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Tranquility Falls is the sixth location you will visit in Story Mode.

Sims[edit | edit source]

Name Playable Job Aspiration Skills Zodiac Sign Personality
Chantal Leer Yes Unemployed Creativity Cooking 3, Creativity 7 Libra Neat 5, Outgoing 10, Active 0, Playful 10, Nice 5
Candi Cupp Yes Unemployed Wealth Cooking 3 Libra Neat 3, Outgoing 5, Active 0, Playful 10, Nice 10
Goopi Gilscarbo Yes Unemployed Knowledge Cooking 3 Cancer Neat 5, Outgoing 0, Active 5, Playful 5, Nice 8
Larry Liu Yes Crime, Level 2. Shoplifter Popularity Cooking 3 Gemini Neat 3, Outgoing 10, Active 10, Playful 7, Nice 7

Goals[edit | edit source]

There are Gold wants and a Platinum want that you must fulfill to unlock the next location. Completing both your wants and Chantal's wants will unlock Alien Crash Site. There is a bonus location that can be unlocked by completing Larry's wants. The first table below are your wants. The second table is Chantal's and the third table is Larry's.

Your Wants
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Use the massage table Gold +200 A bit of relaxing here at Tranquility Falls is a great way to start. Buy a massage table if you haven't already! Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase the "Magic Fingers" Hydraulic Massage. Make sure you have 6,500 aspiration points to unlock it!
Use 'Talk' social on Larry Gold +50 It's rude to stay in a Sim's house without an introduction. Find Larry and 'Socialize' with him then select the 'Talk' interaction.
Gain a skill point in Mechanical Gold +100 Certain objects will increase a Sim's skills. Don't get frustrated, learning takes time. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Skill tab and purchase either a Bookcase, Chess Set, or Rocket Bench. Study Mechanical until one point is gained.
Build walls Gold +100 This place needs more space! Open the menu and go to the Build Catalog. Look under the Walls & Fences tab and purchase "Wall". Build up a new room!
Buy a Genie Lamp Gold +100 Make a wish but keep an eye on your aspiration meter. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Miscellaneous tab and purchase the Defective Arcade Genie Lamp. Go make a wish if you dare! Make sure you have 5,300 aspiration points to unlock it.
Buy something worth more than §300 Gold +150 Remodelling walls and floors isn't enough. New objects are required. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Purchase anything that is at least §300.
Reach level 8 in any career Gold +700 At higher job levels Sims really begin to rake in the cash. Open the menu and check under the Career tab to see what skill and friend requirements you need. Make sure you go to work in a good mood! Beware: There is a chance you will not promote despite having all the requirements.
Buy something worth more than §1,000 Gold +150 Sims can also sell objects for extra cash and redesign entire rooms or locations. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Purchase anything that is at least §1,000. Hint: Trying to sell objects that you did not buy yourself won't give you cash because it is not your property. It will simply be deleted for §0.
Visit another location Gold +100 It's always worth taking a look at how things are going around town. Head out to the Call Box outside and visit some old friends!
Help Chantal Platinum +500 She has grand designs for Tranquility Falls and she also knows the secret crash site location in Strangeville... Your Sim is done for now. Travel back to Tranquility Falls then switch to Chantal and complete her wants. Once this has been fulfilled Alien Crash Site will be unlocked.
Visit a different location Gold +100 A big Sim in a small pond needs to explore the world sometimes. Switch to Larry to complete his gold wants to unlock a bonus location. Otherwise, head out to the Call Box outside and travel to Alien Crash Site.

Chantal's Wants
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Change clothes Gold +200 A new wardrobe is the best way to start a new day. But you need a wardrobe first. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Miscellaneous tab and purchase either the DreaMaker "Fantasy" Dresser or The 'Tahdis' Wardrobe to change your clothes. Hint: You don't actually have to change anything if you don't want to, just select 'Change Clothes' then exit back out.
Buy a Fountain Gold +100 A water feature is the best way to liven up an exterior location. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Plumbing tab and purchase the Piazza Amoretto Fountain. Make sure you have 3,100 aspiration points to unlock it!
Add a room Gold +750 A new room for Tranquility would realign its feng shui. Choose carefully... Open the menu and go to the Build Catalog. Look under the Walls & Fences tab and purchase the "Wall". Build up something nice!
Buy any object Gold +100 An empty room is like an empty heart. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Purchase any item.
Buy 4 lights Gold +500 A Sim can't live in darkness! Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Lighting tab and purchase any 4 lights.
Master Creativity skill Gold +800 An artist always needs to stay sharp. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Skill tab and purchase any Creativity skill gaining object, such as the Piano. Get up to 10 points in Creativity to master it.
Buy something worth more than §500 Gold +150 You always get what you pay for. A better object satisfies needs more efficiently. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Purchase anything that is at least §500.
Get Art career Gold +50 It's time for a change of life! A new career equals a fresh start. Find the newspaper or use a computer to 'Find a Job'. Keep checking until the Art career is available. Congratulations! You have unlocked Alien Crash Site. Now switch to Larry and complete his wants to unlock a bonus location. Otherwise switch back to your Sim. There is one want left to do here.

Larry's Wants
Wants Want Type Aspiration Points Description Notes
Skip work Gold +200 A sim's life doesn't have to be all work. When the carpool arrives for Larry, don't go. Enjoy the day off!
Make prank call Gold +120 Sim can be so serious. Larry wants to liven things up a little. Find the phone in the back building and select 'Prank...' Choose whatever is desired!
Fill Fun need Gold +50 It's so dull around here sometimes. Let's have some fun! Go to the back building and into the right room to play some games or relax in the hot tub to fill up Larry's Fun need.
Buy an object worth at least §500 Gold +150 Don't deny a Sim the finer things in life. Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Purchase anything that is at least §500.
Play game with a Sim Gold +120 Help these Sims loosen up a little. Go to the back building and into the right room to play some games then 'Call over' a Sim to join.
Design a computer game Gold +200 How hard can it be? You just play games all day in the games industry, right? If a computer wasn't bought already, then open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Electronics tab and purchase any computer. Go to the computer and select 'Design Video Game'.
Be Friends with Chantal Gold +300 Every Sim needs friends to have fun. Find Chantal and 'Socialize' with her. Get at least 40 points to become friends.
Fill Fun need Gold +50 No fun makes Larry a dull boy. Go to the back building and into the right room to play some games or relax in the hot tub to fill up Larry's Fun need.
Make nausea meal Gold +500 Making Sims sick is hilarious! Open the menu and go to the Buy Catalog. Look under the Appliances tab to purchase a Refrigerator. Also, purchase a counter. You should already have squid and eel from harvesting an aquarium earlier, but if not, purchase that too. Go to the fridge and grab the ingredients squid and eel. Make carpaccio at the counter.
Give food to Candi Gold +100 Which sort of meal will get the funniest results? Find Candi and give her the meal that was just prepared. Congratulations! You have unlocked the bonus location Jugen House. Now switch back to your Sim. There is one want left to do here.