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AC Arcade (the default method)
FC Famicom
GB Game Boy (original and Namco Gallery Vol. 2)
PS PlayStation (Namco Museum Vol. 3)
AT Famicom & Game Boy "Another Tower"
ATp PlayStation "Another Tower" (composed of different mazes and enemies)

If you do not see FC, GB, or PS in the table, then the method is the same as for the Arcade version.

Floor 31[edit | edit source]

Floor 31


Treasure: Pearl
This precious stone has the power to stop dragons in their tracks and prevent them from moving about the floor when you are near.
AC Press the 1 Player Start button. In Namco Museum Battle Collection on PSP, press Select button. In Namco Museum DS, press Start button.
FC Press Select button.
PS Press Start button to pause the game, then unpause it.
GB Walk (completely) through the starting point of the stage three times.
AT Stay in the middle of a block at the outer wall, and keep the sword drawn for 10 seconds until the appears.
ATp Press the Open button on the PlayStation to open the CD lid, then close the CD lid. If playing on the PS2 or PS3 eject the CD and re-insert it. It may take a few seconds to appear.

Floor 32[edit | edit source]

Floor 32


Treasure: Balance
This balance is just as important as the last one, as it is needed to collect the Hyper Shield. Without it, the on Floor 33 would become the Evil Shield, possessing a diminished ability to block spells.
AC Draw the sword twice in quick succession. This takes a little timing. You should visibly see the sword get drawn and put away twice.
GB Draw the sword in one of the four corners, but make sure that you don't accidentally destroy your pickax in the process! (Note: This does not appear to be fully correct, but the corners are definitely involved somehow.)
AT Defeat the when it is facing south.
ATp Defeat every without ever returning the sword to its sheath. So once you draw the sword to defeat one , you must leave it out until every other is defeated. Try to start out in such a way that you can defeat two in one shot whenever they overlap.

Floor 33[edit | edit source]

Floor 33


Treasure: Hyper Shield
The best shield in the game, no other shield can match this shield's ability to block the evil spells of the magicians. This treasure will be the Evil Shield if the Balance is not collected which will prevent Gil from blocking more spell attacks. Do not obtain this treasure if you did not obtain the Balance. It will be lost for good when you are zapped to a lower floor.
AC Pass through the .
GB Defeat the .
AT Defeat both before any other enemy.
ATp There are exactly 4 walls in this stage, and they must all be destroyed. (whether by pickaxe or by dragon breath) But they are rendered invisible once gameplay begins, so you must try to remember their location when the stage is being introduced. They are located at 2 rows and 4 columns left of the BOTTOM RIGHT corner, 5 rows and 7 columns from the BOTTOM RIGHT corner, 3 rows and 0 columns from the BOTTOM LEFT corner and 2 rows and 4 columns from the UPPER LEFT.

Floor 34[edit | edit source]

Floor 34


Treasure: Key Detection Book (a. k. a. Book of Keys)
Without this book, the on the next floor (35) won't be visible to you so you will unable to advance to Floor 36. Collect the Book of Keys and keys will be visible.
AC Defeat one particular . The correct one is random.
AT Either collect the and then pass through a , or do those two steps in reverse order. In either case, the cannot be killed before the treasure appears.
ATp Cross paths with a while you stand motionless. Just like the original game, the correct one is random.

Floor 35[edit | edit source]

Floor 35


Treasure: Potion of Energy Drain
Hopefully, you have not taken any of the previous energy draining potions, and you shouldn't collect this one either.
AC Cross paths with both .
AT Defeat the two , then block a spell from a .
ATp Defeat both .

Floor 36[edit | edit source]

Floor 36


Treasure: Balance
This set of scales is required to properly reveal the Hyper Helmet on the next floor. Without it, the Helmet revealed will be the Evil Helmet, which decreases your overall health.
AC Pass through a flame.
AT Cross paths with a while standing still.
ATp Stand directly on top of a flame and draw the sword repeatedly.

Floor 37[edit | edit source]

Floor 37


Treasure: Hyper Helmet
Like the Power Potion, this winged armored helmet increases Gil's energy. However, if you did not collect the Balance, this treasure will contain the Evil Helmet, and affect Gil's health. If you did not obtain the Balance, this treasure should be avoided. You will lose this for good if you are zapped to a lower floor.
AC Defeat both , then cross paths with a .
FC Same as in AC. The only difference is that the Evil Helmet also increases energy like the Hyper Helmet, but Gil cannot defeat Druaga with wrong helmet.
GB Defeat the , then cross paths with a .
AT Defeat a , then cross paths with a .
ATp Cross paths with, in any order, .

Floor 38[edit | edit source]

Floor 38


Treasure: Green Crystal Rod
Like many treasures before it, this rod is necessary to collect the greater rods to come.
AC Block a spell from a with your sword drawn. You may only do this when spells approach the direction the shield is facing. It is recommended you do this in a corner, where the shots can only come from two directions.
AT Same as AC.
ATp Defeat the and the , but do not defeat the .

Floor 39[edit | edit source]

Floor 39


Treasure: Red ring
This ring grants you protection from the touch of a . Possession of this ring is necessary later on, but be aware that you will lose the Green Ring, and the protection from that it provided.
AC Enter Up dpad x2 Down dpad x5.
GB There will be Ropers on this floor. Wait until the timer drops below 10,000, and pass through one of the Ropers.
AT Keep walking while remaining in contact with any outer wall for approximately 10 seconds.
ATp Defeat the fake (slow) .

Floor 40[edit | edit source]

Floor 40


Treasure: Potion of Death
As the name implies, this is not a potion that you should attempt to collect. It causes time to count down much faster, giving you less time to complete the floor.
AC Cross paths with a when the timer is below 10000.
FC Cross paths with a regardless of timer.
GB Exit the floor normally. Face the next mini-boss, two giant wizards. Defeating one of them will make the appear, and you have no choice but to pick it up.
AT Defeat an enemy.
ATp Complete the steps in the following order:
  1. Collect the and open the .
  2. Draw the sword repeatedly to make the appear.
  3. Collect the . At that point, 10 will appear. Of the 10, only one of them will not be affected by the Pearl (it will not stand still when you come close.)
  4. Defeat this . At that point, will appear.
  5. You must let reach the and escape before you exit the floor or you will be zapped back to the previous floor.