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Sunset Canyon is the fifth location you will visit in Story Mode.

Sims[edit | edit source]

Most of the Sims here are ghosts. Spooky! Go talk to the Grim Reaper to return them to life.

Name Playable Job Aspiration Skills Zodiac Sign Personality
Red S. Hirt Yes Unemployed Popularity Cooking 3 Pisces Neat 0, Outgoing 0, Active 0, Playful 0, Nice 10
Helga Mandrake Yes Unemployed Creativity Cooking 3 Cancer Neat 5, Outgoing 5, Active 5, Playful 5, Nice 5
Billy Specter Yes Unemployed Wealth Cooking 3 Gemini Neat 0, Outgoing 10, Active 10, Playful 0, Nice 0
Sheila Deadbones Yes Unemployed Romance Cooking 3 Cancer Neat 5, Outgoing 5, Active 5, Playful 5, Nice 5

Goals[edit | edit source]

There are Gold wants and a Platinum want that you must fulfill to unlock the next location. Completing both your wants and Red S' wants will unlock Tranquility Falls. There is a bonus location that can be unlocked by completing Billy's wants. The first table below are your wants. The second table is Red S' and the third table is Billy's.

Your Wants
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Help take out trash Gold +100 This place is a pigsty! Find some trash in the back of the lot and throw it away.
Buy a Metal Detector Gold +100 This is the perfect place for some prospecting. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase the Madcap Miner Metal Detector. Make sure you have 12,000 Aspiration points to unlock it!
Find treasure with metal detector Gold +300 There must be something valuable buried around here somewhere. Go up to the Metal Detector and select 'Grab Detector' Walk around with it and notice the colored ring. Blue means nothing is there, light blue means you are close, but white means you hit the jackpot! Select 'More...' and choose 'Dig' once you see white and hear the buzzing become more rapid.
Wear a costume Gold +200 To blend in with the locals in some locations a Sim needs to dress up a little. Buy a costume trunk and get in character! Head over to the front left building and there will be a costume trunk. Wear something fun!
Serve meal to Red S. Gold +100 Maybe a decent meal would cheer him up? Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Appliances tab and purchase a Refrigerator. Cook up a tasty meal and give it to Red S.
Reach level 7 in any career Gold +600 This is no time to forget about your job. Open the menu and check under the Career tab to see what skill and friend requirements you need. Make sure you go to work in a good mood! Beware: There is a chance you will not promote despite having all the requirements.
Help Red S. Platinum +500 He wants to resurrect his long lost silver screen idol. Helping him could lead you to Tranquility Falls. Your Sim is done for now. Switch to Red S. and complete his wants. Once this has been fulfilled Tranquility Falls will be unlocked.
Visit a different location Gold +100 A big Sim in a small pond needs to explore the world sometimes. Switch to Billy to complete his gold wants to unlock a bonus location. Otherwise, head out to the Call Box outside and travel to Tranquility Falls.

Red S' Wants
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Call the shrink Gold +130 Red S. hasn't been feeling right since his lost love Helga died. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase the Wireless Wall Phone. Go to the phone and select 'Services...' then choose 'Therapist'.
Gain a Creativity point Gold +100 His movie career may have faltered, but Red S. still wants to be creative. Find the Piano and play some music until a Creativity point is gained.
Play the guitar Gold +200 Perhaps the life of a musician would suit Red S.? Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Skill tab and purchase the "Does it Rock!" Electric Guitar. Go to the guitar and select 'Play'.
Paint a picture Gold +150 Clearly music isn't working yet, so try art... Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Skill tab and purchase the Independent Expressions, Inc. Easel then go up to it and select 'Paint'.
Resurrect Helga Gold +300 She's been dead for years, but this former matinee idol still holds sway over Red S. Switch over to Helga and find the Grim Reaper. He should be wondering around the lot. Then select 'Return to Life'.
Fill Social motive Gold +50 Red S. has been lonely too long. It's time to generate a social life! Find a Sim for Red S. to socialize with. Keep doing interactions until the Social Moodlet is full.
Be loved by Helga Gold +400 A lifetime of worshiping his celluloid idol is too little! Find Helga and 'Socialize' with her. Get at least 75 points by doing romantic interactions to become lovers.
Kiss Helga Gold +120 Now that she's alive again she's really quite attractive... Now that Red S. and Helga are lovers the option for 'Make Out' should be available. If this fails and they become crushes, the option to 'Smooch' works as well.
Cuddle in bed with Helga Gold +200 Sometimes just snuggling is the best. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Seating & Beds tab and purchase a double bed. Go to the bed and relax in it. Now call over Helga and have her join. Once both are in bed relaxing the option to select 'Cuddle' should be available. Congratulations! You have unlocked Tranquility Falls. Oh, and congratulations to Red S. and Helga! Now switch to Billy and complete his wants to unlock a bonus location. Otherwise switch back to your Sim. There is one want left to do here.

Billy's Wants
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Return to life Gold +250 There's only so much fun to be had in Sunset when you're dead... Find the Grim Reaper. He should be wondering around the lot. Then select 'Return to Life'.
Dance on Sheila's grave Gold +250 Billy never liked her anyway. Find the graveyard near the back of the lot. Walk up to the first Memorial and select 'Dance'.
Become Enemies with Helga Gold +300 Billy has enough friends already. Find Helga and 'Socialize' with her. Slap her around! Hint: A fast way to become enemies with Helga is to dance on her Memorial. Hers is the third, farthest back.
Become an Arch Enemy with Helga Gold +350 Sometimes Sims just can't get along. Find Helga and 'Socialize' with her. Slap her around! Hint: A fast way to become enemies with Helga is to dance on her Memorial. Hers is the third, farthest back.
Throw a party Gold +150 What better reason is there to party then being newly resurrected? Go to the phone and select 'Throw party'. Make sure it's not the middle of the night. Congratulations! You have unlocked the bonus location The Orbit Room. Now switch back to your Sim. There is one want left to do here.