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Mesa Gallery is a bonus location you can visit in Story Mode. Unlock it by completing Hector Fromagero's Gold wants in HMS Amore.

Sims[edit | edit source]

Patricia is unplayable unless you 'Propose' to them and get married or become best friends with them and 'Ask to Move in' on another lot.

Name Playable Job Aspiration Skills Zodiac Sign Personality
Jasmine Yves Yes Art, Level 4. Museum Guard Creativity Cooking 3, Creativity 8 Capricorn Neat 9, Outgoing 2, Active 2, Playful 10, Nice 6
Willy Weir Yes Unemployed Wealth Cooking 3 Aquarius Neat 0, Outgoing 1, Active 2, Playful 3, Nice 4
Rico Banana Yes Unemployed Romance Cooking 3 Libra Neat 3, Outgoing 10, Active 1, Playful 10, Nice 7
Patricia Pitts No Unemployed Creativity Cooking 3 Aries Neat 9, Outgoing 8, Active 7, Playful 6, Nice 5

Goals[edit | edit source]

There are Gold wants here to fulfill, but unlike other locations, completing these wants won't unlock anything. Although, it will count towards your progress for 'Sims Helped' if you want to 100% complete the game. There is an extra Gold want that can sometimes appear after completing Jasmine's first few Gold wants. It was likely meant to appear next in line, but it takes up the fourth slot instead. This extra want is optional.

Jasmine Yves' Wants
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Paint a picture Gold +150 Before Jasmine can organize a community of artists, she's got to be an artist herself. Go up to one of the easels in the back building, then select 'Paint'.
Sell a great painting Gold +300 Jasmine may dislike the commoditization of art, but she needs to get her work noticed. Go up to one of the easels in the back building, then select 'Paint' once again. This time, make sure Jasmine has 9 points in Creativity first before painting, then select 'Sell Painting'.
Reach level 5 in Art career Gold +200 Jasmine needs her own studio before Sims will start taking her ideas seriously. Help Jasmine move up in her Art career, she's only one level away. Open the menu and check under the Career tab to see what skill and friend requirements she needs. Make sure she goes to work in a good mood! Beware: There is a chance she will not promote despite having all the requirements.
Write a blog Gold +300 What's the fastest way for Jasmine to spread her idea to as many Sims as possible, using the least amount of effort? The internet of course! Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase any computer. Go up to it and select 'Blog'.
Get 6 friends Gold +500 Organizing over the internet isn't enough, Sims are content to sit at their computers and make snide, anonomous comments. Jasmine will have to grow her social network the old fashioned way. Jasmine should already have 2 friends. Socialize with 4 different Sims and get at least 40 relationship points with each.
Have at least §10,000 Gold +500 Building a stable economy made entirely of starving artists is more difficult than Jasmine imagined. She's going to need some cash! Go to work to earn some cash until there's at least §10,000 in family funds.
Buy a Sculpture Gold +100 Now that Jasmine has enough simoleons to fund her alternative, utopian vision (at least for a few days), it's time to start decorating. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Decorative tab and purchase any sculpture.
Buy a Painting worth at least §500 Gold +150 Don't deny a Sim the finer things in life. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Decorative tab and purchase any painting worth at least §500.
Throw a party Gold +150 Now that everything is set up the only things missing from this party are Sims! Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase a phone. Go to the phone and select 'Throw Party'. Make sure it's not in the middle of the night.
Wear a costume Gold +200 Jasmine wants to let loose her inner party spirit, and wear something out of the costume trunk... or nothing at all! Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Miscellaneous tab and purchase a Pathologie Costume Trunk. Go up to the Costume Trunk and choose anything, but nothing doesn't count. Make sure you have 18,600 aspiration points to unlock it!
Get four Sims dancing Gold +300 Play the right music and all Sims will cast aside their chains and dance. Go up to the stereo in the back building and select 'Play Music', then 'Dance'. Switch to other Sims and have them join.
Play spin the bottle Gold +180 Jasmine has the urge to play kissing games. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Miscellaneous tab and purchase the Spin the Bottle. Go up to it and select 'Play'. Make sure you have 9,200 aspiration points to unlock it!
Have 3 lovers Gold +500 Jasmine feels confined by the social construct of monogamy. Socialize with 3 different Sims and get at least 75 relationship points with each by doing flirty interactions to become lovers. Be careful about getting caught. Congratulations! You have completed all goals at the Mesa Gallery. Now you can switch back to your Sim. Head out to the Call Box outside and travel to any location you haven't been to yet or revisit some friends.

Jasmine's Optional Gold Want
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Gain a Creativity point Gold +100 Jasmine will have to work on her artistic skills before she can sell her work successfully. Go up to one of the easels in the back building to work on Jasmine's Creativity skill, then select 'Paint'. Reminder: Completing this want is optional.