Sims
Why settle for one Sim when there are so many on the boat?
Find any nearby Sim and 'Socialize' with them. Get at least 75 points by doing romantic interactions to become lovers. The ability to make out should then be available. Repeat with a third Sim.
Get two Sims in a hot tub
Sims love hot tubs. Get a couple in one and see what happens.
Go outside and relax in one of the hot tubs. Do 'Ask To Join...' and select someone to join you.
WooHoo with 3 Sims!
Hector cannot be tied down!
Find one of the lovely double beds and relax in it. Call over one of the two new Sims you just used 'Make Out' social with and have them join. Select 'WooHoo'. Repeat with a third Sim. Congratulations! You have unlocked the bonus location Mesa Gallery. Now switch back to your Sim. There is one want left to do here.