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The Orbit Room is a bonus location you can visit in Story Mode. Unlock it by completing Billy Specter's Gold Wants in Sunset Canyon.

Sims[edit | edit source]

The Orbit Room Introduction  - There's an error where Phil Phantasm and Turk Johnson refer to each other as "nephew" and "uncle" despite their biography saying they're cousins.

The residents here are Jessie and her lover Turk. Phil and Turk are cousins and business partners that run a music studio together. Despite both their bio's saying they are cousins, the cut-scene that plays when you first visit this location shows Phil referring to Turk as his nephew. Turk also refers to Phil as his uncle.

Name Playable Job Aspiration Skills Zodiac Sign Personality
Phil Phantasm Yes Business, Level 5. Executive Wealth Cooking 3, Charisma 2 Taurus Neat 2, Outgoing 10, Active 0, Playful 10, Nice 0
Turk Johnson Yes Unemployed Creativity Cooking 3 Libra Neat 0, Outgoing 10, Active 5, Playful 3, Nice 7
Jessie Rose Yes Unemployed Romance Cooking 3 Aquarius Neat 6, Outgoing 0, Active 5, Playful 10, Nice 7

Goals[edit | edit source]

There are Gold wants here to fulfill, but unlike other locations, completing these wants won't unlock anything. Although, it will count towards your progress for 'Sims Helped' if you want to 100% complete the game.

Phil Phantasm's Wants
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Build a recording studio room Gold +750 For Phil to become a successful record producer, he'll need a space to record manufactured boy bands and flavor-of-the-month singers. Open the menu and go to the Build Catalog. Look under the Walls & Fences tab and purchase "Wall". Build up a new room!
Buy a Stereo Gold +100 That 'Plastic Parent' tape recorder might be good enough for recording demo tapes, but Phil needs something with a little more bass. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase any stereo.
Invite a Sim over Gold +120 Call a Sim on the phone and invite them over. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase a phone. Use it to call up Noel Howard.
Buy a Computer worth over §2,000 Gold +150 Phil will need a nice setup to digitally add lip-syncing, pitch-correction, and uh... talent, if he wants to see his music videos on SimTV. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase either the U-Probe-It Computing Organism or the P5 4400SX+ DS. Make sure you have 15,100 or 6,100 Aspiration points to unlock them respectively.
Buy a Metal Detector Gold +100 What better tool to allow Phil to look through all the "false metal" bands and find the next impaled Celtic Moon Funeral Throne Lords...of Death Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase the Madcap Miner Metal Detector. Make sure you have 12,000 Aspiration points to unlock it!
Reach career level 6 in the Business career Gold +200 More skill, more Simoleons, more excitement. Help Phil move up in his Business career, he's only one level away. Open the menu and check under the Career tab to see what skill and friend requirements he needs. Make sure he goes to work in a good mood! Beware: There is a chance he will not promote despite having all the requirements.
Buy an Arcade Game Gold +100 A retro arcade game should provide Phil with the inspiraitonal mix of nostalgia and electronic music that are all the rage these days. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase any Arcade Game.
Throw a party Gold +150 Industry parties are the best way to maintain and expand your social network. Go to the phone and select 'Throw Party'. Make sure it's not in the middle of the night!
Dance Gold +100 Sometimes a Sim needs to have some fun. Head out to the DJ Booth in the little studio room out back. Select it and choose 'Dance'.
Master the Business career Gold +2000 Every Sim wants to be the boss eventually. Help Phil master his Business career. Open the menu and check under the Career tab to see what skill and friend requirements he needs. Make sure he goes to work in a good mood! Beware: There is a chance he will not promote despite having all the requirements. Congratulations! You have completed all goals at The Orbit Room. Now you can switch back to your Sim. Head out to the Call Box outside and travel to any location you haven't been to yet or revisit some friends.